786 research outputs found

    Multi-organ dysfunction secondary to yellow scorpion sting

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    Scorpion stings are common in tropical and subtropical regions. The history and clinical manifestation warrant urgent recognition and treatment. The incidence of scorpion stings in Pakistan is not known as there is no published data available in literature. We report our experience of a yellow scorpion sting victim who required intensive care admission after developing multi-organ dysfunction

    Petrophysics based Reservoir Evaluation of the Cretaceous Lower Goru “C” Sands, Middle Indus Basin, Sindh, Pakistan

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    This study demonstrates the reservoir investigation of the Cretaceous Lower Goru “C” sand interval using exploratory well data from the middle Indus basin of Sindh. The petrophysical parameters including volume of shale, effective porosity, and water saturation of the investigated reservoir interval were calculated. The shale volume calculation results in 30–35% of non-clean (shale) lithology, which is high as compared to Sawan-01 and Sawan-08 wells. The effective porosity ranges from 12–16%, while the average value of water saturation in the complete interval of “C” sand falls in the range of 50–60%. However, certain zones with relatively lower water saturation values of around 30-50% are also observed. These zones are considered better pay zones in comparison to the other intervals. A “gas effect” phenomenon observed on cross plots represents the area of neutron-density cross-over indicating the presence of lighter hydrocarbons in this reservoir zone interva

    Association of Big Data with Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Online Retail Segment: A Serial Mediation Model for Relating Big Data with Strategic Management Tools

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    Purpose: Big-Data is one of the most studied and researched topics of recent times. The tool has been studied vastly in the western world. However, the domains were either related to science and technology, although there is a need to relate Big Data to strategic management and competitive advantage to remove the lack of research in that vein. Methodology: This study is systematically conducted to explore the effect of big data on the attainment of business improvement in the online retail segment. The model has been developed through an in-depth literature review to relate the resource-based view with the attainment of sustainable competitive advantage through serial mediation of big-data analytics knowledge and innovative capabilities. Data was collected through non-probability sampling from IT managers and specialists associated with the online retail segment and analysis was conducted through SMART-PLS. Findings: Results indicated that big data is for the improvement of business for the online retail segment. However, data availability is a must for applying big-data analytics toward sustainable competitive advantage. Conclusion: This study concludes that all the relations and indicates that Bug-Data is fruitful for booting advanced knowledge and innovative capabilities. However, the onlin IT sector needs to have some other elements like advanced IT skills to legitimize the relationshi

    Long-run Performance of Public vs. Private Sector Initial Public Offerings in Pakistan

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    The private sector had its major share in the economic development of the country in the early years of its independence in the 1950s. However, the private sector suffered a set back in the early 1970s, when a huge process of nationalisation of a large number of private industrial units was undertaken by the then government. Over the decades these enterprises were not professionally managed and the political influences in the management and running of these enterprises played havoc with them and consequently the experiment proved to be a failure. Attending to the weaknesses and inefficiencies inherent in the public sector enterprises, privatisation was systematically initiated by the then government in the early 1990s. Various privatisation commissions were set up in subsequent years and the privatisation process got some momentum during the present government and many large and profitable firms were privatised in the last few years, particularly at a time when the overall climate in the country was responsive and conducive for investment. The government, however, privatised many enterprises through public offerings on individual-case basis

    Pakistan-Us Alien Associations in the Perspective of Media and Geo-Politics

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    In Asia, the exceptionally associated accomplice of United States is Pakistan. Three essential commitments are investigated as far as Pakistan- United States contact together with the Cold Pakistan is the main exchange companion of America and requires developing its fare base in America particularly in the territory of cotton related items while allowing for the arrangement of amount organized commerce with America. To the extent worldwide harmony quality is concerned, Pakistan is constantly expected to be a critical partner of worldwide affiliation. This paper is talking about the Pakistan- United States association with regards to Media and Geopolitics particularly at the time of 2000-2015 and furthermore featured that the said association can help the monetary presentation of together the nations on one hand and upgrades the tranquility of the district on another hand. Keywords: Pakistan, United States, Geo Politics, Media DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/80-03 Publication date: February 29th 202

    The Impact of Marketing Mix and Market Orientation on Export Performance

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    The study focuses on the marketing mix and market orientation on export performance due to the significance of foreign businesses. Theory posits that marketing mix and market orientation have a positive impact on export performance. Although the paper is conceptual base and the model proposed is required to check their reliability that firm with size, information system, and commitment with availability of market mix and market orientation formally. However, with the modification of technology enhances the export performance in a better way. The authors concluded that the practical implementation of export’s marketing strategies identically facilitated the companies for future success