51 research outputs found

    Co-inheritance of ?- and ?-thalassemia in a Bangladeshi family

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    The double heterozygous state of ? and ?thalassemia is a relatively rare genetic disorder in Bangladesh which may alter the hematological indices and modify the phenotypic features of thalassemia. An 8 year old boy of a non-consanguineous couple who inherited both ? and ?thalassemia gene from his parents had presented with only mild anemia. Capillary hemoglobin electrophoresis showed the hemoglobin patterns which were in favor of the diagnosis of combined heterozygous alpha and beta thalassaemia carrier. Although molecular genetic study of the boy confirmed the presence of IVS 15 G>C point mutation for ?thalassemia but could not detect ?thalassemia gene as the sample was tested for only five most common ?thalassemia gene mutation which is not as much prevalent in Bangladesh. However, basing on the family screening and the hemoglobin pattern on capillary hemoglobin electrophoresis, it can be concluded that the boy is certainly carrying both ? and ?thalassemia gene

    Dose- and time-related platelet response with apheresis platelet concentrates and pooled platelets

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    This study was carried out to compare the post-transfusion platelet increment between the apheresis platelet concentrate (n=74) and pooled platelets (n=54). Pre- and post-transfusion platelet count of the recipient were carried out by automated hematology analyzer. In apheresis platelet concentrate group, the mean 24 hours post-transfusion platelet increment was 47 x 109/L which was statistically significant (p<0.001). On the other hand, in pooled platelets group, the mean 24 hours posttransfusions platelet count increment was 11.0 x 109/L which was also statistically significant (p<0.001). This study concluded that the transfusion of apheresis platelet concentrate was more useful than the transfusion of pooled platelets in terms of platelet count increment and requirement of donor

    Dose- and time-related platelet response with apheresis platelet concentrates and pooled platelets

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    This study was carried out to compare the post-transfusion platelet increment between the apheresis platelet concentrate (n=74) and pooled platelets (n=54). Pre- and post-transfusion platelet count of the recipient were carried out by automated hematology analyzer. In apheresis platelet concentrate group, the mean 24 hours post-transfusion platelet increment was 47 x 109/L which was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). On the other hand, in pooled platelets group, the mean 24 hours posttransfusions platelet count increment was 11.0 x 109/L which was also statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). This study concluded that the transfusion of apheresis platelet concentrate was more useful than the transfusion of pooled platelets in terms of platelet count increment and requirement of donor

    Dose- and time-related platelet response with apheresis platelet concentrates and pooled platelets

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    This study was carried out to compare the post-transfusion platelet increment between the apheresis platelet concentrate (n=74) and pooled platelets (n=54). Pre- and post-transfusion platelet count of the recipient were carried out by automated hematology analyzer. In apheresis platelet concentrate group, the mean 24 hours post-transfusion platelet increment was 47 x 109/L which was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). On the other hand, in pooled platelets group, the mean 24 hours posttransfusions platelet count increment was 11.0 x 109/L which was also statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). This study concluded that the transfusion of apheresis platelet concentrate was more useful than the transfusion of pooled platelets in terms of platelet count increment and requirement of donor

    An atypical presentation and diagnostic dilemma of sickle cell disease

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    A 5½ year old male child of a consanguineous couple presented with moderately high fever, hepatosplenomegaly and severe pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen for four days. On examination, the child was found severely anemic, ill-looking and mildly icteric but the abdomen was soft and non-tender. Radiological investigations and ultrasonography of the whole abdomen revealed the diagnosis of space occupying lesions which may be either due to splenic abscess/cyst or leukemia/lymphoma. However, blood film revealed the features of hereditary hemolytic anemia and later on hemoglobin electrophoresis initially commented as HbSbeta thalassemia but subsequent family screening of the patient turned out to a case of homozygous sickle cell anemia or sickle cell disease. To resolve such diagnostic dilemma, it is very much essential to analyze critically the history including family history, clinical and physical findings as well as investigational findings

    Compound heterozygosity for hemoglobin D and hemoglobin E

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    We present two cases of compound heterozygous state for hemoglobin (Hb) D and HbE who reported to the hospital for fever and incidentally found moderate microcytic hypochromic anemia. Later on they were investigated by capillary hemoglobin electrophoresis. Capillary Hb electrophoresis revealed compound heterozygous state for hemoglobin D and hemoglobin E. On family screening, father of one patient turned out to be HbD trait and mother as HbE trait. Due to unavailability of parents and siblings of other patient, family screening was not possible. Compound or double heterozygous state for HbD and HbE is rare. There are only six published reported cases of such double heterozygous state for HbD and HbE in Southeast Asia. Marriage between third degree relatives, which are more common among Muslims as well as inter caste marriages, common in some states of India have resulted into this compound heterozygous condition. Such double heterozygous case is clinically silent as compared to HbE/beta thalassemia or HbD/beta thalassemia

    Christmas Disease (Hemophilia B) A Case Report

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    We report a 25 years old man developed Haemarthrosis of left hip joint with a history of recurrent swelling and pain in multiple joints and prolonged bleeding following minor trauma since childhood. Subsequent investigations revealed Christmas disease (Haemophilia B). Hemophilia B is an X-linked bleeding disorder. This case emphasises the importance of considering a diagnosis of haemophilia in a man with unexplained bleeding, even in the absence of a positive family history. DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v2i2.4766 BSMMU J 2009; 2(2): 90-9

    Monitoring of Groundwater Quality in Arsenic and Salinity Prone Areas of Jashore, Bangladesh

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    The groundwater contamination by arsenic is a large-scale pollution in drinking water history. Safe water supply is a big challenge due to critical hydrogeological situation and water quality problems in this area. The analytical results show that a range of pH, TDS, chloride, total alkalinity, total hardness, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron and arsenic were found between 7.50-7.23, 504.00-201.00 mg/L, 90.30-31.43 mg/L, 410.81-174.31mg/L, 616.47-202.97 mg/L, 52.59-13.28 mg/L, 17.13-2.87 mg/L, 108.57-44.53 mg/L, 83.87-22.29 mg/L, 1.78-0.01 mg/L, 11.78-1.45 mg/L, 0.42-0.02 mg/L, respectively. This study will help making a future plan for groundwater quality monitoring and its hydrogeological application for safe water source identificatio

    Rheumatoid Arthritis with Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT): A Case Report

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    A 25-year-old lady presented with pain and swelling with restricted movement of right lower limb for one month. She had arthritis involving multiple large and small joints of hands and feet over the last 4 years and was diagnosed as a case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 2 years back. She had been taking disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD) - methotrexate since then and continued it for one year. Subsequent investigations revealed that she developed deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of right posterior tibial and calf veins but no other predisposing factor was found. This case emphasize on the consideration of developing DVT in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis. &nbsp;DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i2.7063BSMMU J 2010; 3(2): 110-11