415 research outputs found

    Duty-free market access in the Republic of Korea: Potential for least developed countries and Bangladesh

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    The paper attempts to assess the benefits of Duty-Free and Quota-Free Market (DFQF) access initiatives of the Republic of Korea for least developed countries (LDCs), which have been in place since 1 January 2008. Following a brief introduction on the background of this initiative, this paper examines the exports profile of LDCs, reviews the DFQF scheme of the Republic of Korea, and assesses the potential benefits of the DFQF scheme for LDCs as well as Bangladesh. The export profile of LDCs shows that the share of those countries in world exports in recent years has increased; this can be attributed to price increases for petroleum constituting a major share of LDC total exports. The Republic of Korea is the tenth largest destination of LDC exports, which indicates that the DFQF initiatives of the Republic of Korea for LDCs will have a positive impact on LDC exports. The DFQF scheme of the Republic of Korea covers 6,967 tariff lines, representing about 59 per cent of the all tariff lines of its Customs Schedule. There are at least 25 chapters where product coverage within the chapter is very low, notably below 10 per cent. These include garments, made-up textiles, and major agricultural products including fisheries. Among the DFQF lines, 1,464 lines are duty-free on a most-favoured nation (MFN) basis. Hence, LDCs enjoy tariff preferences on 5,503 tariff lines, while the average margin of preference on these lines is 7.89 per cent. The margin of preferences in most cases is either 6 per cent or 8 per cent. In order to enjoy the preference granted under the scheme, the products should be wholly obtained, or should have at least 50 per cent value addition. Analysis also reveals that the DFQF scheme covers 36.1 per cent of LDCs’ export to the Republic of Korea in 2007, keeping 64.9 per cent of current LDC exports to that country outside the purview of preferential treatment. Only three major export items from LDCs – copper cathodes, raw tobacco and plywood – enjoy -free access. Bangladesh, Congo, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malawi, Myanmar, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia are likely to benefit from duty-free access for these items. The Republic of Korea is the seventh-largest destination for Bangladesh exports. Bangladesh enjoys preferential access to the Republic of Korea under the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA). DFQF access for LDCs adds 5,471 tariff lines for Bangladesh under preferential access. However, analysis shows that the additional lines cover only 4.63 per cent of Bangladesh’s exports to the Republic of Korea in 2007. However, there are important apparel articles in the scheme that may yield benefits for Bangladesh. APTA continues to remain attractive to Bangladesh because of higher trade coverage and more relaxed rules of origin. Nevertheless, the DFQF scheme currently offered by the Republic of Korea is a milestone for the developing countries’ initiative for LDCs, and one that is likely to lead to other countries coming up with similar initiatives. In time, the Republic of Korea is likely to incrementally increase the product coverage, which will lead to higher trade coverage and more favourable rules of origin, and will yield significant benefits for LDCs.least developed countries, Bangladesh, Korea, market access,

    Epidemiology of stroke in an urban population - aspects of time, place and person

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    The present thesis explored the epidemiology of stroke in Malmö, Sweden, an urban population of approximately 250000 inhabitants. Incidence of stroke in Malmö has been monitored since 1989. The National census investigation in 1990 was used to get information about the background population in the city. Previous studies of the seasonal and weekday variations in incidence of stroke have shown inconsistent results. In this study, the temporal variation in stroke incidence was explored among 7129 patients with a first stroke between 1989 and 1999. No relationship could be found between season or weekday and incidence of stroke. However, the case-fatality rate (within 28 days) was significantly higher among patients with stroke in winter. Several studies have shown that divorced or widowed men and women have higher mortality rates than those who are married. Whether incidence of stroke similarly differ between these groups is less clear. In a study of stroke incidence in Malmö between 1990 and 2000, we found that incidence of stroke was increased in divorced men and women and in widows/widowers. Never married men had not any increased risk. Among men and women who initially were married, divorce or death of spouse was followed by an increased incidence of stroke. Previous studies have shown that incidence of stroke varies between countries and ethnic groups. We explored whether incidence of stroke was related to country of birth. Inhabitants from former Yugoslavia and Hungary had an increased risk of ischemic stroke. People from former Soviet Union and China or Vietnam had an increased risk of intracerebral haemorrhage, and people born in Finland had an increased risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage. People born in Rumania had lower risk than those born in Sweden. Previous studies from the city have shown that incidence of stroke show substantial differences between the residential areas in the city. Areas with high incidence are characterised by less favourable socioeconomic circumstances. We explored whether the survival among the stroke cases similarly was related to the residential area. The 28-day mortality, 1-year mortality and long-term mortality (until 2001) was higher in patients from areas with low socioeconomic level. These relationships reached significance mainly for the longer follow-up periods and for patients below 75 years of age. It is concluded that incidence of stroke is related to marital status and country of birth. The residential area and season of the stroke event are associated with the prognosis after the stroke. Key words: Stroke, case fatality, temporal trends, marital status, life events, stroke outcome, survival, ethnic groups, incidence, epidemiology, geography, Sweden

    An Intelligent Monitoring System of Vehicles on Highway Traffic

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    Vehicle speed monitoring and management of highways is the critical problem of the road in this modern age of growing technology and population. A poor management results in frequent traffic jam, traffic rules violation and fatal road accidents. Using traditional techniques of RADAR, LIDAR and LASAR to address this problem is time-consuming, expensive and tedious. This paper presents an efficient framework to produce a simple, cost efficient and intelligent system for vehicle speed monitoring. The proposed method uses an HD (High Definition) camera mounted on the road side either on a pole or on a traffic signal for recording video frames. On the basis of these frames, a vehicle can be tracked by using radius growing method, and its speed can be calculated by calculating vehicle mask and its displacement in consecutive frames. The method uses pattern recognition, digital image processing and mathematical techniques for vehicle detection, tracking and speed calculation. The validity of the proposed model is proved by testing it on different highways.Comment: 5 page

    Duty-free market access in the Republic of Korea: Potential for least developed countries and Bangladesh

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    Nowadays, plagiarism in academic environment has turned into a problem that challenges the scientific honesty. Unfortunately the practice is found to be rampant and wittingly or unwittingly is a global phenomenon

    Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic oscillatory flow of viscoelastic fluids in a porous channel with heat and mass transfer

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    In this paper, we analyze the effects of slip condition on the unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of incompressible viscoelastic fluids in a porous channel under the influence of transverse magnetic field and Hall current with heat and mass transfer. The channel flow is induced due to external pressure gradient of oscillatory form. The governing equations for the velocity field, temperature and concentration distributions, are solved using perturbation technique. We present the results for skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number. The numerical results are also computed for skin friction in tabular form. The effects of various indispensable flow parameters are displayed using several graphs. The numerical results show the effects of the physical parameters on the fluid flow as well as on heat and mass transfer and skin friction. The solutions for Newtonian fluids can be obtained as a limiting case from our general solutions when the viscoelastic parameter is zero. © 2012 The Physical Society of Japan

    A New Technique Employing Direct Tactile Pressure on the common Carotid Artery to Relieve Acute Episode Attack of Migraine Headache: A Single-Arm Interventional Study

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    Introduction: Migraine, is a common neurological disorder, and its pathology and acute treatment has not been determined so far. In the contemporary literature, there is no remedy that can abort an acute episode of migraine. Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effect of transient presser on the middle part of common carotid artery for terminating an acute attack of migraine headache. Methods: It is an interventional study without a control limb, performed on patients within age range of 18-45 years. Patients with established migraine headache based on International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) guidelines, who had no atheromatous plaque in their common carotid arteries were included. Pain intensity was evaluated by Universal Pain Assessment Tools (UPAT). In safe position, applying vital signs monitoring and ipsilateral of headache, a gentle pressure was applied on the common carotid artery, lateral to the cricothyroid membrane and medial border of the Sterno-Cleido-Mastoid (SCM) muscle, by using both index and middle fingers, till the headache was relieved, following which the pressure was maintained for a period of 15 seconds. Then the middle finger was maintained at its position and the index finger slid caudally with the same pressure as far a distance of four centimeters and the pressure withdrawn slowly. After 2 minutes, patients were asked to report any change in headache which was recorded. Results: Totally, 215 patients entered this study. The mean of pain score before and after using the technique regarding to UPAT, was 6.28±1.34 and 0.4±0.64, respectively; Also, the pain decreases equal 5.88 score was significant, special by according sex (p<0.001). No side effect was seen. Conclusions: It seems that pressure on the common carotid artery and extending the pressure caudally, helped a rapid, safe and significant reduction in pain score for patients with acute attack of migraine headache

    Difficult tracheal tube insertion

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    Difficult direct laryngoscopy refers to inability on the part of the laryngoscopist to visualise the larynx because of anatomical abnormality or distortion of the larynx or trachea. There is, however, no mention in the literature of airways that appear to be simple during laryngoscopy and Cormach-Lehane grading , but turn out to be exceedingly difficult when actual insertion is being attempted. We consider that for such cases a new phrase, difficult tracheal tube insertion (DTTI), should be employed. Fortunately cases of DTTI can be managed successfully if smaller-size tubes are used or a malleable guide is introduced into the endotracheal tube prior to its insertion through the glottic opening

    Exact Solutions of Heat and Mass Transfer with MHD Flow in a Porous Medium under Time Dependent Shear Stress and Temperature

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    This paper aims to study the influence of thermal radiation on unsteady magnetohyrdodynamic (MHD) natural convection flow of an optically thick fluid over a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with arbitrary shear stress. Combined phenomenon of heat and mass transfer is considered. Closed-form solutions in general form are obtained by using the Laplace transform technique. They are expressed in terms of exponential and complementary error functions. Velocity is expressed as a sum of thermal and mechanical parts. Corresponding limiting solutions are also reduced from the general solutions. It is found that the obtained solutions satisfy all imposed initial and boundary conditions and reduce to some known solutions from the literature as special cases. Analytical results for the pertinent flow parameters are drawn graphically and discussed in detail. It is found that the velocity profiles of fluid decrease with increasing shear stress. The magnetic parameter develops shear resistance which reduces the fluid motion whereas the inverse permeability parameter increases the fluid flow

    Predictive model of blood transfusion during CABG surgery in Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine predictors of need for transfusion of blood and blood products and create a clinical predictive model to reduce indiscriminate use of blood products during surgery. METHOD: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 485 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery from January 2004 to December 2004 at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Independent predictors associated with transfusion were identified and a clinical prediction model developed. RESULTS: The transfusion rate was 37.1%. A predictive model was created based on the presence of pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, low ejection fraction and recent/ongoing myocardial infarction. CONCLUSION: The study identifies some predictors of need for blood transfusion in patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. However, prospective studies with a larger sample of patients are needed to determine other predictors and their applicability in patient selection across institutions