427 research outputs found

    2-Chloro-4-(2-iodo­benzene­sulfonamido)­benzoic acid

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    In the title compound, C13H9ClINO4S, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 81.04 (17)°. The disposition of the I and Cl atoms attached to the two rings is anti. In the crystal, mol­ecules are connected via O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Methyl 4-hy­droxy-2-meth­oxy­carbonyl­methyl-1,1-dioxo-1,2-dihydro-1λ6,2-benzothia­zine-3-carboxyl­ate1

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    There are two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C13H13NO7S, which have almost identical geometries. The thia­zine ring adopts a sofa conformation in both mol­ecules and the mol­ecular conformations are stabilized by intramolecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds stabilize the crystal packing

    Application and case studies of magnetic induction

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    The on-going development in the field of sensors applications has opened up several possibilities for significant improvements in the advancement of bio-implantable devices or medical equipment. Some researchers have designed and developed inductive sensors for various applications such as tongues drive system enabling a person with severe disabilities to sense. It determines users' intentions by tracking the movements of a permanent magnetic tracer wirelessly that is secured on their tongues using an array of magnetic sensor

    Magnetic hysteresis theory :application perspective

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    Magnetic materials are generally categorized into two categories, soft or hard. Soft magnetic materials are characterized by large permeability and very small coercivities while the hard one are frequently used in permanent magnet applications and are characterized by large saturation magnetizations and large coercivities. Soft and hard magnetic materials have been' introduced in many applications over last few years. Applications utilizing soft/hard magnetic materials offer both economical benefits and design flexibility. A wide range of magnetic performance requirements can be met via hysteresis loop through the proper choice of materials and the appropriate processing of those material

    Magnetic properties for magnetic transducer

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    Knowing the basic terminology for describing magnetic effects and properties are essential since magnetic materials can be used in inductive sensors as in the form of core. The various types of magnetic behaviour and properties of hard and soft magnetic materials (used in inductive sensor) need to be identified in order to decide on the appropriate applications in biomedical and industrial fiel

    Basic concept of inductance for inductive transducers

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    Inductance is a property exhibited by a circuit element, called inductor. This property is a result of a changing magnetic field associated with a coil of given number of turns wounded on air core or core of some materials. Accordingly inductance depends on the geometrical dimensions, and the turns and the core used. Invariably the most important cause for a magnetic field is the current flowing through the turns. If current is varying with time, the magnetic field is varying with time. A time-varying magnetic field includes a voltage in any conductor linked by the field, and as a result the coil causes a drop in the voltage applied. The circuit parameter of inductance displays a dormant behavior for a continuous current flow. The coil breaks its non-dormant behavior open when the current flow experiences a chang

    RC circuit response

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    RC circuit consists of a resistor and a capacitor which are connected in series. This chapter focuses on how the voltage develops (or shrinks) with a constant voltage source, V, is turned on (or off). Generally speaking, a capacitor accumulates charge for a current flow in, and obviously current flow out of a capacitor results into charge depletion. The current flow into an uncharged capacitor is maximum, equal to VIR at the instant in time when the circuit is closed, alternatively we can say that an uncharged capacitor acts like a short circuit at t=0. However, current flow drops exponentially to reach zero when capacitor gets fully charged to act like an open circuit. Capacitor unlike a resistor from an electrical view point shows more complex current-voltage relation. Also, besides being a charge storage element, capacitor is like a delay element too with a time constant given by r=R

    Analysis of phase detection circuit for human activity

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    This paper describes a method for analysing and detecting the daily activities of a person with the help of phase sensitive detector analysis. The phase sensitive detector (PSD) is implemented in the circuitry to measure the phase and amplitude change produced, I and Q, hence the amplitude and the phase of the voltage. The basic components of PSD analysis are modulation, multiplication and low pass filter. This technique will be able to distinguish a person's daily activities such as walking, fall events, entering or leaving a room by comparing the amplitude and phase of the output results to the input amplitude and phase change. A detailed analysis is carried out, which reveals equations that can assist in measuring the phase and amplitude information. Furthermore, MATLAB simulation results offers consistent results when compared with theory, hence, this determines the suitability of the model proposed. Likewise the data obtained can aid in the ability to analyse the movement of the person

    Potential health-related phytoconstituents in leaves of Chenopodium quinoa

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    Background: Chenopodium quinoa Willd. or quinoa is an important food crop, having many pharmacological properties. It is recently introduced in Pakistan. In the present study, a phytochemical profile of its leaf extract was assessed through GC-MS analysis, and the health-related compounds were identified through a literature survey.Methods: Quinoa was grown in Lahore, Pakistan, and its leaves were collected at maturity, dried, ground, and extracted in methanol. GC-MS analysis of this extract was done that showed the presence of 30 compounds.Results: The most abundant compound was α-linolenic acid (12.13%), followed by n-hexadecanoic acid (11.51%), ergosta-5,7-dien-3-ol, (3β)- (10.99%), phytol (10.25%), and stigmast-7-en-3-ol, (3.beta.,5.alpha.,24S)- (7.33%). Moderately occurring compounds included DL-proline, 5-oxo-, methyl ester (6.01%), hydroxylamine, O-pentyl- (5.38%), neophytadiene (4.36%), 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol (3.96%), 2-isopropoxyethyl propionate (3.84%), vitamin E (2.52%), and linolenic acid, methyl ester (2.46%). The remaining compounds were less abundant, having peak areas of less than 2%.Conclusion: Literature survey revealed that α-linolenic acid; n-hexadecanoic acid; phytol; squalene, vitamin E and linolenic acid, and methyl ester; present in leaf extract of quinoa possess various health-related properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, antihistaminic, antiandrogenic and antieczemic.                    Keywords: Amaranthaceae; Bioactive compounds; Leaf extract; Pakistan; Quinoa 