14 research outputs found

    Structural aspects of partial solid solution formation: Two crystalline modifications of a chiral derivative of 1,5-dihydro-2: H -pyrrol-2-one under consideration

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    The purposeful change of crystallization conditions for rac-3-chloro-5-hydroxy-1-(4-methylbenzyl)-4-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfanyl]-1,5-dihydro-2H-pyrrol-2-one 1 leads to two different crystal modifications, namely, a racemic compound in the triclinic space group P1 with Z′ = 1 (α-1) and a partial solid solution based on a racemic compound in the monoclinic space group P2 1 with Z′ = 4 (β-1). The first modification, α-1, is characterized by a higher density of the molecular packing in the crystal, while the second one, β-1, by a stronger system of hydrogen bonds and the presence of positional and substitutional disorder simultaneously. The analysis of the crystal structure of modifications α and β allowed us to define some structural aspects of the partial solid solution formation. Namely, the tendency to build a stronger hydrogen bond system enables the solution of enantiomers of 1 to be formed in the crystalline phase, whereas the propensity of the molecules to adopt a more favorable transoid conformation limits the solubility of the minor enantiomer. 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Structural aspects of partial solid solution formation: Two crystalline modifications of a chiral derivative of 1,5-dihydro-2: H -pyrrol-2-one under consideration

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    The purposeful change of crystallization conditions for rac-3-chloro-5-hydroxy-1-(4-methylbenzyl)-4-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfanyl]-1,5-dihydro-2H-pyrrol-2-one 1 leads to two different crystal modifications, namely, a racemic compound in the triclinic space group P1 with Z′ = 1 (α-1) and a partial solid solution based on a racemic compound in the monoclinic space group P2 1 with Z′ = 4 (β-1). The first modification, α-1, is characterized by a higher density of the molecular packing in the crystal, while the second one, β-1, by a stronger system of hydrogen bonds and the presence of positional and substitutional disorder simultaneously. The analysis of the crystal structure of modifications α and β allowed us to define some structural aspects of the partial solid solution formation. Namely, the tendency to build a stronger hydrogen bond system enables the solution of enantiomers of 1 to be formed in the crystalline phase, whereas the propensity of the molecules to adopt a more favorable transoid conformation limits the solubility of the minor enantiomer. 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Thermally stable nitrothiacalixarene chromophores: Conformational study and aggregation behavior

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Achieving high thermal stability and control of supramolecular organization of functional dyes in sensors and nonlinear optics remains a demanding task. This study was aimed at the evaluation of thermal behavior and Langmuir monolayer characteristics of topologically varied nitrothiacalixarene multichromophores and phenol monomers. A nitration/azo coupling alkylation synthetic route towards partially O-substituted nitrothiacalixarenes and 4-nitrophenylazo-thiacalixarenes was proposed and realized. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry of disubstituted nitrothiacalix[4]arene revealed a rare 1,2-alternate conformation. A synchronous thermal analysis indicated higher decomposition temperatures of nitrothiacalixarene macrocycles as compared with monomers. Through surface pressure/potential-molecular area measurements, nitrothiacalixarenes were shown to form Langmuir monolayers at the air–water interface and, through atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique, Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) films on solid substrates. Reflection-absorption spectroscopy of monolayers and electronic absorption spectroscopy of LB films of nitrothiacalixarenes recorded a red-shifted band (290 nm) with a transition from chloroform, indicative of solvatochromism. Additionally, shoulder band at 360 nm was attributed to aggregation and supported by gas-phase density functional theory (DFT) calculations and dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis in chloroform–methanol solvent in the case of monoalkylated calixarene 3. Excellent thermal stability and monolayer formation of nitrothiacalixarenes suggest their potential as functional dyes

    Synthesis of D-π-A′-π-A Chromophores with Quinoxaline Core as Auxiliary Acceptor and Effect of Various Silicon-Substituted Donor Moieties on Thermal and Nonlinear Optical Properties at Molecular and Material Level

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    Novel D-π-A′-π-A chromophores with quinoxaline cores as auxiliary acceptors and various donor moieties (aniline, carbazole, phenothiazine, tetrahydroquinoline) containing bulky tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy (TBDMSO) groups and tricyanofuranyl (TCF) acceptors with bulky cyclohexylphenyl substituents were synthesized via eight- to nine-step procedures, and their photo-physical and thermal properties were investigated. The values of the chromophores’ first hyperpolarizabilities were calculated in the framework of DFT at the M06-2X/aug-cc-pVDZ computational level; the effect of the introduction of the TBDMSO group into the donor fragment is shown to be inessential, as this group is not coupled to the π-conjugated system of the chromophore. The chromophore with the tetrahydroquinoline donor has a first hyperpolarizability value of 937 × 10−30 esu, which is the highest for the studied chromophores. Atomistic modeling of composite materials with the studied chromophores as guests demonstrated that the presence of bulky substituent in the donor fragment prevents notable aggregation of chromophores, even at high chromophore content (40 wt.%). The nonlinear optical performance of guest–host materials with 25 and 40 wt.% of suggested chromophore content was studied using a second harmonic generation technique to give the NLO coefficient, d33 up to 52 pm/V

    Zn and Co redox active coordination polymers as efficient electrocatalysts

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    © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry. New redox active 1D helical coordination polymers M(fcdHp) (M(ii) = Zn(1), Co(2)) have been obtained by utilizing the 1,1′-ferrocenylenbis(H-phosphinic) acid (H2fcdHp) ligand and Zn or Co nitrate salts. Complexes 1 and 2 are isomorphic, crystallizing in the chiral space groups P4122 and P4322, respectively. Their redox, electrocatalytic and other properties are described. These compounds incorporated into carbon paste electrodes and exhibited reversible redox reactions, arising from the ferrocenyl moiety. These coordination polymers are efficient as electrocatalysts for the reduction of protons to hydrogen. Using N,N-dimethylformamidium ([DMF(H)+]) as the acid in the acetonitrile solution, Co CP (2) displays a turnover frequency of 300 s-1, which is among the fastest rates reported for any CP electrocatalyst in CH3CN. This high rate of catalytic reaction comes at the cost of the 820-840 mV overpotential at the potential of catalysis. As the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) catalysts, the CPs exhibited in 0.5 M H2SO4 the overpotential η10 of 340 or 450 mV, onset overpotential of 220 or 300 mV (vs. RHE), Tafel slope of 110 or 120 mV dec-1, correspondingly for 1 and 2, and considerable long-term stability for the HER