23 research outputs found

    Turbulence structure in clear and cloudy regions of the 7 July 1987 Electra mission

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    The 7 July mission of the 1987 FIRE Marine Stratocumulus Intensive Field Observations was chosen for analysis because of a well-defined transition from stratocumulus to clear conditions sampled by the aircraft on this day. It is hoped that by studying this case something can be learned about the processes responsible for the maintenance and breakup of stratocumulus layers, a primary objective of FIRE. The preliminary analysis is based on data from the Electra flight of this day. The properties of turbulence elements, i.e., updrafts and downdrafts, are examined to gain information on the nature of the turbulent exchanges through the boundary layer and across the inversion. Since such exchanges in large measure determine the stability and structure of cloud layers, a study of draft properties should be informative. The results will also be useful in the development of boundary layer models that are based on draft circulations (e.g., Randall, 1988; Hanson, 1988)

    A cloud classification scheme applied to the breakup region of marine stratocumulus

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    A major goal of the marine stratocumulus (MSc) segment of FIRE is to describe and explain the temporal and spatial variability in fractional cloud cover. The challenge from a theoretical standpoint is to correctly represent the mechanisms leading to the transitions between solid stratus, stratocumulus and trade wind cumulus. The development and testing of models accounting for fractional cloudiness require an observational data base that will come primarily from satellites. This, of course, is one of the missions of the ISCCP. There are a number of satellite cloud analysis programs that are being undertaken as part of FIRE. One that has already produced data from the FIRE MSc experiment is the spatial coherence method (COAKLEY and Baldwin, 1984). This method produces information on fractional cloud coverage and cloud heights. It may be possible, however, to extract more information on cloud structure from satellite data that might be of use in describing the transitions in the marine stratocumulus cloud deck. Potential applications are explored of a cloud analysis scheme relying on more detailed analysis of visible and infrared cloud radiance statistics. For this preliminary study, data is examined from three days during the 1987 FIRE MSc field work. These case studies provide a basis for comparison and evaluation of the technique

    Aircraft/island/ship/satellite intercomparison: Preliminary results from July 16, 1987

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    The First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) objective of validating and improving satellite algorithms for inferring cloud properties from satellite radiances was one of the central motivating factors in the design of the specific field experimental strategies used in the July, 1987 marine stratocumulus intensive field observations (IFO). The in situ measuring platforms were deployed to take maximum advantage of redundant measurements (for intercomparison of the in situ sensors) and to provide optimal coverage within satellite images. One of the most ambitious of these strategies was the attempt to coordinate measurements from San Nicolas Island (SNI), the R/V Pt. Sur, the meteorological aircraft, and the satellites. For the most part, this attempt was frustrated by flight restrictions in the vicinity of SNI. The exception was the mission of July 16, 1987, which achieved remarkable success in the coordination of the platforms. This presentation concerns operations conducted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Electra and how data from the Electra can be integrated with and compared to data from the Pt. Sur, SNI, and the satellites. The focus is on the large-scale, integrated picture of the conditions on July 16 from the perspective of the Electra's flight operations

    Data and Metadata Brokering – Theory and Practice from the BCube Project

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    EarthCube is a U.S. National Science Foundation initiative that aims to create a cyberinfrastructure (CI) for all the geosciences. An initial set of “building blocks” was funded to develop potential components of that CI. The Brokering Building Block (BCube) created a brokering framework to demonstrate cross-disciplinary data access based on a set of use cases developed by scientists from the domains of hydrology, oceanography, polar science and climate/weather. While some successes were achieved, considerable challenges were encountered. We present a synopsis of the processes and outcomes of the BCube experiment

    Exploring New Methods of Displaying Bit-Level Quality and Other Flags for MODIS Data

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    The NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes snow and sea ice products derived from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites. All MODIS standard products are in the Earth Observing System version of the Hierarchal Data Format (HDF-EOS). The MODIS science team has packed a wealth of information into each HDF-EOS file. In addition to the science data arrays containing the geophysical product, there are often pixel-level Quality Assurance arrays which are important for understanding and interpreting the science data. Currently, researchers are limited in their ability to access and decode information stored as individual bits in many of the MODIS science products. Commercial and public domain utilities give users access, in varying degrees, to the elements inside MODIS HDF-EOS files. However, when attempting to visualize the data, users are confronted with the fact that many of the elements actually represent eight different 1-bit arrays packed into a single byte array. This project addressed the need for researchers to access bit-level information inside MODIS data files. In an previous NASA-funded project (ESDIS Prototype ID 50.0) we developed a visualization tool tailored to polar gridded HDF-EOS data set. This tool,called the Polar researchers to access, geolocate, visualize, and subset data that originate from different sources and have different spatial resolutions but which are placed on a common polar grid. The bit-level visualization function developed under this project was added to PHDIS, resulting in a versatile tool that serves a variety of needs. We call this the EOS Imaging Tool

    Challenges and recommendations in mapping of glacier parameters from space::Results of the 2008 global land ice measurements from space (GLIMS) workshop, Boulder, Colorado, USA

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    On 16–18 June 2008 the US National Snow and Ice Data Center held a GLIMS workshop inBoulder, CO, USA, focusing on formulating procedures and best practices for operational glaciermapping using satellite imagery. Despite the progress made in recent years, there still remain many cases where automatic delineation of glacier boundaries in satellite imagery is difficult, error prone or timeconsuming. This workshop identified six themes for consideration by focus groups: (1) mapping clean ice and lakes; (2) mapping ice divides; (3) mapping debris-covered glaciers; (4) assessing changes in glacier area and elevation through comparisons with older data; (5) digital elevation model (DEM) generation from satellite stereo pairs; and (6) accuracy and error analysis. Talks presented examples and work in progress for each of these topics, and focus groups worked on compiling a summary of available algorithms and procedures to address and avoid identified hurdles. Special emphasis was given to establishing standard protocols for glacier delineation and analysis, creating illustrated tutorials and providing source code for available methods. This paper summarizes the major results of the 2008 GLIMS workshop, with an emphasis on definitions, methods and recommendations for satellite data processing. While the list of proposed methods and recommendations is not comprehensive and is still a work in progress, our goal here is to provide a starting point for the GLIMS regional centers as well as for the wider glaciological community in terms of documentation on possible pitfalls along with potential solutions