195 research outputs found

    Impurity-induced spin polarization and NMR line broadening in underdoped cuprates

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    We present a theory of magnetic (S=1) Ni and nonmagnetic Zn impurities in underdoped cuprates. Both types of impurities are shown to induce S=1/2 moments on Cu sites in the proximity of the impurity, a process which is intimately related to the spin gap phenomenon in cuprates. Below a characteristic Kondo temperature, the Ni spin is partially screened by the Cu moments, resulting in an effective impurity spin S=1/2. We further analyze the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasiya-Yosida-type response of planar Cu spins to a polarization of the effective impurity moments and derive expressions for the corresponding ^{17}O NMR line broadening. The peculiar aspects of recent experimental NMR data can be traced back to different spatial characteristics of Ni and Zn moments as well as to an inherent temperature dependence of local antiferromagnetic correlations.Comment: PRB B1 01June9

    Theory of the density fluctuation spectrum of strongly correlated electrons

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    The density response function N(q,ω)N(q,\omega) of the two-dimensional t−Jt-J model is studied starting from a mixed gauge formulation of the slave boson approach. Our results for N(q,ω)N(q, \omega) are in remarkable agreement with exact diagonalization studies, and provide a natural explanation of the anomalous features in the density response in terms of the spin polaron nature of the charge carriers. In particular we have identified unexplained low energy structures in the diagonalization data as arising from the coherent polaron motion of holes in a spin liquid.Comment: 4 pages with 4 figures, to be published in Physical Review B (RC

    Phase diagram of a Bose gas near a wide Feshbach resonance

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    In this paper, we study the phase diagram of a homogeneous Bose gas with a repulsive interaction near a wide Feshbach resonance at zero temperature. The Bose-Einstein-condensation (BEC) state of atoms is a metastable state. When the scattering length aa exceeds a critical value depending on the atom density nn, na3>0.035na^3>0.035, the molecular excitation energy is imaginary and the atomic BEC state is dynamically unstable against molecule formation. The BEC state of diatomic molecules has lower energy, where the atomic excitation is gapped and the molecular excitation is gapless. However when the scattering length is above another critical value, na3>0.0164na^3>0.0164, the molecular BEC state becomes a unstable coherent mixture of atoms and molecules. In both BEC states, the binding energy of diatomic molecules is reduced due to the many-body effect.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of anomalous magnon softening in ferromagnetic manganites

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    In metallic manganites with low Curie temperatures, a peculiar softening of the magnon spectrum close to the magnetic zone boundary has experimentally been observed. Here we present a theory of the renormalization of the magnetic excitation spectrum in colossal magnetoresistance compounds. The theory is based on the modulation of magnetic exchange bonds by the orbital degree of freedom of double-degenerate e_g electrons. The model considered is an orbitally degenerate double-exchange system coupled to Jahn-Teller active phonons which we treat in the limit of strong onsite repulsions. Charge and coupled orbital-lattice fluctuations are identified as the main origin of the unusual softening of the magnetic spectrum

    Phonons and Magnetic Excitations in Mott-Insulator LaTiO3_3

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    The polarized Raman spectra of stoichiometric LaTiO3_3 (TN=150_N = 150 K) were measured between 6 and 300 K. In contrast to earlier report on half-metallic LaTiO3.02_{3.02}, neither strong background scattering, nor Fano shape of the Raman lines was observed. The high frequency phonon line at 655 cm−1^{-1} exhibits anomalous softening below TN_N: a signature for structural rearrangement. The assignment of the Raman lines was done by comparison to the calculations of lattice dynamics and the nature of structural changes upon magnetic ordering are discussed. The broad Raman band, which appears in the antiferromagnetic phase, is assigned to two-magnon scattering. The estimated superexchange constant J=15.4±0.5J = 15.4\pm0.5 meV is in excellent agreement with the result of neutron scattering studies.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Impurity-induced moments in underdoped cuprates

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    We examine the effect of a nonmagnetic impurity in a two-dimensional spin liquid in the spin-gap phase, employing a drone-fermion representation of spin-1/2 operators. The properties of the local moment induced in the vicinity of the impurity are investigated and an expression for the nuclear-magnetic- resonance Knight shift is derived, which we compare with experimental results. Introducing a second impurity into the spin liquid an antiferromagnetic interaction between the moments is found when the two impurities are located on different sublattices. The presence of many impurities leads to a screening of this interaction as is shown by means of a coherent-potential approximation. Further, the Kondo screening of an impurity-induced local spin by charge carriers is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 56, No. 1

    Perturbative calculation of the spin-wave dispersion in a disordered double-exchange model

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    We study the spin-wave dispersion of localized spins in a disordered double-exchange model using the perturbation theory with respect to the strength of the disorder potential. We calculate the dispersion upto the next-leading order, and extensively examine the case of one-dimension. We show that in that case, disorder yields anomalous gapped-like behavior at the Fermi wavenumber of the conduction electrons.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Normal Fermi Liquid Behavior of Quasiholes in the Spin-Polaron Model for Copper Oxides

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    Based on the t-J model and the self-consistent Born approximation, the damping of quasiparticle hole states near the Fermi surface is calculated in a low doping regime. Renormalization of spin-wave excitations due to hole doping is taken into account. The damping is shown to be described by a familiar form ImÎŁ(kâ€Č,Ï”)∝(Ï”2/Ï”F)ln⁥(Ï”/Ï”F)\text{Im}\Sigma({\bf k}^{\prime},\epsilon)\propto (\epsilon^{2}/ \epsilon_{F})\ln(\epsilon/ \epsilon_{F}) characteristic of the 2-dimensional Fermi liquid, in contrast with the earlier statement reported by Li and Gong [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 51}, 6343 (1995)] on the marginal Fermi liquid behavior of quasiholes

    Theory of Raman Scattering from Orbital Excitations in Manganese Oxides

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    We present a theory of the Raman scattering from the orbital wave excitations in manganese oxides. Two excitation processes of the Raman scattering are proposed. The Raman scattering cross section is formulated by using the pseudospin operator for orbital degree of freedom in a Mn ion. The Raman spectra from the orbital wave excitations are calculated and their implications in the recent experimental results reported in LaMnO3_3 are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Order from Disorder: Non Magnetic Impurities in the Spin-gap Phase of the Cuprates

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    We solve the problem of NN non magnetic impurities in the staggered flux phase of the Heisenberg model which we assume to be a good mean-field approximation for the spin-gap phase of the cuprates. The density of states is evaluated exactly in the unitary limit and is porportional to 1/\left (\omega \ln^2(|\omega|/D)), in analogy with the 1D case of doped spin-Peierls and two-leg ladders compounds. We argue that the system exhibits a quasi long-range order at T=0 with instantaneous spin-spin correlations decreasing as n_i/ \ln^2\left (n_i R_{ij}) for large distances RijR_{ij} and we predict enhanced low energy fluctuations in Neutron Scattering.Comment: 4 pages, corrected typos, references adde
