398 research outputs found

    Critical Review of Ibsen’S Female Character Hedda Gabler

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    My research aims at highlighting the controversy in Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler being a feminist character. Although Ibsen is a renowned Feminist playwright, yet Hedda Gabler is deprived of the true feminist traits and has a number of negative aspects highlighted in her. My purpose in this research is to highlight Ibsen’s female character , Hedda Gabler as a dominant character ruling over others; having no mother-like traits and emotions which makes her a man-like character rather than mother-like. Aim of my research is to justify that Hedda is in no respect appropriate to play a motherly role in the play, as her step of suicide at the end of the play was extremely cruel for her unborn child. The framework of my research is Critical Discourse Analysis. With the help of CDA, I will reveal the hidden ideologies of the character Hedda Gabbler and from text; prove that she has no feminist, rather mother-like traits. Keywords:Dominant, Feminist, Hedda Gabler, mother-like traits, suicide

    Numerical study of circle fractal grid perforated plate as a turbulent generator in combustion chamber

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    Fractal grids can be used to design turbulent flows with low power losses and high turbulence intensities for intense yet economic mixing over a region of designed length and location. The introducing circle grid perforated plate is the main aim of this present paper. In this numerical work, we want to ascertain a new approach in turbulence generators on the structure of premixes flames using perforated plate fractal-grids pattern. In this paper, we compared circle grid perforated plate by varies using its diameters, spacing and number of holes on the plate. The result showed good perceptivity of the fractal generated turbulence and the fractal flow physics. The turbulent intensity can be increased by a grid with higher blockage ratio

    Applicability of a Picosecond Laser for Micro-Polishing of Metallic Surfaces

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    An increasing number of recent technological advancements is linked to the adoptions of ultra-short pulsed picosecond (ps) lasers in various material processing applications. The superior capability of this laser is associated with precise control of laser-material interaction resulted from extremely short interaction time. In this context, the present study explored the applicability of a ps laser in laser micro-polishing (LµP) of Inconel 718 (IN718) and AISI H13 tool steel. The melting regime ‒ a mandatory phase for LµP ‒ was determined experimentally by the variation of focal offset to attain desired laser fluence. The finite element formulation of heat transfer equation and its solution were also estimated in order to develop a theoretical foundation for the heat transfer mechanism in ps laser-material interaction. The initial one dimensional (1D) line polishing experiments were performed on ground IN718 and H13 tool steel samples with the parameters related to the melting regime of corresponding material. The knowledge of this initial experimental investigation was later utilized to prepare the surface topography by micromilling with a specific step-over and scallop height, followed by LµP experiments with the same set of aforementioned parameters. The performance of LµP was evaluated by average surface roughness (Ra) spectrum at different spatial wavelength intervals along the laser path trajectory. Additionally, statistical measures, such as power spectral density (PSD) function, transfer function (TF) and material ratio (MR) curve were analyzed in order to establish the process parameters resulting the best possible surface quality. From the analysis of this experimental investigation, surface quality improvement up to 78.5% and 75.7% were reported for the spatial wavelength interval of 50‒100 µm for IN718 and H13 tool steel respectively. As a next step, two dimensional (2D) areal polishing of micromilled IN718 and H13 tool steel were performed, where surface quality improvement up to 69.32% and 77.28% were observed for the spatial wavelength interval of 50‒100 µm for IN718 and H13 tool steel, respectively. Overall, ps LµP was found to be an effective way of enhancing desired surface quality as demonstrated by the reduction of surface asperities as well as their volumetric uniform redistributions

    Comparison between the modern and Islamic concept of team building

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    This paper tries to describe the different concepts of team building. It shows the Comparison between the modern and Islamic concepts of team building, function, norms and values and relationships among the team members and some differences. This paper also discusses the main issues and conflicts among the members of the group and organization. In the last section this paper describes the dissimilarities between the modern and Islamic function of the groups. Design/Methodology In this study I have analyzed and interpret the literature to discuss the Islamic and modern point of view about human team building. Findings This paper tries to conclude some comparisons between the Islamic and modern concept of team building Key words Team building, teams, work groups, organizations

    Reforming The Madrassah System Of Education In Pakistan

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    The unfortunate attacks of 9/11 forced the government to reform madrassah education programs. The aim of this article is to discuss the reform and its results and points of view, as well as the reaction of the Islamic seminaries toward these madrassah reforms

    The Cost of Unserved Energy: Evidence from Selected Industrial Cities of Pakistan

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    This study is an attempt to explore the cost of unserved energy due to power outages in Pakistan that started in 2007. The study is based on a survey conducted for four major industrial cities of Punjab—Gujrat, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, and Sialkot. In addition to quantification of output losses, the effect on employment, cost of production, and delay in supply orders are also examined. The output loss is quantified using two-dimensional analyses, controlling for variations in the duration of outages and in the shift hours. The survey data reveal that employment has not suffered any significant drop due to alternative energy arrangements. These arrangements, nevertheless, have increased the production cost of the firms. Delays in the delivery of supply orders are also due to energy shortage. The study reports that the total industrial output loss varies between 12 percent and 37 percent, with Punjab as the major affected province.Energy Crises, Output Loss, Pakistan

    Understanding the Formative Assessment: A Road Towards Targets Achievements

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    Learning is acclaimed to be a paramount and effective source of changing behavior across the world. To measure the behavior, there are techniques and skills to be learnt. Assessment in learning process enables the individual to examine the effectiveness of the various methods and techniques that the efforts are targeted or not and to see that the teachers, learners and instructional process in on the road to success. Formative assessment plays a decisive role to get the job done. The objectives of the study were to investigate the teachers’ perception about the usefulness of formative assessment in learning process and to get inform the educators about the worth of formative assessment process. All the working male teachers at primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels in District Mardan constituted the population of the study. Four hundred government school teachers for Boys were selected randomly as sample of the study. Among those 400 teachers, 300 were randomly selected for filling the questionnaire and 100 for conducting of informal interview. The collected data of the questionnaire was analyzed through percentages and inferential statistics i.e., chi-square by SPSS version 16. Themes, pattern were drawn and codification were made from the collected data of interviews. The study revealed that formative assessment is very effective and productive technique which plays a crucial role in boosting and stimulating instructional process. Keywords: Learning, Assessment, Formative Assessment, Teachers, Goal

    Impact of Exports on Economic Growth- A Case of Luxemburg

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    The key purpose of this article is to analyze the significant impact of Exports, Government expenditures and Education expenditures on the economic growth of the developed economy of the Luxemburg, which is the member state of the EU: the biggest exporter in the world. The span of time is from the year 1975 to 2009 on yearly basis with total no. of observations of 35. Present analysis is based on the simple ordinary least square method to indentify the important linkage between the export and the growth considering the economy of Luxemburg. Experimental results reveal a significant positive relationship of exports, government spending, educational expenditure, on growth of the economy. Export shows that one unit increase in the export cause a positive change of .17 in the economic growth. In the same way government, exp. and education exp. show a coefficient of 2.67 and 9.93 with positive sign. This article identifies the association between the export and the economic growth with respect to Luxemburg

    Why not everybody loves Hofstede? What are the alternative approaches to study of culture?

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    In these days the Hofstede's work on culture is most quoted in many publications. For scholars and practitioners knowing and having complete understanding of cross cultural dimensions, Hofstede's work plays an important and dynamic role. His observations and analysis gives the full understanding to the readers and as well as authors and scholars. Still such pioneering work faces much criticism by scholars. Some of the scholars appreciated his credible work. Some scholars quote his finding in their research and some ignore it. In our paper, this study concludes all the criticism on hofstede's work. Basically there are two parts of this paper; in first part we discuss the reason why hofstede's work faces criticism and in second part we recommend various other cultural dimensions, which we can use to understand the culture. Research Findings This paper tries to conclude all the dimensions and also suggest the model for understanding the national culture. Key Words Culture, National culture, Hofstede, cross cultural dimension
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