7 research outputs found

    The Study of Relationship among Ethical Leadership and Organizational Performance in Corporate Governance in the Public and Private Sectors of Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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    Gradually and progressively corporate governance is diverting world’s attention towards itself, not solely because nowadays we live are living in societies that need to be governed properly but more by virtue of this world been converted into a global village, so this research is conducted to find out the relationship of ethical leadership with corporate governance practices. The instrument used for collecting the required information was questionnaire developed by Wu (2006). Descriptive statistics, regression and correlation were used for the purpose of data analysis. Results obtained showed positive relationship between ethical leadership, corporate governance practices and organizational performance. Keywords: Corporate governance practices, ethical leadership, organizational performance

    Overconfidence and Loss Aversion in Investment Decisions: A Study of the Impact of Gender and Age in Pakistani Perspective

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    This study investigates the impacts of gender and age on two of the behavioral biases i.e. over confidence and loss aversion with reference to Pakistan. We used questionnaire based survey method to collect data from a sample amounting to 391 individuals. Chi-sguare analysis, OLS and correlation analysis have been used to estimate the models under study. The findings revealed men and older investors to be more overconfident whereas women and older investors to be more loss averse. Similarly, the results indicate that those who prefer risk are likely to be more over confident. The limitations include time and geographical constraints as well as unavailability of data. In the add, some recommendations have been made that could help researchers in their future works. Keywords: Behavioral biases, Gender and Overconfidence, Loss Aversion and Behavioral Finance Micro (BFMI)

    Frequency of Different Types of Focal Hepatic Lesions on Triphasic Computed Tomography Scan in Adult Patients

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    Out of various pathologies that affect the liver, focal liver lesion form an important group. Triphasic computed tomography is the imaging modality most often used to evaluate focal liver lesions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of computed tomography in the diagnosis of liver lesions and to determine frequency of these lesions.Keywords: Liver, focal lesion, liver parenchyma, enhancement, iso-dense, hypo-dense and hyper-denseDOI: 10.7176/JHMN/77-04Publication date:July 31st 202

    Does Work-Life Balance Moderate the Relationship between Career Commitment and Career Success? Evidence from an Emerging Asian Economy

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    This study examines the relationship between career commitment and employee career success (objective and subjective success) in middle-level employees working in the service sector. Further, the study investigates the moderating effect of work-life balance on the relationship between career commitment and career success. By analyzing data from 360 middle level working employees, our empirical results show that career commitment has a positive and significant effect on the objective and subjective career success of employees. Work-life balance positively moderates the relationship between career commitment and subjective career success, whereas it fails to moderate the relationship between career commitment and objective career success. The study contributes by providing a better understanding of the employee’s perception of career commitment and career success and their management in emerging markets. Avenues for future research are identified

    Social Media and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD): Is There Any Link?

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    To the Editor, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is defined as a persistent and intrusive preoccupation with a non-existent or slight imperfection in one’s appearance. Being labelled as one of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, it has multifactorial etiology like cognitive deficits, psychological impairment and neurochemical abnormalities. However, a 2020 study has shed light on a  more serious concern- it showed that the use of social media for longer duration, especially Snapchat and Instagram, are associated with increased incidence of BDD distinctly in young participants.1 Other researches have also highlighted this that social media can kindle the negative belief of body image by circulating photos, videos and comments about ideal self-image triggering  insecurities especially in youngsters, about their physical features, body shape,  complexion etc.2,3  Furthermore, social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram are specialized in photo and video editing features, a behavior that is common in people with BDD.4 Fantasizing the celebrity ideals and social media influencers has promoted body dissatisfaction, disordered eating and other psychological comorbidities resulting in more frequent dermatological and psychiatric consultations.1 According to WHO approximately 24 million people in Pakistan need psychiatric assistance. Mental illness and psychological disorders still face persistent social taboo here. As only one psychiatrist is present for every 10,000 people in the country, BDD can become a big problem for the already feeble health system here by increasing the burden of mental illnesses. People here already consider white complexion the epitome of beauty and success, and promotion of similar mentality through social media either by celebrities or by influencers can be disastrous for the mental health of young individuals. That is why it is mandatory to dictate the proper and constructive use of social media. Facebook and Twitter trends can be set up for awareness and encouraging natural beauty instead of perfectly filtered dummy faces. As celebrities and influencers are followed by many, social media sites should promote people because of their intellect, talent and hard work rather than their appearances. These trivial steps can play a pivotal role in decreasing body dissatisfaction and concerns

    Nitrogen Dynamics in Wetland Systems and Its Impact on Biodiversity

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    Wetlands are viable sinks for nitrate and have also been identified as a source of nitrous oxide, a product of two microbially regulated processes: nitrification and denitrification. Anthropogenic expansion of nitrogen is a leading cause of the eutrophication of water bodies and may also contribute to the deterioration of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Wetlands ameliorate the quality of water percolating through them, by retaining nutrients and sequestering carbon, and simultaneously enhancing the flora and fauna diversity of these landscapes. Among the many services these wetlands provide, they also alleviate nitrate pollution by attenuating reactive nitrogen from agricultural drainage and ensure the effective reclamation of the wastewater. The literature regarding the viability of wetlands suggests a linear relationship between the removal of nitrogen and its loading rate, thereby suggesting a potential loss of nitrogen removal capacity due to the loss of wetland area. This review discusses the nitrogen removal mechanisms in existing wetlands along with the environmental variables affecting the optimum performance and management of these wetlands, in terms of greenhouse gas retention and biodiversity. Conservation of these wetlands should be contemplated to maintain the world-wide nitrogen cycle and diminish the negative repercussions of surplus nitrogen loading