3 research outputs found

    Intersectionality: Implikasi Proses Sosialisasi Politik terhadap Budaya Politik Wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Budaya politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia bersifat pasif. Fenomena ini dapat dilihat melalui bilangan wanita Cina antaranya di dalam Parlimen dan DUN. Malahan bilangan wanita Cina di peringkat pembuat keputusan dalam parti berorientasikan masyarakat Cina seperti DAP serta MCA masih lagi rendah, walaupun sistem kuota 30 peratus wanita telah dibentuk. Proses sosialisasi politik melalui agen sosialisasi politik merupakan antara indikator penting yang mempengaruhi budaya politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia. Agen sosialisasi ini dilihat tidak berdiri sendiri dan saling berkait seperti yang diketengahkan melalui teori intersectionality dan telah memberikan kesan berbeza kepada wanita. Kajian kualitatif ini mengenal pasti agen sosialisasi politik melalui proses sosialisasi politik, yang telah mempengaruhi budaya politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia. Temu bual secara intensif telah dijalankan ke atas tujuh orang informan dalam kalangan perwakilan wanita Cina, seorang ahli politik lelaki, aktivis wanita Cina dari Organisasi Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) dan ahli akademik. Hasil temu bual dianalisis di mana proses transkripsi temubual telah dikodkan dan ditemakan. Tema ini kemudiannya telah dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu agen sosialisasi politik lingkaran dalaman dan agen sosialisasi politik lingkaran luaran. Agen sosialisasi lingkaran dalaman terdiri daripada pendidikan, ekonomi, budaya, agama, keluarga serta gender. Agen sosialisasi lingkaran luaran pula terdiri daripada NGO/persatuan, parti politik dan masyarakat. Model Agen Sosialisasi Politik Wanita Cina melalui dimensi intersectionality turut dibangunkan untuk menggambarkan hubung kait agen sosialisasi politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia

    Malaysia: State and Society Measures in Safety and Security Against COVID-19

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    COVID-19 pandemic is now a global crisis, with the number of known cases climbing daily and millions of people stranded at home. As countries toil to preserve the lives of their people, economies are grinding to a halt. At that dismal time, Malaysia is going through a vast political crisis with a new leader, and several states have new governments. In this vein, the present study aims at shedding how Malaysian responses to the COVID-19 pandemic? This study adopted a qualitative approach by using the secondary data collected from the journal, the official website of the government sector, NGOs, authorized bodies, and newspapers. Our finding shows although Malaysia had COVID-19 during the political crisis, a new ruling party is competent to manage the issue accordingly with the Ministry of Health and the National Security Council plays a vital role in the management of the pandemic. The government has taken various kinds of measures to ensure the pandemic to be reduced, and economic recession could be minimizing that benefit Malaysian and non-citizenship notably to vulnerable with the amalgamate by numerous NGOs

    Public Awareness and Practices Towards Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Population: Questionnaire Development and Pilot Testing

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