67 research outputs found

    Locating the (post-) colonial in Soviet history

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    Being Muslim in Soviet Central Asia, or an Alternative History of Muslim Modernity

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    The literature on Muslim modernity takes little account of the experience of the Muslim societies of the Soviet Union, even though they might have undergone some of the most radical transitions to modernity. The Soviet sought a different kind of modernity, one without markets and liberalism, and one with little place for religion in it. I argue that the Soviet project succeeded to a great extent. This article explores some of the implications for our understanding of Muslim modernity if we are to take the experience of Soviet Muslim societies seriously.La documentation relative à la modernité musulmane ne tient que très peu compte de l’expérience des sociétés musulmanes de l’Union soviétique, même si elles ont connu les transitions vers la modernité parmi les plus radicales qui soient. Les Soviétiques ont cherché une modernité différente, sans marchés ni libéralisme, laissant peu de place à la religion. Je fais valoir que le projet soviétique a réussi dans une large mesure. Cet article explore certaines des implications liées à notre compréhension de la modernité islamique si nous considérons sérieusement l’expérience des sociétés musulmanes soviétiques

    Un Islam laico: nazione, stato e religione in Uzbekistan

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    Il collasso dell’Unione Sovietica nel 1991 ha prodotto sia speranze che paure riguardo al futuro dell’Islam in Uzbekistan (e in Asia Centrale in generale). Molti musulmani di altri paesi speravano che, liberati dai vincoli del regime sovietico, gli uzbeki e gli altri centroasiatici avrebbero riscoperto le loro tradizioni religiose e sarebbero tornati a far parte del più vasto mondo musulmano. Altri osservatori temevano l’emergere dell’Islam come forza politica e minaccia alla sicurezza della regione. Man mano che il primo decennio di indipendenza andava avanti e nascevano organizzazioni islamiste militanti, le paure tendenzialmente hanno offuscato le speranze. Gli eventi dell’autunno 2001 in Afghanistan, quando combattenti appartenenti all’IMU (Movimento Islamico dell’Uzbekistan) svolsero un ruolo di primo piano al fianco dei talebani, sembravano dar ragione ai timori più reconditi e giustificare la campagna senza tregua contro l’«estremismo religioso» intrapresa dal regime di Islom Karimov sin dal 1998. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 engendered both hope and fear about the future of Islam in Uzbekistan (and Central Asia in general). Many Muslims from other countries hoped that, freed from the constraints of the Soviet regime, Uzbeks and other Central Asians would rediscover their religious traditions and rejoin the broader Muslim world. Other observers feared that Islam would emerge as a political force and threaten the security of the region. As the first decade of independence progressed and militant Islamist organizations appeared, fear tended to overshadow hope. The events of autumn 2001 in Afghanistan, when fighters belonging to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) played a prominent role alongside the Taliban, seemed to vindicate the darkest fears, and to justify the unremitting campaign that the regime of President Islom Karimov has waged against «religious extremism» since 1998

    Cloé Drieu, Fictions nationales, Cinéma, empire et nation en Ouzbékistan (1919‑1937)

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    This fine book by Cloé Drieu is a major contribution to the history of Soviet Central Asia and Soviet history in general. It uses the history of film in Uzbekistan to investigate several crucial features of the multinational Soviet state : the interplay between the centre and the periphery, between “internationalism” and nationalism, or colonialism and revolution. Drieu’s book is a work of cultural history located in the overlapping and intertwined histories of the Uzbek nation and the Soviet..

    Culture and Power in Colonial Turkestan

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    This article seeks to define the ways in which Turkestan was colonial. It then locates the Jadids, modernist Muslim intellectuals of the early twentieth century, in this colonial context. Turkestani Jadidism arose in a colonial society, and was deeply marked by it. Finally, this article investigates the points of overlap and intersection between the cultural programme of the Jadids and the “civilising mission” the Russians professed to uphold. The key vector to be analysed here is that of exclusion – the colonial order was built on the exclusion of the native population of Turkestan from the imperial mainstream. The Jadids sought to overcome this exclusion; they sought not separation from, but inclusion into the imperial polity. In the colonial order, this desire for inclusion was highly subversive, and provoked a great deal of hostility on the part of imperial authorities.Cet article cherche à définir les voies par lesquelles le Turkestan a été colonial. Il place les djadids, intellectuels musulmans modernistes du début du XXe siècle, dans le contexte colonial en soulignant que le djadidisme turkestanais apparu dans ce cadre a été très profondément marqué par ce dernier. Cet article exploite finalement les points communs et les discordances entre le programme culturel des djadids et la « mission civilisatrice » que les Russes ont défendue à l’égard du pays. Le point-clef analysé ici est celui de l’exclusion : l’ordre colonial a été en effet construit en excluant la population native du Turkestan du courant principal de la vie de l’empire. Les djadids ont projeté de surmonter cette exclusion en mettant l’accent non sur la séparation de cette politique impériale, mais sur l’insertion dans le système. Dans le contexte colonial, un tel désir d’intégration était fort mal venu et provoqua l’hostilité des autorités impériales

    Outcome of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease in Terms of Improvement in MDS-UPDRS Scale Over 5 Years

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    Background & Objective:  Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common Neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. There are several surgical procedures for advanced PD, but amongst all deep brain stimulation has proven to be safest and effective. The objective of this study was to see the outcome of DBS for the treatment of PD in terms of improvement in MDS UPDRS over 5 years. Material and Methods:  44 patients were included in study from Oct 2014 to Sep 2019. History, examination was carried out, and preoperative MDS-UPDRS (Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale) was recorded. Postoperative improvement in MDS-UPDRS score was assessed at first Programming, 2nd week, and 6th week and at 3rd month. Results:  At baseline the mean, the MDS – UPDRS (Part-I) score was 14.20 ± 0.61 and at the end of 3rd month, the mean score was 11.18 ± 0.47 respectively. At baseline the mean, the MDS – UPDRS (part-II) score was 18.99 ± 0.70 and at the end of 3rd month, the mean score was 13.01 ± 0.57, respectively. At baseline the mean, the MDS – UPDRS (part-III) score was 45.19 ± 0.90 and at the end of 3rd month, the mean score was 25.15 ± 1.20 respectively. At baseline the mean, the MDS – UPDRS (part-IV) score was 10.18 ± 0.87 and at the end of 3rd month, the mean score was 3.85 ± 1.03, respectively.  Conclusion:  The Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is safe and effective in the management of PD

    Clinical Outcome of Percutaneous Radiofrequency Rhizotomy for Trigeminal Neuralgia at a Tertiary Care Hospital.

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    Background: - Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease typically characterized by involuntary attacks of lancinating pain in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve that are activated by non-noxious stimuli. Numerous anticonvulsants, either alone or in combination, remain the first choice in the medical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.3If the disease becomes non responsive, there are numerous surgical options like micro vascular decompression or minimally invasive percutaneous lesioning of the trigeminal nerve, such as glycerol rhizolysis, Radiofrequency Rhizotomy, and balloon compression. Objective: - To determine efficacy of percutaneous Radiofrequency Rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia in terms of early pain relief in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: -  62 patients with refractory trigeminal neuralgia or lancinating, recurrent episodes of pain in the distribution of Ophthalmic (V1) and Mandibular (V3) branches of trigeminal nerve, not responsive to 6 months of conservative treatment were included. Study was completed in one year i.e. from March 2015 to Feb 2016. Result: - In our study population, 62 included patients were had mean age 56.08 ± 7.39 years. 44 patients (71%) were male. Our treatment was effective in 58 patients (93.5%) while there was recurrence among 4 (6.5%) only. Conclusion: - It is concluded that the efficacy of percutaneous Radiofrequency Rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia in terms of complete relief of pain with intact sensations in treated branch region is excellent (93.5%)

    Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: Operative Technique and Post-Operative Complications – An Experience in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Background and Objective: The most common spinal procedure in our set up to address various disorders of the cervical spine like prolapsed intervertebral disc, trauma, and degenerative disc disease is an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). As there is no technique without complication, this procedure is also related with certain important complications. We evaluated post-operative complications of ACDF in our institution.Material and Methods: The preoperative data of 148 patients who were operated in last 3 years for ACDF isincluded in the study. Patients with previous neck surgery are excluded.Results: The most commonly performed surgical interventions is single level ACDF (65%). Dysphagia is mostsignificant (16%) complication. After which neurological deterioration (9%) with equal incidence of RecurrentLaryngeal Nerve Palsy and wound infection that is 8% each.Conclusion: The most common post-operative complications are dysphagia and worsening of preexistingneurology and multilevel ACDF is identified as the most common risk factor. Early recognition of complicationsand management may help to reduce mortality and morbidity

    Morphological and Histological study of the cecum and colon in adult local Camelus dromedarius

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    The present study was designed to describe the morphological and histological structures of the cecum and colon in adult local one humped camel in Iraq. Specimens of cecum and colon were collected from five healthy male camels between 4-5 years old. The samples were collected immediately after slaughtering and transferred to the laboratory of anatomy/ College of veterinary medicine for further processing. For gross study, the intestinal tract was separated and dissecting it away from it attachments to the dorsal abdomen wall. The cecum appeared as smooth cylindrical sac and its measuring were (51.35± 6.40) cm. (72.5± 9.4) gm. (0.124 ± 0.07) cm for mean total length, weight (weight after empty of the part) and wall thickness respectively. The colon was appeared as one long continuous hollow tube with externally smooth and divided into ascending, transverse and descending parts. Histologically, the cecum and colon wall was composed of the four tunicae (mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa or adventitia). The tunica mucosa was the inner layer lined of the cecum and colon lumen. The mean thickness of these tunica in colon was more than that in cecum (487.9±26.6) μm, (366.7±34.1) μm respectively. The tunica mucosa revealed three different layers including: lining epithelium, lamina propria with glands and muscularis mucosa. The colon epithelium revealed large number of Lieberkuhn crypts and goblet cells reached (31 ± 4), (262 ± 11) respectively, more than that in cecum (27 ± 5), (218 ± 12) respectively. The submucosa consist of irregular connective tissue and adipose tissue, numerous blood vessels. The mean thickness of these tunica in cecum was more than that in colon (243.2±44.3) μm and (124.8±16.6) μm respectively. Tunica muscularis was composed of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers with mean thickness of these tunica in colon was more than that in cecum (694.7±37.4) μm and (513.9±46.3) μm respectively. The tunica serosa or adventitia was consist of loose connective tissues with mean thickness of these tunica in colon was more than that in cecum (212.7±14.1) μm and (187.9±17.6) μm respectively. In conclusion, this study identified the morphological and histological features of adult Camelus dromedaries colon and cecum

    Frequency of Improvement in Muscular Rigidity after Pallidotomy in Medically Refractive Parkinsonian Patients

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    Objective: To find out frequency of improvement in muscular rigidity after Pallidotomy in Parkinsonian patients who are medically refractory.Material and Methods: This prospective descriptive study conducted in Neurosurgical Unit II, Punjab Institute of Neuro-Sciences, LGH, Lahore, during the period of one year from March 2015 to February 2016. They were evaluated before admission by history and thorough examination and then investigated with a CT scan and MRI of the brain. This study included patients as young as 30 years to as old as 65 years. Those patients who had trauma, stroke, demyelination or lesion in basal ganglia were excluded from the study.Results: 75 patients were included in the study with no lost to follow up. At the time of presentation, baseline rigidity graded as 3 in 37 (49.3%) and grade 4 in 38 (50.67%) patients. Reduction in rigidity at ≥ 25%, was considered significant improvement. At 3 months follow up 49 (65.3%) patients had UPRDS grade 1 while 26 (34.7%) had (Unipied Parkinson’s Disease Rating Score) UPRDSS grade 2 and no patient shown UPRDS grade 3 or 4. Out of 37 patients who had UPRDS grade 3 at baseline, 32 had grade 1 while 5 had grade 2 after Pallidotomy. Out of 38 patients, who had UPRDS grade 4 at baseline, 17 had UPRDS grade 1 while 21 had UPRDS grade 2 after pallidotomy. The difference was calculated to be significantly high (p < 0.001).Conclusion: Pallidotomy is one of the successful surgical procedures to reduce Parkinsonian muscular rigidity
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