17 research outputs found

    An adaptive multi-hop routing with IoT abstraction for minimizing delay-node capacity trade-offs in mobile ad-hoc network

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    Delay and node capacity are incompatible mobile ad hoc constraints because of the network's versatility and self-disciplined design. It is a challenging problem to maximize the trade-off between the above mobility correlation factors. This manuscript proposes an adaptive multi-hop routing (A.M.R.) for mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) to minimize the trade-off by integrating the internet of things (IoT). IoT nodes' smart computing and offloading abilities are extended to ad-hoc nodes to improve routing and transmission. Dor MANET nodes in route exploration, neighbor selection, and data transmission, the beneficial features of IoT include enhanced decision making. The traditional routing protocols use IoT at the time of the neighbor discovery process in updating the routing table and localization. The harmonizing technologies with their extended support improve the performance of MANETs has been estimated. The proposed method achieves better throughput (14.16 Mbps), delay (0.118), packet drop (126), and overhead (36 packets) when compared to existing methods

    Smoothing Smartphone GPS Raw Measurements

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    This  research aims  to  investigate  the  smoothing  of  the  pseudo-range raw  measurements  of  the  smartphone  using  a  Hatch  filter.  The  measurements  of  smartphones  suffer  from  high  noise  generated  from  low-cost  antennas  and  oscillators, which are designed to work in a certain way. These types of low-cost antennas  and  oscillators  are  entirely different  from  geodetic  instruments,  which  are  designed  for  high  accuracy  positioning.  The  GPS  measurement  data  were  collected   using   a   Huawei   P10   device,   41   minutes   and   24   seconds   GPS   observation  time  with  sampling  intervals  of  1  second  using  Geo++  Android  application.  The  GPS  measurements  are  processed  using  standalone  (epoch  by  epoch)  method,  by  MATLAB  software  developed  by  the  authors,  as  a  part  of  a software  package  for  processing  smartphone  GPS  measurements.  The  errors  in  raw  measurements  in  the  Easting,  Northing,  and  Up  (ENU)  components  when  using  standalone  (epoch  by  epoch)  method  are  ranging  from  -50m  to  30m,  and  the errors after applying the Hatch filter are reduced to have ranged from -10m to  5m,  the  raw  data  were  very  noisy  and  funded  it  has  many  cycles  slips  as  a  result of low-cost antennas and oscillators of smartphone’s. The cycle slips in the measurements  were  detected  and  found  that  it  was  the  result  of  jumping  the  errors to 27 m in northing and 43 m in up

    Optimizing multi-antenna M-MIMO DM communication systems with advanced linearization techniques for RF front-end nonlinearity compensation in a comprehensive design and performance evaluation study

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    The study presented in this research focuses on linearization strategies for compensating for nonlinearity in RF front ends in multi-antenna M-MIMO OFDM communication systems. The study includes the design and evaluation of techniques such as analogue pre-distortion (APD), crest factor reduction (CFR), multi-antenna clipping noise cancellation (M-CNC), and multi-clipping noise cancellation (MCNC). Nonlinearities in RF front ends can cause signal distortion, leading to reduced system performance. To address this issue, various linearization methods have been proposed. This research examines the impact of antenna correlation on power amplifier efficiency and bit error rate (BER) of transmissions using these methods. Simulation studies conducted under high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes reveal that M-CNC and MCNC approaches offer significant improvement in BER performance and PA efficiency compared to other techniques. Additionally, the study explores the influence of clipping level and antenna correlation on the effectiveness of these methods. The findings suggest that appropriate linearization strategies should be selected based on factors such as the number of antennas, SNR, and clipping level of the system

    Balancing Mixed-Model Assembly line in Electronic Industries Company

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    In this work, an approach to solve mixed-model assembly line balancing Problem has been suggested which consists of six stages. In the fourth stage of this approach, a heuristic method is suggested for solving the combined model. This method is programmed using C# language. This program is called “Assembly line balancing-Method of Merging Shortest and Longest Operation" symbol by (MMSLO), which is based on merging two heuristic methods “Shortest Operation time" (SOT) and “Longest Operation Time" (LOT). This approach has been applied in the actual industrial environment at Electronic Industries Company (EIC) in assembly plant for assemble three models of automatic changeover (ACH). The results of the suggested method in (MMSLO) program compared with the results of the basic method (SOT) and (LOT) that existed in"production and operations management, quantitative methods" software that symbol by (POM-QM). It has been proved the ability of the suggested method to give a better solution than the traditional methods, in which the efficiency increased from 92.75% for (LOT) method and 86.98% for (SOT) method to 93.53% for the suggested method

    Impact of Different Cooling Methods on the Stability of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)

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    During cryopreservation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), there are several recognized cooling methods, which include different cooling rates that might influence the stability of the PBMCs. This chapter will focus on three cooling methods trialled and will describe the different principles they are based on and the outcomes. One cooling method is based on repeatable −1°C/min cooling rate that requires only isopropyl alcohol (method A). The second cooling method is based on the cooling rate of −1° C/min solely (method B). The third cooling method is based on a user-predefined programmable controlled rate of freezing (method C). The first method was discontinued for safety reasons. A small comparative study was performed using 12 cell preparation tubes (CPT) using methods B and C. Cell Viability was measured based on the difference between pre-thaw and post-thaw viability percentages that were obtained from the flow cytometry. From our data, we conclude that although there were no significant differences in the outcomes of the comparative study of cooling methods, the use of either method B or C are the most suitable for long-term storage that will preserve the quality of the sample suitable for future research and clinical applications

    Study of the biological efficacy of aqueous extract of Teucrium Polium on some histological parameters in male laboratory white rabbits of Oryctolagus cuniculus

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    The current study aims to know the protective effects of the aqueous extract of Teucrium Polium to reduce the harmful effects on liver tissue caused by the preservative sodium benzoate in Oryctolagus cuniculus male rabbits by studying some histological parameters, where the results of the current study showed that animal dosing with sodium benzoate at a concentration of (250) mg/kg of body weight for a period of 30 days caused tissue damage to the liver represented by congestion and expansion of the central vein and Necrosis of hepatocytes with irregular arrangement of hepatic cords in addition to the presence of congestion and expansion of the sinusoids with congestion of the central vein and infiltration of inflammatory cells around it, while treatment with aqueous extract of Teucrium Polium caused three  concentrations (250-200-150) mg/kg body weight to reduce or suppress the toxic effects of benzoates, it was observed that the central vein was decongested with little expansion of the sinusoids, with the return of most of the hepatic cords to regularity, with the presence of degeneration in some hepatocytes in the treatment group, the first focus, while in the second and third focus group, the central vein congestion disappeared and decreased

    Evaluation of the biological activity of the aqueous extract of Teucrium Polium on some biochemical parameters in Oryctolagus cuniculus male rabbits

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    The current study aims to know the protective effects of the aqueous extract of the plant Teucrium Polium to reduce the toxic effects of the liver caused by sodium benzoate in male rabbits of the type Oryctolagus cuniculus by studying some biochemical parameters ,whereas the results of the current study showed that animals dosing with sodium benzoate at a concentration of (250)mg/kg of body weight for 30 days led to a significant  increase at(p <0.05)in the concentration of liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP)and a significant decrease in the concentration of oxidative enzymes (GSH, CAT) at (p <0.05)  in the blood serum of the animals of the positive control group when compared with the animals of the negative control group

    3D Digital modeling for archeology using close range photogrammetry

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    This research is to evaluate the feasibility of applying three-dimensional modelling of the close-range photogrammetry in documenting archaeological monuments by using digital photogrammetry image processing software and digital consumer camera. The digital camera used was Nikon D3100, the processing software was (AgiSoft PhotoScan) and (ArcGIS, ArcScene extension). The study area was selected in the centre of Baghdad province by choosing one of the archeological monuments in it, namely the Abbasid alace. A set of camera locations represent the locations of the images, and as a result of the processing, 81 digital images were arranged in a sequence in which the results of this step were verified. The points cloud after processing were 1,082,617 points. Six control points were selected, used as distances constrained. The validity of the fixed location of the points can be ascertained by checking the data. The program provide the error and accuracy for each image, where a total error in the scale bar was 0.005253 meters, a total error of marks points was 0.010957 meters and the accuracy for all six points was 0.005 meters

    The role of visionary leadership in enhancing strategic investment decisions

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    Purpose: This research sought to diagnose and measure the logical relationships between the research variables represented by visionary leadership and their relationship to strategic investment decisions. The research aims to increase the limitations of research based on the cognitive, organizational and empirical aspects of these relationships by surveying some of the previous studies. Research design: The research was designed with an analytical descriptive approach through deductive analysis in the cognitive and empirical field of the research model and hypotheses.The research sample was limited to a sample of workers in these banks, the questionnaire tool was designed on the five-point Likert scale, as the researcher relied on solid standards whose validity and stability were tested through statistical means and methods in the method of factor analysis.Confirmatory data, and data were processed through the use of advanced statistical software (Smart Pulls) and the program (Spss v.21). Results: The results of the applied analysis of the research community showed that visionary leadership has a strong relationship in enhancing the effectiveness of strategic investment decisions, as the banking sector operates within an environment characterized by continuous and complex dynamics accompanied by risks and threats that the managements of these institutions must avoid or confront.&nbsp

    3D Digital modeling for archeology using close range photogrammetry

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    This research is to evaluate the feasibility of applying three-dimensional modelling of the close-range photogrammetry in documenting archaeological monuments by using digital photogrammetry image processing software and digital consumer camera. The digital camera used was Nikon D3100, the processing software was (AgiSoft PhotoScan) and (ArcGIS, ArcScene extension). The study area was selected in the centre of Baghdad province by choosing one of the archeological monuments in it, namely the Abbasid alace. A set of camera locations represent the locations of the images, and as a result of the processing, 81 digital images were arranged in a sequence in which the results of this step were verified. The points cloud after processing were 1,082,617 points. Six control points were selected, used as distances constrained. The validity of the fixed location of the points can be ascertained by checking the data. The program provide the error and accuracy for each image, where a total error in the scale bar was 0.005253 meters, a total error of marks points was 0.010957 meters and the accuracy for all six points was 0.005 meters