50 research outputs found

    Urinary bladder rupture secondary to obstructive urolithiasisin a Jamnapari goat

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    This report describes the complications of obstructive urolithiasis in the lower urinary tract causing urinary bladder rupture in a Jamnapari buck. A 3-year-old Jamnapari buck was presented with the complaint of stranguria, subsequent anuria and a progressively distended abdomen for the past three days. Upon physical examination, body temperature, pulse rate and respiration rate were increased. Uroliths could be felt within the urethra in the ventral abdomen region. A urolith was removed via amputationof the urethral process, but the patency of the urethra could not be established. Transabdominal ultrasound revealed anechoic areas around the bladder, and the bladder was relatively small for a urinary obstructed goat. The bladder wall was thickened and shadow of sludge was observed within the bladder. Abdominocentesis was done and fluid analysis revealed that it was a haemorrhagic effusion. Blood results revealed renal disease, liver disease, muscle injury and haemoconcentration. Retrograde cystourethrogram revealed no urolithswithinthe urethra but there was leakage of the contrast agent from the bladder into the peritoneal cavity. The final diagnosis was complete blockage of the lower urinary tract leading to bladder rupture. Exploratory laparotomy was done and emergency cystorraphy was planned. Due to the poor condition of the urinary bladder with presence of septic peritonitis, the goat was euthanised

    Analisis Performa Bluetooth pada Sistem Alarm Pengingat Barang yang Tertinggal dengan Smartphone Android

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    Someone sometimes forgets to put their belongings so that they leave them somewhere, it will pose a risk of losing their belongings. To solve this problem, a reminder is needed so that it is expected to minimize the risk of loss. This device implements point-to-point communication from the Bluetooth Low Energy AT-09 transmitter module with Arduino Nano and the receiver module with an Android smartphone. This reminder device will activate an alarm on the Android smartphone application when the two modules are more than 5 meters away. The measured distance is converted from the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) value received by the smartphone which is affected by obstructions, packet loss, and delay. Based on the test results, at a distance of 5 meters, the system can be connected and work properly, in unobstructed conditions (Line of Sight) or obstructed conditions (Non-Line of Sight). In the blocked condition, it has a packet loss of 1.1% to 4.4%, the received signal strength (RSSI) has decreased the value to a difference of -8 dBm, and the delay time is 2 seconds.Seseorang terkadang lupa meletakkan barang bawaannya sehingga tertinggal suatu tempat, hal itu akan menimbulkan resiko kehilangan barang. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka dibutuhkan sebuah perangkat reminder (pengingat) sehingga diharapkan dapat meminimalisir resiko kehilangan. Perangkat ini menerapkan komunikasi point to point dari modul pemancar Bluetooth Low Energy AT-09 dengan arduino nano dan modul penerima dengan smartphone Android. Perangkat reminder ini akan mengaktifkan alarm pada aplikasi smartphone Android saat kedua modul berjarak lebih dari 5 meter. Jarak yang terukur dikonversi dari nilai Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) yang diterima oleh smartphone yang dipengaruhi oleh penghalang, packet loss, dan delay. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, pada jarak 5 meter sistem dapat terhubung dan bekerja dengan baik, dalam kondisi tidak terhalang (Line of Sight) maupun kondisi terhalang ( Non Line ofSight). Pada kondisi terhalang memiliki packet loss sebesar 1,1% sampai dengan 4,4%, kuat sinyal yang diterima (RSSI) mengalami penurunan nilai mencapai selisih -8, dan waktu delay 2 detik

    A decade of progress in deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate for the treatment of depression

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    Major depression contributes significantly to the global disability burden. Since the first clinical study of deep brain stimulation (DBS), over 446 patients with depression have now undergone this neuromodulation therapy, and 29 animal studies have investigated the efficacy of subgenual cingulate DBS for depression. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the progress of DBS of the subcallosal cingulate in humans and the medial prefrontal cortex, its rodent homolog. For preclinical animal studies, we discuss the various antidepressant-like behaviors induced by medial prefrontal cortex DBS and examine the possible mechanisms including neuroplasticity-dependent/independent cellular and molecular changes. Interestingly, the response rate of subcallosal cingulate Deep brain stimulation marks a milestone in the treatment of depression. DBS achieved response and remission rates of 64–76% and 37–63%, respectively, from clinical studies monitoring patients from 6–24 months. Although some studies showed its stimulation efficacy was limited, it still holds great promise as a therapy for patients with treatment-resistant depression. Overall, further research is still needed, including more credible clinical research, preclinical mechanistic studies, precise selection of patients, and customized electrical stimulation paradigms

    First order polarization tensor approximation using multivariate polynomial interpolation method via least square minimization technique

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    This paper proposes a new numerical approach useful in dealing with nearly singular integrals, specifically, the integral of the first order polarization tensor (PT). Polarization tensor represents the integral equations in an asymptotic series, and it can also define the boundary value problem of a partial differential equation (PDE). Since PT has been widely used and implemented in many engineering areas, particularly electric and magnetic field areas, it is crucial to estimate the first order PT solutions accurately. In this regard, the computation of PT for different geometry types is basically from the quadratic interpolation and the multivariate polynomial fitting using the least square method. The numerical calculation of the integral of the singular integral operator, ∗ which is one of the primary integral processes before we obtained the solution of PT uses the multivariate polynomial fitting. This paper aims to provide an accurate numerical solution for first order PT for different geometry types, particularly sphere and ellipsoid geometry. The numerical results of the proposed method are shown together with the comparison of its analytical solutions. From the results obtained, the numerical solution of first order PT shows higher accuracy and higher convergence as the number of surface elements increases. The numerical and the analytical solution of first order PT for a sphere is discussed and represented in graphical form. The utilization of two different software types throughout this study is Netgen Mesh Generator and MATLAB to aid the numerical computation process. The simulation and the numerical examples verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method

    siRNA-induced immunostimulation through TLR7 promotes antitumoral activity against HPV-driven tumors in vivo

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    Oncogene-specific downregulation mediated by RNA interference (RNAi) is a promising avenue for cancer therapy. In addition to specific gene silencing, in vivo RNAi treatment with short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can initiate immune activation through innate immune receptors including Toll-like receptors, (TLRs) 7 and 8. Two recent studies have shown that activation of innate immunity by addition of tri-phosphate motifs to oncogene-specific siRNAs, or by co-treatment with CpG oligos, can potentiate siRNA antitumor effects. To date, there are no reports on applying such approach against human papillomavirus (HPV)-driven cancers. Here, we characterized the antitumor effects of non-modified siRNAs that can target a specific oncogene and/or recruit the innate immune system against HPV-driven tumors. Following the characterization of silencing efficacy and TLR7 immunostimulatory potential of 15 siRNAs targeting the HPV type 16 E6/E7 oncogenes, we identified a bifunctional siRNA sequence that displayed both potent gene silencing and active immunostimulation effect. In vivo systemic administration of this siRNA resulted in reduced growth of established TC-1 tumors in C57BL/6 mice. Ablation of TLR7 recruitment via 2′O-methyl modification of the oligo backbone reduced these antitumor effects. Further, a highly immunostimulatory, but non-HPV targeting siRNA was also able to exert antitumoral effects although for less prolonged time compared with the bifunctional siRNA. Collectively, our work demonstrates for the first time that siRNA-induced immunostimulation can have antitumoral effects against HPV-driven tumors in vivo, even independent of gene silencing efficacy

    Timing of nitrogen uptake pattern by maize using 15N isotope technique at different growth stages

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    It is necessary to know the right time for nitrogen (N) fertilizer application to meet the plant's need in order to reduce N loss. A glasshouse experiment was conducted at Universiti Putra Malaysia to determine the timing of N uptake at different growth stages of maize. Nitrogen was labeled as ¹⁵N urea with 10% atom excess (a.e). The total N uptake increased until eighth week of planting. After the eighth week of planting, total N decreased due to remobilization of nitrogen from leaf and stalks to grain. The maximum nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was only 37% throughout the growing season. This indicated that the NUE was very low. NUE can be increased by understanding the right rate and time of nitrogen fertilizer application. The best timing for nitrogen fertilizer application was before the eighth week of planting which reduced the loss of N

    Identification of metallic objects using spectral MPT signatures: object characterisation and invariants

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    The early detection of terrorist threat objects, such as guns and knives, through improved metal detection, has the potential to reduce the number of attacks and improve public safety and security. To achieve this, there is considerable potential to use the felds applied and measured by a metal detector to discriminate between different shapes and different metals since, hidden within the field perturbation, is object characterisation information. The magnetic polarizability tensor (MPT) offers an economical characterisation of metallic objects that can be computed for different threat and non-threat objects and has an established theoretical background, which shows that the induced voltage is a function of the hidden object's MPT coeffcients. In this paper, we describe the additional characterisation information that measurements of the induced voltage over a range of frequencies offer compared to measurements at a single frequency. We call such object characterisations its MPT spectral signature. Then, we present a series of alternative rotational invariants for the purpose of classifying hidden objects using MPT spectral signatures. Finally, we include examples of computed MPT spectral signature characterisations of realistic threat and non-threat objects that can be used to train machine learning algorithms for classification purposes