34 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis on maintennace and repair cost of different types of shipboard fixed fire extinguishing system

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    Merchant ships could, by requirement, be fitted with any two of three different types of fixed fire extinguishing system (FFES); CO2 based, water based and foam based. Each system is quite unique and so as the maintenance and repair cost. Maintenance cost of FFES depends on ship size and type and the major cost categories are labor and material. Maintenance budget to sustain maintenance and repair work on FFES is always given lump sum to the ship’s master and hence it is helpful if the master is provided with indication on how to apportion the budget by FFES type, by system’s category and by system’s components. This research intends to establish these ratios based on data collected from 31,980 DWT chemical tankers with GRT 22,116. Maintenance and repair cost data are split into categories and later further breakdown into components representing the types of works performed on the FFES systems. Probability of occurrence of their average annual values are also estimated using simple Gaussian Method. The result show that for FFES comprising of CO2 and water based system, the CO2 based system will take 7% of the lump sum budget, its labor cost will take 91% and SA CO2 Fixed Fire Sys Cylinder Test Certificate component will take 47.4% of the budgeted sum. For a CO2 and foam system, the CO2 based system will take 6% of the lump sum budget, its labor component will take 93% and PUC0611-Test Fire Pump 12M component will take 25.7%. For water and foam FFES system, water will take 4% of the budgeted sum, labor will take 100% and SA-Foam Analysis component will take 47.6%

    Farm Power Sources and Machinery Contribution in Small Rice Farming Operations in Kampar Region, Indonesia

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    Farm power is one of the important inputs in agriculture. Farm machinery is farm power source which has been increasingly used by farmers as instead of manual tools and animal power. This paper attempts to identify farm power sources and machinery contribution in small rice farming operations in Kampar Region, Indonesia. Field survey was conducted in the region and 30 rice farmers were interviewed to collect primary data. Descriptive-quantitative approaches ware used to analyse data, including percentage, mean, and graphical methods. The results showed that the farm machinery was used by farmers to perform rice farming operations in survey areas. The most popular and dominant power sources were human and machine powers. The machine power came from hand tractors, irrigation (water) pumps, power threshers, and rice milling units. They increased during the period of 2012-2016 and total number of power available on farm also increased during the same period. The contribution of machine power for total power was significant and would become more important in the future. Therefore, there is a need to increase the number and type of the farm machinery in the region in order to increase the availability of farm power and eventually increase rice production and productivity

    Farm Power Sources and Machinery Contribution in Small Rice Farming Operations in Kampar Region, Indonesia

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    Farm power is one of the important inputs in agriculture. Farm machinery is farm power source which has been increasingly used by farmers as instead of manual tools and animal power. This paper attempts to identify farm power sources and machinery contribution in small rice farming operations in Kampar Region, Indonesia. Field survey was conducted in the region and 30 rice farmers were interviewed to collect primary data. Descriptive-quantitative approaches ware used to analyse data, including percentage, mean, and graphical methods. The results showed that the farm machinery was used by farmers to perform rice farming operations in survey areas. The most popular and dominant power sources were human and machine powers. The machine power came from hand tractors, irrigation (water) pumps, power threshers, and rice milling units. They increased during the period of 2012-2016 and total number of power available on farm also increased during the same period. The contribution of machine power for total power was significant and would become more important in the future. Therefore, there is a need to increase the number and type of the farm machinery in the region in order to increase the availability of farm power and eventually increase rice production and productivity


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    Achievement of efficiency levels in business management determines the success of paddy farming organic and an-organic in order to produce products that can compete in the market and provide income for rice farmers of organic and un-organic. This study aimed to analyze the level of technical efficiency, the price/allocative efficiency and economic efficiency of organic and an-organic rice farming. The analysis models used the Production Function Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The study was conducted by a census method for organic farmers and a random sampling method for un-organic farmers located in the Rakit Kulim Village, Kelayang District, Indragiri Hulu Regency. The amount of organic rice farmers was 35 and the number of samples of rice farmers un-organic was 45 farmers for a total of 272 farmers. The results show the value of Technical Efficiency (ET) organic rice paddy averaged 0.9395/land size (0.3612 ha), while the value of 0.8299 an-organic rice ET/land size (0.387 ha). Allocative efficiency/price (EA) for the organic rice was 102.96/land size, while the value of rice farming EA un-organic was 0.18/land size. The value of the Economic Efficiency (EE) for organic rice farming was 96.68/land size and value of EE on un-organic rice farming was 0.15 per hectar

    Farm Machinery Development and Utilization System Policies for Small-Scale Rice Farming

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    The use of farm machinery as a source of power in Kampar Region, Indonesia has become increasingly important and dominant for effective and efficient farm operations. This paper attempted to highlight the farm machinery development and utilization system policies for small-scale rice farming in the region. Data were collected through field surveys in the selected rice production centers from 20 districts in Kampar Region. The interviews with involving farmers, government extension staff, and machinery suppliers were conducted in September and October 2015. The results showed that the agricultural mechanization program run by Government in Kampar region has dramatically accelerated the development of farm machinery use from year to year. On the other hand, the low purchasing power, limited government budgets, and limited farmers’ access to agricultural credit have decelerated the development of farm machinery on the farm level. To increase farm machinery utilization among small farmers, the local government has developed machinery-hiring schemes to provide farm machinery for the small farmers. Recommendations for the future development of increasing the use of farm machinery in the region are also proposed

    Perkembangan Ekspor Karet Alam Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the development of Indonesia's natural rubber exports. The data used are Time Series data from 1996-2016 obtained from various sources such as International Trade Statistics, FAO, United Nation Commodity Trade Statistics and BPS. The research data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the development of Indonesia's natural rubber export volume was increasing, although it fluctuated but still grew positively by 3.34 percent. This increase has an impact on increasing the value of its exports, even the increase is greater than the increase in volume. Over the past 21 years the value of Indonesia's natural rubber exports grew by 9.95 percent. Keywords: Development, Natural Rubber, Exports


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    Farm machinery is one of the important power sources to carry out farm operations today. The availability of farm power in adequate number is prerequisites for providing enough power in perform rice farming operation. This paper attempts to evaluate the farm machinery and power requirement for performing operations of small-scale rice farming in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Data were obtained from field survey in 15 districts from 21 districts of Kampar Regency. Village surveys were chose for each selected district which are rice production center and farm machines have been used in working rice farm operations. Samples were purposively selected and consisted of 30 farmers, 5 extension staffs and 20 machine operators. They were interviewed to collect field data on September 2015 by using questionnaires. The results show that the number of farm machinery was not sufficient to fulfill requirement and provide enough power for farm operations. From farm machinery available, it provided power about 0.61 hp.ha-1, while minimum power required for efficient rice farming is about 0.8 hp.ha-1. The results suggest that the number and type of farm machinery must be increased with financial support and involve private sectors


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    ABSTRACT In Indragiri Hilir Regency, coconut grows on peat land and mineral land. The difference in land conditions will affect the amount of production and income that farmers will receive. The objectives of this study are: (1) To determine the characteristics of Deep Coconut farmers on peat land and mineral land in Indragiri Hilir Regency. (2) Analyzing the production and income of Deep Coconut farmers on peat land and mineral land in Indragiri Hilir Regency. (3) Analyzing what factors influence the production of Deep Coconut on peat land and mineral land in Indragiri Hilir Regency. This study uses a survey method. The research location was determined in Kempas District for peat land and Concong District for mineral land. The sample is determined by purposive sampling, which is based on the age of coconut plants with a range of 10-15 years. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively, using the Cobb-Douglas production function. The results of the study show that (1) peat land and mineral land farmers have relatively the same characteristics farmers, the age of productive farmers, average education level graduating from elementary school, number of family dependents 3-4 people and having experience in farming for 20-29 years. (2) Coconut production on peat land is greater than mineral land, as well as income. (3) Factors that significantly affect coconut production on peat land are land and the number of productive plants, while for mineral land, they are processed. Keywords: Coconut, Peat Land, Mineral land, Cobb-Dougla

    Kebutuhan Mesin Pertanian dan Tenaga Untuk Mekanisasi Usahatani Padi Skala Kecil di Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau

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    Farm machinery is one of the important power sources to carry out farm operations today. The availability of farm power in adequate number is prerequisites for providing enough power in perform rice farming operation. This paper attempts to evaluate the farm machinery and power requirement for performing operations of small-scale rice farming in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Data were obtained from field survey in 15 districts from 21 districts of Kampar Regency. Village surveys were chose for each selected district which are rice production center and farm machines have been used in working rice farm operations. Samples were purposively selected and consisted of 30 farmers, 5 extension staffs and 20 machine operators. They were interviewed to collect field data on September 2015 by using questionnaires. The results show that the number of farm machinery was not sufficient to fulfill requirement and provide enough power for farm operations. From farm machinery available, it provided power about 0.61 hp.ha-1, while minimum power required for efficient rice farming is about 0.8 hp.ha-1. The results suggest that the number and type of farm machinery must be increased with financial support and involve private sectors

    Management System of Small Farm Machinery Hiring Business for Rice Farming Operations in Kampar Region, Indonesia

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    Development of using farm machines for agricultural operations has created business opportunities for smallholder fatmers in rural areas. Custom hire offering machinery services for farmers is one of business models at the farm level which has been adopted widely in many developing countries rvith different management system and economic benefit depending farming practices. This paper attempts to examine the management system of small fann machinery hire businesses for rice farming operations in Kampar Region. We have surveyed and purposively selected as 20 groups ofhire service providers of small farm machinery in the region. Group managers and machine operators were personally interviewed using questionnaires to collect primary data during September - October 2017.The results showed that the small farm machinery hire services were small businesses managed by farmer groups and operated within village area. They managed 2 - 4 kind of fann machines and offered hiring senrices for their group mernbers according to machine orvned with a lower charge rate. The businesses became sources of increasir.rg and diversilying family incornes for smallholder farmers in the region. Moreover, the availability of the farnr machinery hire businesses was helpful stalllrolder farmers to access farm machinery for being mechanized their rice farming operations