488 research outputs found

    Microrheology of colloidal dispersions: Shape matters

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    We consider a “probe” particle translating at constant velocity through an otherwise quiescent dispersion of colloidal “bath” particles, as a model for particle-tracking microrheology experiments in the active (nonlinear) regime. The probe is a body of revolution with major and minor semiaxes a and b, respectively, and the bath particles are spheres of radii b. The probe's shape is such that when its major or minor axis is the axis of revolution the excluded-volume, or contact, surface between the probe and a bath particle is a prolate or oblate spheroid, respectively. The moving probe drives the microstructure of the dispersion out of equilibrium; counteracting this is the Brownian diffusion of the bath particles. For a prolate or oblate probe translating along its symmetry axis, we calculate the nonequilibrium microstructure to first order in the volume fraction of bath particles and over the entire range of the Péclet number (Pe), neglecting hydrodynamic interactions. Here, Pe is defined as the non-dimensional velocity of the probe. The microstructure is employed to calculate the average external force on the probe, from which one can infer a “microviscosity” of the dispersion via Stokes drag law. The microviscosity is computed as a function of the aspect ratio of the probe, â=a/b, thereby delineating the role of the probe's shape. For a prolate probe, regardless of the value of â, the microviscosity monotonically decreases, or “velocity thins,” from a Newtonian plateau at small Pe until a second Newtonian plateau is reached as Pe-->[infinity]. After appropriate scaling, we demonstrate this behavior to be in agreement with microrheology studies using spherical probes [Squires and Brady, “A simple paradigm for active and nonlinear microrheology,” Phys. Fluids 17(7), 073101 (2005)] and conventional (macro-)rheological investigations [Bergenholtz et al., “The non-Newtonian rheology of dilute colloidal suspensions,” J. Fluid. Mech. 456, 239–275 (2002)]. For an oblate probe, the microviscosity again transitions between two Newtonian plateaus: for â3.52 the microviscosity at small Pe is less than at large Pe, which suggests it “velocity thickens” as Pe is increased. This anomalous velocity thickening—due entirely to the probe shape—highlights the care needed when designing microrheology experiments with non-spherical probes

    On the bulk viscosity of suspensions

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    The bulk viscosity of a suspension relates the deviation of the trace of the macroscopic or averaged stress from its equilibrium value to the average rate of expansion. For a suspension the equilibrium macroscopic stress is the sum of the fluid pressure and the osmotic pressure of the suspended particles. An average rate of expansion drives the suspension microstructure out of equilibrium and is resisted by the thermal motion of the particles. Expressions are given to compute the bulk viscosity for all concentrations and all expansion rates and shown to be completely analogous to the well-known formulae for the deviatoric macroscopic stress, which are used, for example, to compute the shear viscosity. The effect of rigid spherical particles on the bulk viscosity is determined to second order in volume fraction and to leading order in the Péclet number, which is defined as the expansion rate made dimensionless with the Brownian time scale. A repulsive hard-sphere-like interparticle force reduces the hydrodynamic interactions between particles and decreases the bulk viscosity

    A new resistance function for two rigid spheres in a uniform compressible low-Reynolds-number flow

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    The pressure moment of a rigid particle is defined as the trace of the first moment of the surface stress acting on the particle. We calculate the pressure moments of two unequal rigid spheres immersed in a uniform compressible linear flow, using twin multipole expansions and lubrication theory. Following the practice established in previous studies on two-body hydrodynamic interactions at low Reynolds number, the results are expressed in terms of a new (stresslet) resistance function

    The Reality of the Application of e-DMS in Governmental Institutions - an Empirical Study on the PPA

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    The research aims to identify the status of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions – the study was applied on the Palestinian Pension Agency. The population of this study is composed of all employees in the Palestinian Pension Agency. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach, through which try to describe the phenomenon of the subject of the study, analyze the data and the relationship between the components and the views put around it. Census method was used due to the small size of the study population and ease of access to the target group. (108) questionnaires were distributed to all members of the study population, were (65) employees in the Gaza Strip and (43) employees in the West Bank. All questionnaires were recovered. The study found the following results: There were no statistically significant differences in the members of the population in response to differences in the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the age. There are no statistically significant differences in population members in response to the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case Study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the variable nature of the job. As well as there are no statistically significant differences in the members of the population in response to the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the variable of specialization. There are statistically significant differences in the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to Qualification variable for the benefit of members of the population study who are holding a Bachelor degree. There are statistically significant differences in the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions – case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the variable number of years of experience for the benefit of members of the study population who have experience between 11-15 years. The study found a group of recommendations, including: the need to focus on the establishment of a general management of electronic documents in the organization structure that takes care of all the technical processes in it an contains scientifically qualified persons in the field of electronic document management. The need is for the attention in developing strategic plans, policies and mechanisms of action commensurate with the electronic document management system

    An Analytical Study of the Reality of Electronic Documents and Electronic Archiving in the Management of Electronic Documents in the Palestinian Pension Agency (PPA)

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    The study aims to identify the reality of management of electronic documents and electronic archiving retirement in the Palestinian Pension Agency -analytical study, as well as to recognize the reality of the current document management system in the Palestinian Pension Agency. The study found the following results: that the reality of the current system for the management of documents in the agency is weak and suffers from many jams. Employee in the agency understand the importance and benefits of the management of electronic documents system, where the application of electronic document management system provide important features and benefits most of which reduce the loss of documents between departments, illustrates the flow path, the speed, accuracy, transparency, and reduce the proportion of damage and destruction of files. Furthermore, the electronic documents system cost will be less than the cost of the current system and it will reduce the tasks assigned for the staff. The existence of a clear adoption of the agency for the policies and procedures established for the application of electronic documents management system. There are weak plans for training and developing of staff in the agency to raise their efficiency. The study found a set of recommendations, including: increased interest and awareness of the need to implement policies, mechanisms, and procedures to ensure the success of electronic document management system through benefiting from the experiences of other organizations and the private sector. The agency need to increase and develop its services for retirees in order to encourage the private sector, universities, and institutions to join the agency, and open the way for all segments of society in Gaza and West Bank and enhance its competitiveness between international social security institutions. The need to focus its attention on developing and publishing appropriate clear plans and specific goals about management of electronic documents and the agency should be committed to apply them. The need to focus on the establishment of a public management of archiving in the structure dealing with all technical operations and having competent and qualified employees in the field of electronic document management. The need to focus on the Palestinian National Archives and the follow-up with the international standards by the International Council Archives (ICA)

    Dynamics of forced and unforced autophoretic particles

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    Chemically active, or autophoretic, particles that isotropically emit or absorb solute molecules undergo spontaneous self-propulsion when their activity is increased beyond a critical P\'{e}clet number (PePe). Here, we conduct numerical computations, using a spectral-element based method, of a rigid, spherical autophoretic particle in unsteady rectilinear translation. The particle can be freely suspended (or `unforced') or subject to an external force field (or `forced'). The motion of an unforced particle progresses through four regimes as PePe is increased: quiescent, steady, stirring, and chaos. The particle is stationary in the quiescent regime, and the solute profile is isotropic about the particle. At Pe=4Pe=4 the fore-aft symmetry in the solute profile is broken, resulting in its steady self-propulsion. Our computations indicate that the self-propulsion speed scales linearly with Pe4Pe-4 near the onset of self-propulsion, as has been predicted in previous studies. A further increase in PePe gives rise to the stirring regime at Pe27Pe\approx27, where the fluid undergoes recirculation, while the particle remains essentially stationary. As PePe is increased even further, the particle dynamics are marked by chaotic oscillations at Pe55Pe\approx55 and higher, which we characterize in terms of the mean square displacement and velocity autocorrelation of the particle. Our results for an autophoretic particle under a weak external force are in good agreement with recent asymptotic predictions (Saha, Yariv, and Schnitzer, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 916, A47, 2021). Additionally, we demonstrate that the strength and temporal scheduling of the external force may be tuned to modulate the chaotic dynamics at large PePe.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Non-Brownian diffusion and chaotic rheology of autophoretic disks

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    The dynamics of a two dimensional autophoretic disk is quantified as a minimal model for the chaotic trajectories undertaken by active droplets. Via direct numerical simulations, we show that the mean-square displacement of the disk in a quiescent fluid is linear at long times. Surprisingly, however, this apparently diffusive behavior is non-Brownian, owing to strong cross-correlations in the displacement tensor. The effect of a shear flow field on the chaotic motion of a 2D autophoretic disk is examined. Here, the stresslet on the disk is chaotic for weak shear flows; a dilute suspension of such disks would exhibit a chaotic shear rheology. This chaotic rheology is quenched first into a periodic state and ultimately a steady state as the flow strength is increased

    Distribution of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in three rivers of Paikgacha, Bangladesh

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    Distribution of post larvae, juveniles and adults of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was studied in three rivers of Paikgachha, Khulna during November '91 to Apri1 '94. The adults were found to ascend upstream and the matured ones again return to the estuary to breed. Post larvae of M. rosenbergii prefer a salinity range in between 0.5 to 19.0 ppt and juveniles require a salinity range in between 0.0 to 2.0 ppt


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu sistem yang meningkatkan loyalitas dan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap perusahan Cireng Bawell dengan menerapkan customer relationship management, yang nantinya perusahaan akan sangat mudah untuk mengelola data customer dan juga menerima kritik dan saran dari customer serta membuat sistem yang nyaman digunakan dan ada ketertarikan sendiri dari sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan survei lapangan terlebih dahulu melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil survei lapangan menunjukan bahwa adanya masalah atau keluhan dari beberapa customer yang telah menjadi pelanggan di Cireng Bawell yang mana customer mengeluhkan perihal transaksi produk yang masih menyulitkan dan tidak adanya keterangan yang rinci saat ingin melihat produk sehingga customer kesulitan untuk memesannya. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan menerapkanya customer relationship management dengan mengandalkan kelola data customer dan juga adanya katalog dan detail produk, kemudahan transaksi serta point award yang akan membuat customer tertarik terhadap sistem. Kata Kunci:  Customer Relationship Management, e-Commerce, Point Award