83 research outputs found

    Regulations of Credit Rating Agencies after the Subprime Crisis

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    © MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. This article is devoted to topical issues of taxation of individuals and the resulting tax liabilities. Managing tax debt is of great importance as the macroeconomic conditions for the transition to sustainable development and improve competitiveness. In our opinion, the management of tax arrears - it's not only the performance of the tax authorities of their duties to collect the debt, but also the formation of the system of economic relations that arise between the state (local government), business entities and individuals regarding the payment of fees. Relevance of the topic is due to increased tax liabilities of individuals in the Russian Federation, as a result, it is necessary to find the optimal tax instruments of debt management

    Policy of Russia and Iran in the Central Asia

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The present study considers the policy of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic in the Central Asia. The comparative analysis of their actions in three main directions that are topical to both entities was performed. These are relationships with Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

    Information technologies as a factor of evolution of tax administration

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This publication describes the comparative analysis of taxing activity in different countries in terms of using information technologies and communication with the taxpayers through electronic means, as well as development of web services. Particularly, the document refers to the comparative country-specific data of cost structure for tax administration, electronic filing of personal/corporate income tax, automated application of budget settlements within Russia provided to taxpayers and others. Since its establishment, the Federal Tax Service of Russia deals with enhancement of tax administration all over the country, however, the tax authorities are not as effective as required for the time being. The point is to ensure the growth of tax revenues and enhance the quality of services rendered

    The tax component of innovative activity assessment in the Russian federation

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    The present paper investigates innovative development problems of worlds economies, techniques used to assess the level of country's innovative development. We identify particulars of applying tax benefits in order to stimulate parties involved in innovative process. The article focuses on the possibility of extension tax benefits in Russia taking into account innovative process characteristics and also authorities and taxpayers interaction ways, which are related to efficiency assessment of tax benefits for innovation in terms of tax administration system reform

    Development of the oil companies taxation system

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This publication is dedicated to the taxation of oil sector; describes the Russian oil industry taxation system; identifies the problems and specifies the development trends for taxation of oil companies. Among other things, the oil extraction tax calculation and payment mechanism will be studied for application to the Russian exploration and production sector. As the extraction tax heads the list of the taxes subject to be paid by operators, the authors conclude that the exploration and production sector needs an effective tax regulation

    Financial risk management instruments for petro-chemical industry

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    The article deals with the problem of estimate of efficiency of the risk-adjusted projects, influencing the time-frame and final result of realization. State of the Russian economy despite some positive tendencies can be characterized as a crisis in terms of the reproduction process. It also concerns the investment sphere in full. The investment processes mediated by the relevant organizational structures (primarily by commercial banks for the Russian Federation) are the catalysts in any economic system, the driving force of the dynamic development of social production. Currently, the banking sector comprises large financial resources that could contribute to the economic development of the country. However, in case of investment activities, commercial banks are faced with rather complex problems. As a result, the costs of banks in preparing and realizing the investment projects are extremely high, and the risk is great at every stage, as there are many economic factors that are likely to adversely affect the investment process. To assess the effectiveness of the projects on the example of JSC "Taneco", the Weighted average cost of capital model (WACC) was used. It is the average interest rate on all sources of financing the company. To demonstrate the efficiency of the risk-adjusted project, the capital asset pricing model is used - Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM, the calculation of which we will dwell upon on the example of JSC "Taneco"

    Tax regulation of activity of agricultural commodity producers

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    © MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. The article is devoted to the current problems of tax regulation in the field of agricultural production in the Republic of Tatarstan and necessity of solving them. In our opinion, improvement of tax regulation of agricultural production in the Republic of Tatarstan should be carried out by means of development of effective mechanisms of tax regulation of activity of agricultural commodity producers of the Republic of Tatarstan, which in turn, would promote its further dynamic development

    Patent system of taxation for small enterprises: Analysis of applications and prospects

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The tax regulation for small enterprises is one of the most important factors that have a significant impact on the development of this segment of the economy. The government takes active measures to promote small enterprises at the national level. In Russian Federation, one of such measures was the introduction of the taxation patent system. However, despite certain advantages, the system has several drawbacks. The analysis of taxation patent system application practice in Russian Federation revealed a number of problems requiring timely resolution. This study is devoted to the analysis of possible prospects and ways of patent taxation system development

    Arrangement and performance of on-site tax auditing in the Russian federation

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This paper covers the pressing challenges of the on-site tax auditing in the Russian Federation. Although the number of the on-site tax inspections is currently being reduced in Russia, it does not affect their performance efficiency as the tax control authorities select the auditees more thoroughly. We believe that it is a good practice to enhance the performance of the on-site inspections by addition of more criteria to the list of taxpayer selection criteria. This list of criteria may be constantly added for more accurate and effective selection of business units to facilitate further on-site auditing
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