4 research outputs found

    Bacterial Skin Abscess

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    Patients with skin and soft tissue infections may appear with the abscess. Erroneous diagnosis of these entities is common, and should carefully consider the possible alternative diagnoses. Risk for developing skin abscess factors includes disruption of the skin barrier, edema, venous insufficiency, and immune suppression. However, healthy individuals who have no risk factors may also develop these diseases. The most common microbiologic cause of abscess, a commonly group Streptococcus or Streptococcus pyogenes; Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant strains) is a notable but less common cause. The most common microbiologic cause of skin abscess is S. aureus; a skin abscess can be caused by more than one pathogen. The diagnosis is based on skin abscess usually on the clinical manifestations. It must be subject to patients with disposable abscess incision and drainage, with a test of culture and susceptibility of materials wet. There is no justification for the blood of patients in the cultures of the abovementioned circumstances. It can be a useful radiographic examination to determine whether the skin abscess is present (via ultrasound) to distinguish cellulitis from osteomyelitis (via magnetic resonance imaging). There may be a justification for radiological assessment in patients with immune suppression, diabetes, venous insufficiency, or lymphedema in patients with persistent symptoms of systemic lymphatic obstruction

    Characterization of Novel Coronavirus and Pandemic of Covid-19 : an Overview

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    في الفترة الأخيرة من عام 2019 ، تم التعرف على فيروس كورونا الجديد ، المسمى حاليًا SARS-CoV-2 ، بسبب انتشار مرض الجهاز التنفسي الحاد في الصين في ووهان. خلال شهر فبراير 2020 ، حددت منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO) أن COVID-19 هو مرض فيروس كورونا 2019. على مدى السنوات الخمسين الماضية، كانت هناك أعداد مختلفة من الفيروسات التاجية التي تسببت في مجموعة واسعة من الأمراض البشرية والطب البيطري. ومن المتوقع أن تستمر هذه الفيروسات في الظهور والتطور وتتسبب في الانتشار بالبشر بسبب قدرة الفيروسات على إعادة التجميع والتحول ونقل المرض إلى أنواع وخلايا عديدة. فيما يتعلق بفيروس كورونا، ستستمر الأبحاث المستقبلية في التحقيق في العديد من جوانب تكاثر الفيروس وامراضيته.  بداية، فإن فهم ميول الفيروسات المعنية للطفرة بين الأنواع، وتأكيد الإصابة في مضيف جديد آخر، وتحديد المستودعات الكبيرة لفيروسات كورونا سيساعد بشكل كبير في التنبؤ باين ومتى ستحدث الأوبئة المحتملة. نظرًا لأن الخفافيش تبدو مستودعًا مهمًا لهذه الفيروسات، فسيكون من المثير للاهتمام تحديد كيفية تجنب تطور المرض سريريًا والعدوى المستمرة. ثانيًا، تحديد كيفية ترميز البروتينات غير الهيكلية والملحقة للفيروس عبر بقايا فيروسات غير محددة وبدون وظيفة محددة وأيضًا يكون مهمًا لتحديد آليات عمل هذه البروتينات بالإضافة إلى تحديد دورها البارز في تضاعف الفيروس ثم احداث المرض .تحتاج هذه الدراسات إلى التوجه بشكل  رئيسي لتحديد مقدار العلاج المناسب الذي يهدف للسيطرة على العدوى.  بالإضافة إلى ذلك، توجد أيضًا العديد من الإنزيمات الفريدة المشفرة عبر فيروسات كورونا، مثل ADP-ribose-1 1-phosphatase ، في حقيقيات النوى الأعلى، مما يجعل دراستها قابلة للتطبيق لفهم الجوانب العامة للبيولوجيا الجزيئية والكيمياء الحيوية. ثالثًا، وبالمثل، فإن الحصول على صورة كاملة لتعقيدات RTC سيوفر إطارًا لفهم عملية تكرار الحمض النووي الريبي الفريدة التي تستخدمها هذه الفيروسات. أخيرًا ، فإن تحديد كيفية تسبب فيروسات كورونا في حدوث المرض ثم فهم الاستجابة المناعية للمضيف لمسببات الأمراض سيحسن بشكل كبير قدرتنا على تصنيع اللقاحات وتقليل عبء المرض.In the last period of 2019, the new corona virus, currently called SARS-CoV-2, recognized by way of the reason for the spread disease of acute respiratory in China in Wuhan. During February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified   COVID-19, as the 2019 coronavirus disease. Over the past 50 years, there have been different numbers of coronary viruses that have caused a wide range of human diseases and veterinary medicine. These viruses are expected to continue to appear, develop, and cause the spread of humans and viruses because of their ability to regroup, transform them and communicate a disease to numerous species in addition cells. Investigation of future for Coronavirus will ongoing for explore many aspects of virus duplication in addition pathogenesis. First of all, understanding tendencies for the viruses involved to hurdle among species, confirm contagion in another novel host, and identify large reservoirs of corona viruses   greatly help for predicting where and when possible epidemics will happen. Since bats appear an important viruses reservoir, it will be stimulating to limit how   can evade developing clinically evident of disease and persistent infection. Second, determining how  virus's non-structural and accessory proteins coded via  remain of viruses unmarked without a identified function and also be significant to determine the act mechanisms  of these proteins in addition to determine the  starring role in duplication  of viral then disease pathogenesis. These studies need to chief toward a major a plus the amount of appropriate treatment aims for control of infection. Additionally, several unique enzymes encoded via corona viruses, for example ADP-ribose-1 1-phosphatase, moreover exist in upper eukaryotes, creation their study applicable to learning common aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology. Third, likewise, obtaining a whole picture of RTC particulars will make available a background for learning replication of the unique RNA practice these viruses employ. Lastly, identifying just how coronaviruses reason disease then understanding the host's immune reaction for pathogen will greatly progress our capability to manufacture vaccines then decrease the disease burden

    Quality of Life and Its Related Factors Among Amputees in Babylon Province, Iraq

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    Objectives: Disability is a social problem with multiple interrelated aspects, including medical, psychological, social, and rehabilitative. The number of people with disabilities has increased recently, despite the great advances in the medical field. This study aims to assess the quality of life (QoL) among amputees and its relations with some independent variables. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 250 amputees registered in the Babylon Rehabilitation Facility, Babylon Province, Iraq. In light of some independent variables, we examined the QoL of these amputees. An empirical study was conducted to measure the reliability of the study questionnaire before it was given to professionals for validation. Interview techniques were used to collect data, which were then evaluated using descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (analyses of variance and the independent t test). Results: The Mean±SD age of the participants was 50±13.47 years (ranged 50-59 years). The characteristics of participants were as follows: male, 68.8%; married, 61.2%; secondary school graduate, 38%; employed, 34%; with insufficient monthly income, 41.2%; amputation due to diseases, 48.4% or accidents, 16.4%; amputation in lower extremities, 56.4%, and for more than 10 years on amputation, 48.8%. The results show differences in QoL concerning amputees’ age, marital status, occupation, monthly income, reasons for amputation, duration of amputation, gender, and sites of amputation. Discussion: Individual demographic characteristics should be considered in programs aimed at improving the QoL of amputees. Quality of life assessment and early inclusion should always be considered

    A review of airborne contaminated microorganisms associated with human diseases

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    Biological contaminants refer to environmental contamination and food source with living microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, viruses, and fungi, in addition to mites, house dust, and pollen. Temperature, relative humidity, movement of air, and sources of nutrients have influenced the presence and spread of biological contaminants. Numerous living microorganisms can grow independently on each other, such as bacteria and fungi. Viruses (a small obligate parasite) depend on other living organisms for their development and for performing vital functions. Indoor air can contaminate with biological contaminants by a different status, including living, dead, or debris of the dead microorganisms which were transported through ventilation systems, when the microorganism components dissolve in water. They become aerosolized when the contaminants are physically disturbed, like in renovation or construction, and when the contaminants discharge harmful gases into the indoor environment. Most studies conducted in recent years agree that air pollution rates are increasing, bringing more risks to human health, as pollution is related to the risk of heart and lung disease and its effect on children, especially infants and newborns. Also, environmental pollution may have become the most dangerous disaster faced by humans, because it means environment retrogradation in which humans lives as a result of an imbalance within the compatibility of the constituent elements and loses its ability to carry out its natural role in self-removal of contaminants by the natural factors noticeable within air, land, and water. In some cases, many common infections can spread through airborne contaminated microorganisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, measles virus (MV), influenza virus, Morbillivirus, chickenpox virus, norovirus, enterovirus, less commonly coronavirus, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). When an infected person coughs, talks, sneezes, has throat secretions, and releases nasal into the air, the airborne infection can spread. Bacteria or viruses spread out noticeably in the air or ground and transport to other persons or surfaces. This review provides the conception of biological contaminants and their properties, nature of the indoor environment, and adverse health effects associated with biological contaminants