40 research outputs found

    Проект реконструкции ЭСПЦ № 11 ООО «Юргинский машзавод» производительностью 80 тыс. тонн стали в год

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    Реферат Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 99 с., 5 рисунков, 16 источника, 5 графического материала формата А1. Ключевые слова: Дуговая сталеплавильная печь (ДСП), агрегат комплексной обработки стали (АКОС), изложница, сталеразливочный ковш, электросталеплавильный цех (ЭСПЦ), марка стали. Актуальность работы является увеличение годовой производительности стали, увеличение качества выпускаемой продукции и снижении себестоимости сортамента стали, и увеличение штат рабочих. Объектом исследования является электросталеплавильный цех №11 металлургическое завода ООО «Юргинский машзавод». Цель работы является реконструкция ЭСПЦ №11 с установкой второй дуговой сталеплавильной печи. В разделе «Объект и методы исследования» описано организационная структура управления цеха, констAbstract Graduation work contains 99 p., 5 figures, 16 sources, 5 sheets of graphic material A1 format. Keywords: arc furnace, secondary treatment unit of ladle-furnace type, mold, casting ladle, electric furnace steelmaking plant, steel grade. The relevance of the work is to increase the annual output of steel, to increase the quality of product, to reduce the cost of steel product and to increase the staff of workers. The object of the study is electric furnace steelmaking shop №11 of metallurgical plant of “Yurga Machine Building Plant”. The aim of the work is the reconstruction of electric furnace steelmaking shop №11 through installation of another electric arc furnace. The section "The object and methods of research" describes organizational structure of the shop of management, sho

    A Method to Boost Naïve Bayesian Classifiers

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    In this paper, we introduce a new method to improve the perform- ance of combining boosting and nave Bayesian. Instead of combining boosting and Nave Bayesian learning directly, which was proved to be unsatisfactory to improve performance, we select the training samples dynamically by bootstrap method for the construction of nave Bayesian classifiers, and hence generate very different or unstable base classifiers for boosting. Besides, we devise a modification for the weight adjusting of boosting algorithm in order to achieve this goal: minimizing the overlapping errors of its constituent classifiers. We conducted series of experiments, which show that the new method not only has performance much better than nave Bayesian classifiers or directly boosted nave Bayesian ones, but also much quicker to obtain optimal performance than boosting stumps and boosting decision trees incorporated with nave Bayesian learning