57 research outputs found

    Food Use and Health Effects of Soybean and Sunflower Oils

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    This review provides a scientific assessment of current knowledge of health effects of soybean oil (SBO) and sunflower oil (SFO). SBO and SFO both contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (60.8 and 69%, respectively), with a PUFA:saturated fat ratio of 4.0 for SBO and 6.4 for SFO. SFO contains 69% C18:2n-6 and less than 0.1% C18:3n-3, while SBO contains 54% C18:2n-6 and 7.2% C18:3n-3. Thus, SFO and SBO each provide adequate amounts of C18:2n-6, but of the two, SBO provides C18:3n-3 with a C18:2n-6:C18:3n-3 ratio of 7.1. Epidemiological evidence has suggested an inverse relationship between the consumption of diets high in vegetable fat and blood pressure, although clinical findings have been inconclusive. Recent dietary guidelines suggest the desirability of decreasing consumption of total and saturated fat and cholesterol, an objective that can be achieved by substituting such oils as SFO and SBO for animal fats. Such changes have consistently resulted in decreased total and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, which is thought to be favorable with respect to decreasing risk of cardiovascular disease. Also, decreases in high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol have raised some concern. Use of vegetable oils such as SFO and SBO increases C18:2n-6, decreases C20:4n-6, and slightly elevated C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 in platelets, changes that slightly inhibit platelet generation of thromboxane and ex vivo aggregation. Whether chronic use of these oils will effectively block thrombosis at sites of vascular injury, inhibit pathologic platelet vascular interactions associated with atherosclerosis, or reduce the incidence of acute vascular occlusion in the coronary or cerebral circulation is uncertain. Linoleic acid is needed for normal immune response, and essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency impairs B and T cell-mediated responses. SBO and SFO can provide adequate linoleic acid for maintenance of the immune response. Excess linoleic acid has supported tumor growth in animals, an effect not verified by data from diverse human studies of risk, incidence, or progression of cancers of the breast and colon. Areas yet to be investigated include the differential effects of n-6- and n-3-containing oil on tumor development in humans and whether shorter-chain n-3 PUFA of plant origin such as found in SBO will modulate these actions of linoleic acid, as has been shown for the longer-chain n-3 PUFA of marine oil

    Mechanisms of seawater acclimation in a primitive, anadromous fish, the green sturgeon

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    Relatively little is known about salinity acclimation in the primitive groups of fishes. To test whether physiological preparative changes occur and to investigate the mechanisms of salinity acclimation, anadromous green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris (Chondrostei) of three different ages (100, 170, and 533 dph) were acclimated for 7 weeks to three different salinities (<3, 10, and 33 ppt). Gill, kidney, pyloric caeca, and spiral intestine tissues were assayed for Na+, K+-ATPase activity; and gills were analyzed for mitochondria-rich cell (MRC) size, abundance, localization and Na+, K+-ATPase content. Kidneys were analyzed for Na+, K+-ATPase localization and the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) was assessed for changes in ion and base content. Na+, K+-ATPase activities increased in the gills and decreased in the kidneys with increasing salinity. Gill MRCs increased in size and decreased in relative abundance with fish size/age. Gill MRC Na+, K+-ATPase content (e.g., ion-pumping capacity) was proportional to MRC size, indicating greater abilities to regulate ions with size/age. Developmental/ontogenetic changes were seen in the rapid increases in gill MRC size and lamellar length between 100 and 170 dph. Na+, K+-ATPase activities increased fourfold in the pyloric caeca in 33 ppt, presumably due to increased salt and water absorption as indicated by GIT fluids, solids, and ion concentrations. In contrast to teleosts, a greater proportion of base (HCO3− and 2CO32−) was found in intestinal precipitates than fluids. Green sturgeon osmo- and ionoregulate with similar mechanisms to more-derived teleosts, indicating the importance of these mechanisms during the evolution of fishes, although salinity acclimation may be more dependent on body size

    Bone mineral density in Addison's disease: evidence for an effect of adrenal androgens on bone mass.

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    It is unknown whether replacement doses of cortisone acetate and the absence of the small amounts of androgens secreted by the adrenal cortex may cause osteoporosis. This was studied in 35 patients (12 men and 23 women) suffering from primary adrenocortical failure and taking cortisone acetate 25-37.5 mg and fludrocortisone 50-100 micrograms daily. Bone mineral density was measured by single photon absorptiometry at the midshaft of the radius, representing cortical bone, and at the distal part of the radius, a site with a significant trabecular component. The bone mineral density was normal in premenopausal female patients as well as in male patients, showing that replacement doses of cortisone acetate do not affect bone mass. By contrast, in postmenopausal patients there was a dramatic bone loss in addition to the physiological postmenopausal decrease in bone mass. This loss, combined with the low plasma concentrations of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone, and testosterone (and low concentrations of oestrone of adrenal origin), indicates that adrenal androgens may be essential for the maintenance of bone mass in postmenopausal women with Addison's disease. In addition, these data indicate that the small amounts of androgens secreted by the adrenal cortex have a role in the maintenance of bone mass in normal postmenopausal women