1,971 research outputs found

    Successful use of Onyx® for transcatheter arterial embolization of a scrotal arteriovenous malformation refractory to traditional embolic agents

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    AbstractA scrotal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare condition representing an abnormal connection between the arterial and venous systems of vessels supplying the scrotum. Scrotal AVMs are usually treated via transcatheter embolization, surgical extirpation, or a combination of the two approaches. A 41-year-old man developed a life-threatening hemorrhage from a scrotal AVM. After hemodynamic stability was attained, multiple transcatheter embolization procedures were performed (over the course of several months) to eliminate blood flow through the AVM. Traditional embolic agents including microcoils, Embospheres®, and Gelfoam® were used, with only temporary reduction of blood flow through the AVM. Onyx®, a liquid embolic agent, was used successfully as an adjunct treatment to achieve blood flow cessation. Onyx® demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of scrotal AVMs, and is a viable alternative to traditional embolic agents

    Letter from Thomas M. Key to James B. Finley

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    The bearer of this letter is a father trying to get his son out of prison. Key tells Finley that the son\u27s pardon has been sought from the governor. The father is an acting justice of the peace and a Methodist. Abstract Number - 1125https://digitalcommons.owu.edu/finley-letters/2109/thumbnail.jp

    Monitoring Outcomes in Highly Specialised Cardiac Surgery

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    Processing, performance and process modeling of preceramic polymers

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    An upper bound for the minimum weight of the dual codes of desarguesian planes

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    AbstractWe show that a construction described in [K.L. Clark, J.D. Key, M.J. de Resmini, Dual codes of translation planes, European J. Combin. 23 (2002) 529–538] of small-weight words in the dual codes of finite translation planes can be extended so that it applies to projective and affine desarguesian planes of any order pm where p is a prime, and m≥1. This gives words of weight 2pm+1−pm−1p−1 in the dual of the p-ary code of the desarguesian plane of order pm, and provides an improved upper bound for the minimum weight of the dual code. The same will apply to a class of translation planes that this construction leads to; these belong to the class of André planes.We also found by computer search a word of weight 36 in the dual binary code of the desarguesian plane of order 32, thus extending a result of Korchmáros and Mazzocca [Gábor Korchmáros, Francesco Mazzocca, On (q+t)-arcs of type (0,2,t) in a desarguesian plane of order q, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 108 (1990) 445–459]

    Global ocean radiocarbon programs

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in McNichol, A., Key, R., & Guilderson, T. Global ocean radiocarbon programs. Radiocarbon, (2022): 1–13, https://doi.org/10.1017/rdc.2022.17.The importance of studying the radiocarbon content of dissolved inorganic carbon (DI14C) in the oceans has been recognized for decades. Starting with the GEOSECS program in the 1970s, 14C sampling has been a part of most global survey programs. Early results were used to study air-sea gas exchange while the more recent results are critical for helping calibrate ocean general circulation models used to study the effects of climate change. Here we summarize the major programs and discuss some of the important insights the results are starting to provide.Authors received funding from the National Science Foundation OCE-85865400 (APM) and a Woods Hole Oceanographic Technical Staff Award (APM)

    Oestradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans

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    Endogenous oestradiol is strongly associated with breast cancer risk but its determinants are poorly understood. To test the hypothesis that vegetarians have lower plasma oestradiol and higher sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) than meat-eaters we assayed samples from 640 premenopausal women (153 meat-eaters, 382 vegetarians, 105 vegans) and 457 post-menopausal women (223 meat-eaters, 196 vegetarians, 38 vegans). Vegetarians and vegans had lower mean body mass indices (BMI) and lower plasma cholesterol concentrations than meat-eaters, but there were no statistically significant differences between meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in pre- or post-menopausal plasma concentrations of oestradiol or SHBG. Before adjusting for BMI there were small differences in the direction expected, with the vegetarians and vegans having higher SHBG and lower oestradiol (more noticeable amongst post-menopausal women) than the meat-eaters. These small differences were essentially eliminated by adjusting for BMI. Thus this study implies that the relatively low BMI of vegetarians and vegans does cause small changes in SHBG and in post-menopausal oestradiol, but that the composition of vegetarian diets may not have any additional effects on these hormones

    Conservation tillage increases in soil water storage, soil animal populations, grain yield, and response to fertiliser in the semi-arid subtropics

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    We compared 4 tillage practices (traditional, stubble mulch, reduced, no tillage) during 10 years under rainfed conditions on an alluvial soil in the semi-arid subtropics of central Queensland. In the final 4 years, responses to applied fertiliser nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn) were determined. We measured soil water storage, soil nitrate accumulation, grain yield (sorghum, wheat), grain protein content, and populations of soil macrofauna, with the aim of identifying soil-conserving practices that also produce high yields of high quality grain. Stubble mulch, reduced tillage, and no tillage all outyielded traditional tillage when soil fertility was adequate. With applied N, S, and Zn, the mean wheat yields from traditional, stubble mulch, reduced, and no tillage were 2.44, 3.32, 3.46, and 3.64 t/ha, respectively. The yield responses to tillage practices were due to increases in storage of soil water or efficiency of crop water use or both. Populations of soil macrofauna averaged (per m2) 19 (traditional tillage), 21 (stubble mulch), 33 (reduced tillage), and 44 (no tillage). The effect of the tillage practices on soil animal populations may be a factor contributing to the measured differences in soil water storage and water use efficiency. We conclude that conservation tillage practices can greatly increase grain yields, provided crop and fallow management practices are appropriate. Potential yield advantages are realised if crop establishment, crop nutrition; and control of weeds, bests, and diseases are adequate
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