18 research outputs found

    Colección de Mamíferos del Instituto Humboldt (IAvH-M)

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    The Mammal Collection of the Humboldt Institute is the third largest collection in the country and houses 9.471 specimens. These belong to 400 species, 212 genera, 51 families and 14 orders, from eight countries, Colombia the one with a higher representation (66,5% of species registered in the country). The best represented orders are Chiroptera, Rodentia, and Primates. The collection houses one neotype and two paratypes of Cebus albifrons albifrons, a paratype of Aotus hershkovitzi and a paratype of Vampyressa sinchi. The collection has been a benchmark for the study of the Colombian mammals and the Institute continues its effort to improve the curatorial status and the information associated to the specimens.La colección de mamíferos del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt es la tercera colección de mayor número de especímenes en el país con 9.471 determinados en 400 especies, 212 géneros, 51 familias y 14 órdenes, procedentes de ocho países, siendo Colombia el de mayor representatividad (66,5% de la diversidad registrada para el país en este grupo). Los órdenes mejor representados son Chiroptera, Rodentia y Primates. Alberga un neotipo y dos paratipos de Cebus albifrons albifrons, un paratipo de Aotus hershkovitzi y un paratipo de Vampyressa sinchi. La colección ha sido un referente para el estudio de mamíferos colombianos y se continúan realizando esfuerzos para mejorar el estado curatorial y la información asociada a los especímenes

    Mariposas diurnas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) en la Reserva Forestal El Romeral, Cordillera Central, Antioquia, Colombia

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    We present a public database at SIB Colombia, the product of several studies about the diversity and complementarity of a butterfly community (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in the El Romeral reserve, a protected area located southwest of the Aburrá Valley on the Central Cordillera in the department of Antioquia, Colombia. We report 69 species, 40 genera, 12 subfamilies and 5 families of butterflies in high Andean ecosystems, between 2250 and 2878 m a.s.l., including unique records and endemic species. The information is associated with specimens and barcode sequences in GenBank.Presentamos una base de datos pública en el SIB Colombia, producto de varios estudios sobre la diversidad y complementariedad de una comunidad de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) en la reserva El Romeral, un área protegida ubicada al suroeste del Valle de Aburrá, sobre la cordillera Central en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Se reporta la presencia de 69 especies, 40 géneros, 12 subfamilias y 5 familias de mariposas diurnas en ecosistemas de bosque de niebla, entre los 2250 y 2878 m s.n.m, incluyendo registros únicos y especies endémicas. La información se encuentra asociada a especímenes y a secuencias de código de barras en GenBank

    Leptotila verreauxi

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    Species: Leptotila verreauxi Subspecies: Leptotila verreauxi hernandezi Romero-Zambrano & Morales-Sánchez, 1981:292 Caldasia 13(62):291–299, September 1981. Paratypes. IAvH-A (INDERENA)-1577 (Fig. 1) and IAvH-A(INDERENA)-1579 (Fig. 2). IAvH-A-1577. Female. Colombia, Amazonas, cabeceras río Igará-Paraná (headwaters of Igará-Paraná River); J. Morales, C. Chaparro. Original collector number JEMS-A-458 (field No.12). 28 August 1977. Remarks: In the physical catalog and original label the specimen has additional geographical, collector and morphological information. The complete locality is: Colombia, Amazonas, Puerto Príncipe, cabecera del rio Igará-Paraná (headwaters of the Igará-Paraná River), and original collectors include J.E. Morales-S., C. E. Chaparro-R. and A. Samper (Jorge Enrique Morales-Sánchez; Carlos Eduardo Chaparro-Rodríguez; Alejandro Samper-Nieto). The specimen was taken as part of the project “Proyecto Amazonia Radargramétrico: PRORADAM”. Weight: 120 g; total length: 270 mm; wingspan: 410 mm; iris: yellow-orange, mandible: black, maxilla: black, feet-tarsus: purple, intestinal length: 340 mm. Active at 12 am. Images URL: http:// colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-1577/IAvH-A-1579. Female. Colombia, Amazonas, cabeceras río Igará- Paraná (headwaters of the Igará-Paraná river), en el noroccidente del Departamento; J. Morales, C. Chaparro. Original collector number JEMS-A-460 (field No.14). 28 August 1 977. Remarks: In the physical catalog and original label the specimen has additional geographical, collector and morphological information. The collection date differs, the correct date being 29 August 1977. The complete locality is: Colombia, Amazonas, Puerto Príncipe, cabecera del rio Igará-Paraná, and original collectors include J.E. Morales-S., C. E. Chaparro-R.A. and N. Samper (Jorge Enrique Morales-Sánchez; Carlos Eduardo Chaparro- Rodríguez; Alejandro Samper-Nieto). The specimen was taken as part of the project “Proyecto Amazonia Radargramétrico: PRORADAM”. Weight: 130 g; total length: 261 mm; wingspan: 420 mm; iris: orange, mandible: black, maxilla: black, feet-tarsus: purple, intestinal length: 550 mm. Active at 9 am. Images URL: http:// colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-1579/ Remarks for both paratypes: Locality data does not include geographical coordinates. The locality Puerto Principe could not be found in gazetteers, but the same place is recorded for other biological specimens as Puerto Principe, house of Lorenzo Candre. The family Candre still lives in the river Igará-Paraná, north of the original house of Lorenzo Candre. The geographical coordinates of the new house are 1°38'28"S., 72°38'56"W., 150 m a.s.l., near the river mouth of “caño Jitusuñuy”. These coordinates correspond today to Departamento de Amazonas, Corregimiento Departamental de El Encanto, since it is south of the river course of the Igará-Paraná, south of the torrent “raudal” of La Chorrera, Cordillera section. The holotype is a female, ICN 22610 (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, hereafter ICN), collected by Romero-Zambrano and Pablo Bernal (original number PB-5541), 14 March 1975. Type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Puerto Nariño, margen izquierdo del Río Loreto-Yacu (left margin of the river Loreto-Yacu) cerca de su desembocadura en el Río Amazonas (near the river mouth of the Amazon river) (3°45'S, 70°20'W). Two other paratypes, ICN 22611 (male) and ICN 22612 (female) from the same type locality form part of the description (Stiles 2007).Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on pages 214-215, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047

    Scytalopus griseicollis

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    Species: Scytalopus griseicollis Subspecies: Scytalopus griseicollis morenoi Avendaño & Donegan, 2015:139 Zookeys 506:137-153, DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.506.9553, 2 June 2015. Paratype: IAvH-A-14948 (Fig. 8). Fledgling male. Colombia, Norte de Santander, Municipio de Herrán, Parque Nacional Natural Tama, Sector Orocué, Alto El Pesebre (7°24'11"N., 72°26'29"W., elevation 2800 m.). Original collectors Andrés M. Cuervo, Socorro Sierra and Fernando Forero. Original collector’s number Socorro Sierra SS- 1291/AMC-959. 3 September 2008. Remarks: The collecting date of the specimen is wrongly published as 18 September 2008; it should read 3 September 2008. The specimen label includes information on weight: 16g; wingspan: 168 mm; gonad size; fat; skull ossification; soft tissue colors; molt; bursa: 6mm; and two tissue samples, one in 96% ethanol, the other in liquid nitrogen - LN2. One sample deposited at the Tissue Collection of the Humboldt Institute (IAvH-CT-11534). Captured in scrub of high Andean Forest in mist-net. In the original publication there is a photograph of the specimen in figure 2. Images URL: http://colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-14948/ The holotype is an adult male, ICN-37538, collected by J.E. Avendaño (original number JEA-811), 2 August 2009 in the collection of the ICN. Type locality: Colombia, Santander, Municipio de Molagavita, Vereda Potrero de Rodríguez, Finca La Rinconada, La Pica (6°43'N., 72°47'W., elevation 2880 m.).Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on page 222, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047

    Scytalopus perijanus Avendano, Cuervo, Lopez-O., Gutierrez-Pinto, Cortes-Diago & Cadena 2015

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    Species: Scytalopus perijanus Avendaño, Cuervo, López-O., Gutiérrez-Pinto, Cortes-Diago & Cadena, 2015:451 The Auk 132:450–466, DOI: 10.1642/AUK-14-166.1, 11 March 2015. Paratype: IAvH-A-15290 (Fig. 7). Male. Colombia, Cesar, Manaure, Vereda Sabana Rubia, Casa e´ (de) vidrio. Original label from the Ornithological Collection of the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional number ICN-36839. Original collectors J.E. Avendaño, A.M. Cuervo, J.P. López and N. Gutiérrez. Original collector number JEA-C 686. 7 July 2008. Remarks: The specimen was exchanged from the ICN in September 2012. The specimen data on the original label includes weight, gonad sizes, fat, soft part colors, and tissue sample deposited at the Tissue Collection of the Humboldt Institute (IAvH-CT-11308). Additional geographical coordinates for the paratype are: 10°22'01"N., 72°53'51"W., elevation ca. 3025 m collected with shotgun in low scrub in patches of secondary forest at páramo. In the original description this specimen also appears with the number ICN-36839. Images URL: http:// colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-15290/ The holotype is an adult male, ICN-36745, collected by J.E. Avendaño (original number 695), 10 July 2008 in the collection of the ICN. Type locality: Colombia, Cesar, Municipio de Manaure, Vereda El Cinco, parte alta de la vereda, en la vertiente occidental de la Serranía de Perijá (10°21'50"N., 72°56'51"W., elevation 2450 m.). Tissue sample from the holotype deposited at the Tissue Collection of the Humboldt Institute (IAvH-CT-11317). Vocal samples of the holotype deposited at the Sound Collection of the Instituto Humboldt–CSA as IAvH-BSA 2801-16.Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on pages 221-222, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047

    Grallaria rufocinerea

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    Species: Grallaria rufocinerea Subspecies: Grallaria rufocinerea romeroana Hernández-Camacho & Rodríguez-M., 1979:577 Caldasia 12(60):573–580, October 1979. Holotype: IAvH-A(INDERENA)-0525 (Fig. 4). Adult male. Colombia, Huila, La Plata, Parque Nacional Natural Puracé, inmediaciones cascada del rio Bedón (o rio San José) (near the waterfall on the Bedon River), margen derecha del citado rio (right margin of the river), al occidente de Versalles (west of Versalles town), vertiente oriental de la Cordillera Central (east flank of the Central Cordillera), 3000 m a.s.l. (2°20"N., 76°17"W.). Carlos Arturo León M. Original collector number CALMA-A-001. 15 November 1970. Remarks: In the physical catalog, original label and description the specimen has additional morphological information. Weight: 44.6 g; Total length: 161 mm; wingspan: 288 mm; fresh plumage; other measurements and soft colors from the dry prepared specimen are included in the original description. Another specimen is described as paratype (IAvH-A-0526). The geographical locality politically belongs today to Department of Cauca, not Huila, Municipality of Inza, coordinates near the Cascada Bedón (Bedon waterfalls) are: 2°19'40"N., 76°17'03"W. Images URL: http://colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-525/ Paratype: IAvH-A(INDERENA)-0526 (Fig. 5). Sex unknown, Colombia, Huila, La Plata, Parque Nacional Natural Puracé, inmediaciones cascada del rio Bedón (o rio San José) (near the waterfall on the Bedon River), margen derecha del citado rio (right margin of the river), al occidente de Versalles (west of Versalles town), vertiente oriental de la Cordillera Central (east flank of the Central Cordillera), elevación 3000 m. (2°20"N., 76°17"W.). Carlos Arturo León M. Original collector number CALMA-A-005. No collecting date. Remarks: Although on the original label there is no collecting date, in the original description the specimen is said to have been collected on the same date and from the same area as the holotype (15 November 1970). The original description has additional morphological information on wing length, tail, culmen from base and exposed culmen, and tarsus. Soft part colors as in the holotype, taken from the dry prepared specimen. The geographical locality politically belongs today to Department of Cauca, not Huila, Municipality of Inza, coordinates near the Cascada Bedón (Bedon waterfalls) are: 2°19'40"N., 76°17'03"W. The specimen has also an old label from the ICN with the number ICN-25011. Images URL: http://colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A- 526/Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on pages 218-219, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047

    Vireo masteri Salaman & Stiles 1996

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    Species: Vireo masteri Salaman & Stiles, 1996:611 Ibis 138 (4):610-619, 2 figs., October 1996. Paratype: IAvH-A(INDERENA)-6425 (Fig. 9). Juvenile male. Colombia, Nariño, Barbacoas, 5 km NW of Altaquer, at Rio Ñambí. Elevation 1400 m. Original collector Paul G. W. Salaman. No collector´s number. 25 August 1991. Remarks: The original locality published had no specific geographical coordinates for the specimen other than the general survey area at 1°18'N, 7°85'W at 1350 m a.s.l., but the original label had geographical information as 6 km NE road from Altaquer, near the rio Ñambi and coordinates 1°42'N., 78°55'W., 1300 m. Both geographical coordinates must be in error since the Rio Ñambi Reserve main cabin is located at 1°18'N., 78°05'W at 1300 m. The skin was prepared by Guillermo Cantillo, and the paratype specimen label includes morphological information different from the published measurements, which are weight 11g; exposed culmen 11.2 mm; bill depth at nostril 3.4 mm, wing chord 54 mm, tail 34.9 mm, and tarsus length 19 mm. Skull ossification 30% and in molt. Soft part colors in the original description. The specimen was partially destroyed by ants in the field after preparation and has the tail detached, and the head almost totally torn. Images URL: http://colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/ imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-6425/ The holotype is a male, ICN- 31206 in the ICN collection, collected by F. Gary Stiles (original number FGS-2890), 5 June 1992. Type locality: Colombia, Risaralda, Municipio de Mistrato, 7 km NW of Geguadas, Alto de Pisones (5°25'N., 76°02'W., elevation 1620 m.).Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on page 222, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047

    Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia

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    Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro, Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo (2018): Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia. Zootaxa 4524 (2): 213-226, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.

    Grallaria alleni Chapman 1912

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    Species: Grallaria alleni Subspecies: Grallaria alleni andaquiensis Hernández-Camacho & Rodríguez-M., 1979:574 Caldasia 12(60):573–580, October 1979. Holotype: IAvH-A(INDERENA)-0715 (Fig. 3). Male. Colombia, Huila, Acevedo, Parque Nacional Natural "Cueva de los Guacharos", inmediaciones de la Cueva de Los Guacharos (near the Cueva de los Guacharos), valle del rio Suaza (valley of the Suaza river), vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental (western flank of the Central Cordillera), elevation 2000–2100 m (1°37"N., 76°W.). Fresh plumage (remiges slightly worn), tail absent. Original collector Daniel Almairo, no collector´s number. 21 October 1971. Remarks: Additional information in the physical catalog, original label and original description includes measurements and soft colors. Total length: 165 mm (it is not known if this includes the tail which is lacking on the specimen); wingspan: 335 mm; fresh plumage; iris: dark blue; other measurements and soft colors from the dry prepared specimen are included in the original description. There are no paratypes for this taxon. Additional geographical coordinates at the entrance of the Cueva de los Guacharos are: 1°36'40"N., 76°06'15"W. Images URL: http://colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-715/Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on pages 216-217, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047

    Scytalopus stilesi Cuervo, Cadena, Krabbe & Renjifo 2005

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    Species: Scytalopus stilesi Cuervo, Cadena, Krabbe & Renjifo, 2005:447 The Auk 122(2):445-463, April 2005. Paratype: IAvH-A-15289 (Fig. 6). Immature female. Colombia, Antioquia, Municipio de Amalfi, Vereda Salazar, Finca Bodega Vieja (6°58'N., 75°03'W., 1505 m.). Original label from the Ornithological Collection of the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional number ICN 34420. Original collector A.M. Cuervo. Original collector number AMC-426. 30 June 2002. Remarks: The specimen was given in exchange from the ICN in September 2012. The specimen data on the original label and in the original publication includes weight; bill length, height, and width; wing, tail, and tarsus lengths; gonad size; fat; skull ossification; soft part colors; stomach contents; and tissue sample deposited at the Tissue Collection of the Humboldt Institute (IAvH-CT-2230). This paratype is illustrated in the front cover of the journal. Images URL: http://colecciones.humboldt.org.co/rec/imagenes/IAvH-A/IAvH-A-15289/ The holotype is an adult male, ICN-34569, in the ICN collection, collected by A. M. Cuervo (original number AMC 104), 5 January 2002. Typical Locality: Colombia, Antioquia, Amalfi, Vereda Cajamarca, Finca Canales (6°49'N., 75°06'W., elevación 1845 m.).Published as part of Córdoba-Córdoba, Sergio, Sierra, Socorro & Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, 2018, Illustrated and online catalog of the type specimens of birds (Class: Aves) in the Ornithological Collection at the Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A), Colombia, pp. 213-226 in Zootaxa 4524 (2) on page 220, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/261047