244 research outputs found

    Realising the future: forecasting with high frequency based volatility (HEAVY) models

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    This paper studies in some detail a class of high frequency based volatility (HEAVY) models. These models are direct models of daily asset return volatility based on realized measures constructed from high frequency data. Our analysis identifies that the models have momentum and mean reversion effects, and that they adjust quickly to structural breaks in the level of the volatility process. We study how to estimate the models and how they perform through the credit crunch, comparing their fit to more traditional GARCH models. We analyse a model based bootstrap which allow us to estimate the entire predictive distribution of returns. We also provide an analysis of missing data in the context of these models.ARCH models; bootstrap; missing data; multiplicative error model; multistep ahead prediction; non-nested likelihood ratio test; realised kernel; realised volatility.

    Theoretical and Empirical properties of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH

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    In this paper, we develop the theoretical and empirical properties of a new class of multi-variate GARCH models capable of estimating large time-varying covariance matrices, Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH. We show that the problem of multivariate conditional variance estimation can be simplified by estimating univariate GARCH models for each asset, and then, using transformed residuals resulting from the first stage, estimating a conditional correlation estimator. The standard errors for the first stage parameters remain consistent, and only the standard errors for the correlation parameters need be modified. We use the model to estimate the conditional covariance of up to 100 assets using S&P 500 Sector Indices and Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks, and conduct specification tests of the estimator using an industry standard benchmark for volatility models. This new estimator demonstrates very strong performance especially considering ease of implementation of the estimator.

    Nuisance parameters, composite likelihoods and a panel of GARCH models

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    We investigate the properties of the composite likelihood (CL) method for (T ×N_T ) GARCH panels. The defining feature of a GARCH panel with time series length T is that, while nuisance parameters are allowed to vary across N_T series, other parameters of interest are assumed to be common. CL pools information across the panel instead of using information available in a single series only. Simulations and empirical analysis illustrate that in reasonably large T CL performs well. However, due to the estimation error introduced through nuisance parameter estimation, CL is subject to the “incidental parameter” problem for small T.ARCH models; composite likelihood; nuisance parameters; panel data

    Asymmetric dynamics in the correlations of global equity and bond returns

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    JEL Classification: F3, G1, C5Correlation, International Finance, Variance Targeting

    Sesame-Style Decomposition of KS-DFT Molecular Dynamics for Direct Interrogation of Nuclear Models

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    A common paradigm used in the construction of equations of state is to decompose the thermodynamics into a superposition of three terms: a static-lattice cold curve, a contribution from the thermal motion of the nuclei, and a contribution from the thermal excitation of the electrons. While statistical mechanical models for crystals provide tractable framework for the nuclear contribution in the solid phase, much less is understood about the nuclear contribution above the melt temperature (Cv(nuc)3RC_v^{(\text{nuc})}\approx 3R) and how it should transition to the high-temperature limit (Cv(nuc)32RC_v^{(\text{nuc})} \sim \frac{3}{2}R). In this work, we describe an algorithm for extracting both the thermal nuclear and thermal electronic contributions from quantum molecular dynamics (QMD). We then use the VASP QMD package to probe thermal nuclear behavior of liquid aluminum at normal density to compare the results to semi-empirical models -- the Johnson generic model, the Chisolm high-temperature liquid model, and the CRIS model.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, APS Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Conference Proceedings 201

    Theoretical and Empirical Properties of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH

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    In this paper, we develop the theoretical and empirical properties of a new class of multivariate GARCH models capable of estimating large time-varying covariance matrices, Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH. We show that the problem of multivariate conditional variance estimation can be simplified by estimating univariate GARCH models for each asset, and then, using transformed residuals resulting from the first stage, estimating a conditional correlation estimator. The standard errors for the first stage parameters remain consistent, and only the standard errors for the correlation parameters need be modified. We use the model to estimate the conditional covariance of up to 100 assets using S&P 500 Sector Indices and Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks, and conduct specification tests of the estimator using an industry standard benchmark for volatility models. This new estimator demonstrates very strong performance especially considering ease of implementation of the estimator

    A "work in progress"? Public engagement is now part of the UK research landscape but challenges remain

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    Funders of UK research have sought to foster a research culture in which public engagement is embedded at all levels. Kevin Burchell, Chloe Sheppard and Jenni Chambers report on research examining the extent of participation in public engagement by UK researchers, how it varies, and why. Large majorities of researchers have participated in public engagement and are broadly positive about it, while institutions are also shown to be supportive. However, a lack of time, opportunities, funding, and reward are cited as constraints. Meanwhile, public engagement appears more firmly embedded in the arts, humanities and social sciences than it is among STEM researchers. The provision of effective, accessible training is found to be an important precursor to participation in public engagement

    Fitting and testing vast dimensional time-varying covariance models

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    Building models for high dimensional portfolios is important in risk management and asset allocation. Here we propose a novel way of estimating models of time-varying covariances that overcome some of the computational problems which have troubled existing methods when applied to 1,000s of assets. The theory of this new strategy is developed in some detail, allowing formal hypothesis testing to be carried out on these models. Simulations are used to explore the performance of this inference strategy while empirical examples are reported which show the strength of this method

    Theoretical and Empirical Properties of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH

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    In this paper, we develop the theoretical and empirical properties of a new class of multivariate GARCH models capable of estimating large time-varying covariance matrices, Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH. We show that the problem of multivariate conditional variance estimation can be simplified by estimating univariate GARCH models for each asset, and then, using transformed residuals resulting from the first stage, estimating a conditional correlation estimator. The standard errors for the first stage parameters remain consistent, and only the standard errors for the correlation parameters need be modified. We use the model to estimate the conditional covariance of up to 100 assets using S&P 500 Sector Indices and Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks, and conduct specification tests of the estimator using an industry standard benchmark for volatility models. This new estimator demonstrates very strong performance especially considering ease of implementation of the estimator