3,353 research outputs found

    Markets are Dead, Long Live Markets

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    Researchers have long proposed using economic approaches to resource allocation in computer systems. However, few of these proposals became operational, let alone commercial. Questions persist about the economic approach regarding its assumptions, value, applicability, and relevance to system design. The goal of this paper is to answer these questions. We find that market-based resource allocation is useful, and more importantly, that mechanism design and system design should be integrated to produce systems that are both economically and computationally efficient.Comment: Fix rotation of figure

    Amortized Rotation Cost in AVL Trees

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    An AVL tree is the original type of balanced binary search tree. An insertion in an nn-node AVL tree takes at most two rotations, but a deletion in an nn-node AVL tree can take Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n). A natural question is whether deletions can take many rotations not only in the worst case but in the amortized case as well. A sequence of nn successive deletions in an nn-node tree takes O(n)O(n) rotations, but what happens when insertions are intermixed with deletions? Heaupler, Sen, and Tarjan conjectured that alternating insertions and deletions in an nn-node AVL tree can cause each deletion to do Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) rotations, but they provided no construction to justify their claim. We provide such a construction: we show that, for infinitely many nn, there is a set EE of {\it expensive} nn-node AVL trees with the property that, given any tree in EE, deleting a certain leaf and then reinserting it produces a tree in EE, with the deletion having done Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) rotations. One can do an arbitrary number of such expensive deletion-insertion pairs. The difficulty in obtaining such a construction is that in general the tree produced by an expensive deletion-insertion pair is not the original tree. Indeed, if the trees in EE have even height kk, 2k/22^{k/2} deletion-insertion pairs are required to reproduce the original tree

    Label optimal regret bounds for online local learning

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    We resolve an open question from (Christiano, 2014b) posed in COLT'14 regarding the optimal dependency of the regret achievable for online local learning on the size of the label set. In this framework the algorithm is shown a pair of items at each step, chosen from a set of nn items. The learner then predicts a label for each item, from a label set of size LL and receives a real valued payoff. This is a natural framework which captures many interesting scenarios such as collaborative filtering, online gambling, and online max cut among others. (Christiano, 2014a) designed an efficient online learning algorithm for this problem achieving a regret of O(nL3T)O(\sqrt{nL^3T}), where TT is the number of rounds. Information theoretically, one can achieve a regret of O(nlogLT)O(\sqrt{n \log L T}). One of the main open questions left in this framework concerns closing the above gap. In this work, we provide a complete answer to the question above via two main results. We show, via a tighter analysis, that the semi-definite programming based algorithm of (Christiano, 2014a), in fact achieves a regret of O(nLT)O(\sqrt{nLT}). Second, we show a matching computational lower bound. Namely, we show that a polynomial time algorithm for online local learning with lower regret would imply a polynomial time algorithm for the planted clique problem which is widely believed to be hard. We prove a similar hardness result under a related conjecture concerning planted dense subgraphs that we put forth. Unlike planted clique, the planted dense subgraph problem does not have any known quasi-polynomial time algorithms. Computational lower bounds for online learning are relatively rare, and we hope that the ideas developed in this work will lead to lower bounds for other online learning scenarios as well.Comment: 13 pages; Changes from previous version: small changes to proofs of Theorems 1 & 2, a small rewrite of introduction as well (this version is the same as camera-ready copy in COLT '15

    Modeling temporal networks using random itineraries

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    We propose a procedure to generate dynamical networks with bursty, possibly repetitive and correlated temporal behaviors. Regarding any weighted directed graph as being composed of the accumulation of paths between its nodes, our construction uses random walks of variable length to produce time-extended structures with adjustable features. The procedure is first described in a general framework. It is then illustrated in a case study inspired by a transportation system for which the resulting synthetic network is shown to accurately mimic the empirical phenomenology