163 research outputs found

    Current concepts in sport concussion management: A multifaceted approach

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    Sport-related concussion is a common neurological injury that occurs in all levels of athletic participation. Concussions may actually go undiagnosed, as they do not always display outward signs and athletes may fail to report symptoms of concussion, either because they do not know the symptoms, or for fear of removal from play. Inappropriate management of concussion can lead to increased risk of subsequent injury. This article outlines various aspects of sport-related concussion management, including preparation/planning, education, evaluation, management, return to play decisions, and long term effects of concussion. Preparation and education are the first steps that must be taken to minimize the potentially negative consequences of concussion. If a concussion is suspected, it must be stressed that the evaluation should include a multifaceted approach, with a physical examination and assessment of signs and symptoms, neurocognition and balance. The management of concussion should include both physical and cognitive rest and factors such as transportation, sleep, work, and academics should be taken into consideration. Return to play following concussion should follow a graduated return to play protocol, with careful monitoring of symptoms. Sports medicine clinicians should stay up to date with information regarding concussion management and take a conservative approach, because there are recent reports of various cumulative effects of multiple concussions

    If You're Not Measuring, You're Guessing: The Advent of Objective Concussion Assessments

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    Sport-related concussion remains one of the most complex injuries presented to sports medicine professionals. Although the injury has been recognized since ancient times, the concussion-assessment process has seen significant advances over the last 30 years. This review outlines the addition of objective measures to the clinical evaluation of the concussed athlete, beginning in the 1980s and continuing through the modern age. International and domestic organizations now describe standardized symptom reports, neurostatus and neurocognitive-function evaluations, and postural-control measures as standards of medical care, a significant shift from a short time ago. Despite this progression, much about the injury remains unknown, including new clinical and research-based assessment techniques and how the injury may influence the athlete's cognitive health over the long term

    A Nonlinear Dynamic Approach for Evaluating Postural Control

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    Recent research suggests that traditional biomechanical models of postural stability do not fully characterise the nonlinear properties of postural control. In sports medicine, this limitation is manifest in the postural steadiness assessment approach, which may not be sufficient for detecting the presence of subtle physiological change after injury. The limitation is especially relevant given that return-to-play decisions are being made based on assessment results. This update first reviews the theoretical foundation and limitations of the traditional postural stability paradigm. It then offers, using the clinical example of athletes recovering from cerebral concussion, an alternative theoretical proposition for measuring changes in postural control by applying a nonlinear dynamic measure known as ‘approximate entropy’. Approximate entropy shows promise as a valuable means of detecting previously unrecognised, subtle physiological changes after concussion. It is recommended as an important supplemental assessment tool for determining an athlete’s readiness to resume competitive activity

    Hip Kinematics During a Stop-Jump Task in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability

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    Context: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) commonly develops after lateral ankle sprain. Movement pattern differences at proximal joints may play a role in instability. Objective: To determine whether people with mechanical ankle instability (MAI) or functional ankle instability (FAI) exhibited different hip kinematics and kinetics during a stop-jump task compared with “copers.” Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Sports medicine research laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Sixty-three recreational athletes, 21 (11 men, 10 women) per group, matched for sex, age, height, mass, and limb dominance. All participants reported a history of a moderate to severe ankle sprain. The participants with MAI and FAI reported 2 or more episodes of giving way at the ankle in the last year and decreased functional ability; copers did not. The MAI group demonstrated clinically positive anterior drawer and talar tilt tests, whereas the FAI group and copers did not. Intervention(s): Participants performed a maximum-speed approach run and a 2-legged stop jump followed by a maximum vertical jump. Main Outcome Measure(s): An electromagnetic tracking device synchronized with a force plate collected data during the stance phase of a 2-legged stop jump. Hip motion was measured from initial contact to takeoff into the vertical jump. Group differences in hip kinematics and kinetics were assessed. Results: The MAI group demonstrated greater hip flexion at initial contact and at maximum (P = .029 and P = .017, respectively) and greater hip external rotation at maximum (P = .035) than the coper group. The MAI group also demonstrated greater hip flexion displacement than both the FAI (P = .050) and coper groups (P = .006). No differences were noted between the FAI and coper groups in hip kinematic variables or among any of the groups in ground reaction force variables. Conclusions: The MAI group demonstrated different hip kinematics than the FAI and coper groups. Proximal joint motion may be affected by ankle joint function and laxity, and clinicians may need to assess proximal joints after repeated ankle sprains

    Current Trends in Athletic Training Practice for Concussion Assessment and Management

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    Context: Athletic trainers surveyed in 1999 demonstrated little consensus on the use of concussion grading scales and return-to-play criteria. Most relied on clinical examination or symptom checklists to evaluate athletes with concussion. Objective: To investigate the current trends of certified athletic trainers in concussion assessment and management. Design: Subjects were invited to participate in a 32-question Internet survey. Setting: An Internet link to the survey was e-mailed to the subjects. Patients or Other Participants: A total of 2750 certified athletic trainers and members of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association were randomly e-mailed and invited to participate. Main Outcome Measure(s): Survey questions addressed topics including years of certification, number of concussions evaluated each year, methods of assessing concussion, and guidelines used for return to play. Compliance with the recent position statement of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association on sport-related concussion was also evaluated. Results: Certified athletic trainers averaged 9.9 ± 7.3 years of certification and evaluated an average of 8.2 ± 6.5 concussions per year. To assess concussion, 95% reported using the clinical examination, 85% used symptom checklists, 48% used the Standardized Assessment of Concussion, 18% used neuropsychological testing, and 16% used the Balance Error Scoring System. The most frequently used concussion grading scale and return-to-play guideline belonged to the American Academy of Neurology (30%). When deciding whether to return an athlete to play, certified athletic trainers most often used the clinical examination (95%), return-to-play guidelines (88%), symptom checklists (80%), and player self-report (62%). The most important tools for making a return-to-play decision were the clinical examination (59%), symptom checklists (13%), and return-to-play guidelines (12%). Only 3% of certified athletic trainers surveyed complied with the recent position statement, which advocated using symptom checklists, neuropsychological testing, and balance testing for managing sport-related concussion. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that only a small percentage of certified athletic trainers currently follow the guidelines proposed by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. Various assessment methods and tools are currently being used, but clinicians must continue to implement a combination of methods and tools in order to comply with the position statement

    Prevalence and Characterization of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Retired National Football League Players

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    It has been hypothesized that exposure to repetitive head trauma from contact sports over a long-playing career may eventuate in an increased risk of late-life cognitive impairment. There are currently two competing hypotheses about the possible mechanism underlying such impairment. One is the presence of a unique neurodegenerative disorder known as (CTE). The other is diminished cerebral reserve leading to the earlier clinical expression of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). The present study examined informant AD8 inventory data in a sample of 513 retired National Football League (NFL) players. These data were indicative of possible cognitive impairment in 35.1% of this relatively young sample. A comparison of neurocognitive profiles in a subsample of this group to a clinical sample of patients with a diagnosis of MCI due to AD revealed a highly similar profile of impairments. Overall, the data suggest that there may be an increased prevalence of late-life cognitive impairment in retired NFL players, which may reflect diminished cerebral reserve. The findings are considered preliminary, but emphasize the need for larger, controlled studies on this issue. (JINS, 2013, 19, 1–8

    Are Divided Attention Tasks Useful in the Assessment and Management of Sport-Related Concussion?

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    This article is a systematic review of the literature on divided attention assessment inclusive of a cognitive and motor task (balance or gait) for use in concussion management. The systematic review drew from published papers listed in PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases. The search identified 19 empirical research papers meeting the inclusion criteria. Study results were considered for the psychometric properties of the paradigms, the influence of divided attention on measures of cognition and postural control and the comparison of divided attention task outcomes between individuals with concussion and healthy controls (all samples were age 17years or older). The review highlights that the reliability of the tasks under a divided attention paradigm presented ranges from low to high (ICC: 0.1-0.9); however, only 3/19 articles included psychometric information. Response times are greater, gait strategies are less efficient, and postural control deficits are greater in concussed participants compared with healthy controls both immediately and for some period following concussive injury, specifically under divided attention conditions. Dual task assessments in some cases were more reliable than single task assessments and may be better able to detect lingering effects following concussion. Few of the studies have been replicated and applied across various age groups. A key limitation of these studies is that many include laboratory and time-intensive measures. Future research is needed to refine a time and cost efficient divided attention assessment paradigm, and more work is needed in younger (pre-teens) populations where the application may be of greatest utilit

    Predicting Recovery Patterns After Sport-Related Concussion

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    Clinicians sometimes treat concussed individuals who have amnesia, loss of consciousness (LOC), a concussion history, or certain symptom types more conservatively, but it is unclear whether recovery patterns differ in individuals with these characteristics

    Enhanced balance associated with coordination training with stochastic resonance stimulation in subjects with functional ankle instability: an experimental trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ankle sprains are common injuries that often lead to functional ankle instability (FAI), which is a pathology defined by sensations of instability at the ankle and recurrent ankle sprain injury. Poor postural stability has been associated with FAI, and sports medicine clinicians rehabilitate balance deficits to prevent ankle sprains. Subsensory electrical noise known as stochastic resonance (SR) stimulation has been used in conjunction with coordination training to improve dynamic postural instabilities associated with FAI. However, unlike static postural deficits, dynamic impairments have not been indicative of ankle sprain injury. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of coordination training with or without SR stimulation on static postural stability. Improving postural instabilities associated with FAI has implications for increasing ankle joint stability and decreasing recurrent ankle sprains.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was conducted in a research laboratory. Thirty subjects with FAI were randomly assigned to either a: 1) conventional coordination training group (CCT); 2) SR stimulation coordination training group (SCT); or 3) control group. Training groups performed coordination exercises for six weeks. The SCT group received SR stimulation during training, while the CCT group only performed coordination training. Single leg postural stability was measured after the completion of balance training. Static postural stability was quantified on a force plate using anterior/posterior (A/P) and medial/lateral (M/L) center-of-pressure velocity (COPvel), M/L COP standard deviation (COPsd), M/L COP maximum excursion (COPmax), and COP area (COParea).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment effects comparing posttest to pretest COP measures were highest for the SCT group. At posttest, the SCT group had reduced A/P COPvel (2.3 ± 0.4 cm/s vs. 2.7 ± 0.6 cm/s), M/L COPvel (2.6 ± 0.5 cm/s vs. 2.9 ± 0.5 cm/s), M/L COPsd (0.63 ± 0.12 cm vs. 0.73 ± 0.11 cm), M/L COPmax (1.76 ± 0.25 cm vs. 1.98 ± 0.25 cm), and COParea (0.13 ± 0.03 cm<sup>2 </sup>vs. 0.16 ± 0.04 cm<sup>2</sup>) than the pooled means of the CCT and control groups (P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Reduced values in COP measures indicated postural stability improvements. Thus, six weeks of coordination training with SR stimulation enhanced postural stability. Future research should examine the use of SR stimulation for decreasing recurrent ankle sprain injury in physically active individuals with FAI.</p

    Episodic Memory in Former Professional Football Players with a History of Concussion: An Event-Related Functional Neuroimaging Study

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    Previous research has demonstrated that sport-related concussions can have short-term effects on cognitive processes, but the long-term consequences are less understood and warrant more research. This study was the first to use event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine long-term differences in neural activity during memory tasks in former athletes who have sustained multiple sport-related concussions. In an event-related fMRI study, former football players reporting multiple sport-related concussions (i.e., three or more) were compared with players who reported fewer than three concussions during a memory paradigm examining item memory (i.e., memory for the particular elements of an event) and relational memory (i.e., memory for the relationships between elements). Behaviorally, we observed that concussion history did not significantly affect behavioral performance, because persons in the low and high concussion groups had equivalent performance on both memory tasks, and in addition, that concussion history was not associated with any behavioral memory measures. Despite demonstrating equivalent behavioral performance, the two groups of former players demonstrated different neural recruitment patterns during relational memory retrieval, suggesting that multiple concussions may be associated with functional inefficiencies in the relational memory network. In addition, the number of previous concussions significantly correlated with functional activity in a number of brain regions, including the medial temporal lobe and inferior parietal lobe. Our results provide important insights in understanding the long-term functional consequences of sustaining multiple sports-related concussions
