1,713 research outputs found

    Effects of leakage through clearance seals on the performance of a 10 K Stirling-cycle refrigerator

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    The use of clearance seals is essential to achieve long life, wear free operation of Stirling cycle cryogenic refrigerators. The effect of leakage through clearance seals on the performance of such a refrigerator operating at temperatures ranging from 20 K down to 10 K was determined. The ability of a Stirling cycle refrigerator to achieve 10 K with clearance seals was successfully demonstrated. It is indicated that the leakage flow undergoes gap regeneration before reaching the cold expansion volume. A simple model of gap regeneration was used to estimate the regeneration loss due to the leakage flow. This regeneration process minimizes the loss in refrigerator performance caused by the clearance seal leakage. It is found that clearance seals remain effective down to a refrigeration temperature of 10 K

    The Soft Gluon Emission Process in the Color-Octet Model for Heavy Quarkonium Production

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    The Color-Octet Model has been used successfully to analyze many problems in heavy quarkonium production. We examine some of the conceptual and practical problems of the soft gluon emission process in the Color-Octet Model. We use a potential model to describe the initial and final states in the soft gluon emission process, as the emission occurs at a late stage after the production of the heavy quark pair. It is found in this model that the soft gluon M1 transition, 1S0(8)->3S1(1), dominates over the E1 transition, 3PJ(8)->3S1(1), for J/psi and psi' production. Such a dominance may help resolve the questions of isotropic polarization and color-octet matrix element universality in the Color-Octet Model.Comment: 26 pages, in LaTe

    Charmed Strange Pentaquarks in the Large NcN_c Limit

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    The properties of pentaquarks containing a heavy anti-quark and strange quarks are studied in the bound state picture. In the flavor SU(3) limit, there are many pentaquark states with the same binding energy. When the SU(3) symmetry breaking effects are included, however, three states become particularly stable due to a ``Gell-Mann--Okubo mechanism''. They are the Qˉsuud\bar Qsuud and Qˉsudd\bar Qsudd states discussed by Lipkin, and a a previously unstudied Qˉssud\bar Qssud state. These states will have JP=12+J^P={1\over2}^+ and their masses are estimated. These states, if exist, may be seen in experiments in the near future.Comment: 12 pages in REVTeX, no figure

    Ordered spectral statistics in 1D disordered supersymmetric quantum mechanics and Sinai diffusion with dilute absorbers

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    Some results on the ordered statistics of eigenvalues for one-dimensional random Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians are reviewed. In the case of supersymmetric quantum mechanics with disorder, the existence of low energy delocalized states induces eigenvalue correlations and makes the ordered statistics problem nontrivial. The resulting distributions are used to analyze the problem of classical diffusion in a random force field (Sinai problem) in the presence of weakly concentrated absorbers. It is shown that the slowly decaying averaged return probability of the Sinai problem, \mean{P(x,t|x,0)}\sim \ln^{-2}t, is converted into a power law decay, \mean{P(x,t|x,0)}\sim t^{-\sqrt{2\rho/g}}, where gg is the strength of the random force field and ρ\rho the density of absorbers.Comment: 10 pages ; LaTeX ; 4 pdf figures ; Proceedings of the meeting "Fundations and Applications of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics", Nordita, Stockholm, october 2011 ; v2: appendix added ; v3: figure 2.left adde

    Solutions to the R_b, R_c and alpha_s puzzles by Vector Fermions

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    We propose two minimal extensions of Standard Model, both of which can easily accommodate the recent puzzling observations about the excess in RbR_b, the deficit in RcR_c and the discrepancy in the low energy and high energy determinations of αs\alpha_{s}. Each model requires three additional heavy vectorial fermions in order to resolve the puzzles. The current phenomenological constraints and the new potential phenomena are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, in LaTeX, postscript file also appear http://www.uic.edu/~keung/pub/rbrc.p

    Color-Octet Charmonium Production in Top Quark Decays

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    We calculate the direct production rate of J/ψJ/\psi in top quark decays. The color-octet J/ψJ/\psi production via tW+bJ/ψt\rightarrow W^+ b J/\psi is shown to have a large branching ratio of order 1.5×1041.5\times 10^{-4}, which is over an order of magnitude higher than that of the color-singlet J/ψJ/\psi production via tW+bJ/ψ g gt\rightarrow W^+ b J/\psi~g~g or tW+b χcJ gt\rightarrow W^+ b~\chi_{cJ}~g followed by χcJJ/ψ γ\chi_{cJ}\rightarrow J/\psi~\gamma. This result can be used as a powerful tool to test the importance of the color-octet mechanism in heavy quarkonium production.Comment: 10 pages LaTex (2 figures in PS-file

    Color-Octet Fraction in J/Psi Production and Absorption

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    The cross section between a ccˉc \bar c pair and a nucleon is small and sensitive to the ccˉc - \bar c separation if the pair is in a color-singlet state, but very large and insensitive to the separation if it is in a color-octet state. We use this property in an absorption model involving both color components to deduce the color structure of ccˉc \bar c pairs produced in p(B)AψXp(B)A \to \psi X reactions. Our analysis shows that the NA3, NA38 and E772 data are not inconsistent with the theoretical picture that color-octet and color-singlet precursors are produced in roughly equal proportions if the produced color-singlet precursors are pointlike and transparent. However, if the color-singlet precursors are not transparent but have a cross section of a few mb, these data do show a definite preference for a larger fraction of color-singlet precursors. In either case, the color-octet fraction increases with xFx_F, approaching unity as xFx_F becomes large.Comment: 9 pages, updated to include new result

    Gluonic and leptonic decays of heavy quarkonia and the determination of αs(mc)\alpha_s(m_c) and αs(mb)\alpha_s(m_b)

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    QCD running coupling constant αs(mc)\alpha_s(m_c) and αs(mb)\alpha_s(m_b) are determined from heavy quarkonia ccc\overline{c} and bbb\overline{b} decays. The decay rates of V3gV\rightarrow 3g and Ve+eV\rightarrow e^+ e^- for V=J/ψV=J/\psi and Υ\Upsilon are estimated by taking into account both relativistic and QCD radiative corrections. The decay amplitudes are derived in the Bethe-Salpeter formalism, and the decay rates are estimated by using the meson wavefunctions which are obtained with a QCD-inspired inter-quark potential. For the V3gV\rightarrow 3g decay we find the relativistic correction to be very large and to severely suppress the decay rate. Using the experimental values of ratio R_g\equiv \frac {\Gamma (V\longrightarrow 3g)}% {\Gamma (V\longrightarrow e^{+}e^{-})}\approx 10,~32 for V=J/ψ, ΥV=J/\psi, ~\Upsilon respectively, and the calculated widths , we find αs(mc)=0.29±0.02\alpha_{s}(m_c)=0.29\pm 0.02 and αs(mb)=0.20±0.02\alpha_s(m_b)=0.20\pm 0.02. These values for the QCD running coupling constant are substantially enhanced, as compared with the ones obtained without relativistic corrections, and are consistent with the QCD scale parameter ΛMS(4)\Lambda_{\overline {MS}}^{(4)}% \approx 200MeV. We also find that these results are mainly due to kinematic corrections and not sensitive to the dynamical models.Comment: 15 pages in Late

    Pseuduscalar Heavy Quarkonium Decays With Both Relativistic and QCD Radiative Corrections

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    We estimate the decay rates of ηc2γ\eta_c\rightarrow 2\gamma, ηc2γ\eta_c'\rightarrow 2\gamma, and J/ψe+eJ/\psi\rightarrow e^+ e^-, ψe+e\psi^\prime\rightarrow e^+e^-, by taking into account both relativistic and QCD radiative corrections. The decay amplitudes are derived in the Bethe-Salpeter formalism. The Bethe-Salpeter equation with a QCD-inspired interquark potential are used to calculate the wave functions and decay widths for these ccˉc\bar{c} states. We find that the relativistic correction to the ratio RΓ(ηc2γ)/Γ(J/ψe+e)R\equiv \Gamma (\eta_c \rightarrow 2\gamma)/ \Gamma (J/ \psi \rightarrow e^+ e^-) is negative and tends to compensate the positive contribution from the QCD radiative correction. Our estimate gives Γ(ηc2γ)=(67) keV\Gamma(\eta_c \rightarrow 2\gamma)=(6-7) ~keV and Γ(ηc2γ)=2 keV\Gamma(\eta_c^\prime \rightarrow 2\gamma)=2 ~keV, which are smaller than their nonrelativistic values. The hadronic widths Γ(ηc2g)=(1723) MeV\Gamma(\eta_c \rightarrow 2g)=(17-23) ~MeV and Γ(ηc2g)=(57) MeV\Gamma(\eta_c^\prime \rightarrow 2g)=(5-7)~MeV are then indicated accordingly to the first order QCD radiative correction, if αs(mc)=0.260.29\alpha_s(m_c)=0.26-0.29. The decay widths for bbˉb\bar b states are also estimated. We show that when making the assmption that the quarks are on their mass shells our expressions for the decay widths will become identical with that in the NRQCD theory to the next to leading order of v2v^2 and αs\alpha_s.Comment: 14 pages LaTex (2 figures included

    Systematics of Heavy Quark Production at HERA

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    We discuss heavy quark and quarkonium production in various kinematic regions at the HERA ep collider. In contrast to fixed target experiments, collider kinematics allows the possibility of detailed measurements of particle production in the proton fragmentation region. One thus can study parton correlations in the proton Fock states materialized by the virtual photon probe. We discuss various configurations of inelastic electron-proton scattering, including peripheral, diffractive, and deep inelastic processes. In particular, we show that intrinsic heavy quark Fock states can be identified by the observation of quarkonium production at large xFx_F and a low mean transverse momentum which is insensitive to the virtuality Q2Q^2 of the photon.Comment: 17 pages, postscript. To obtain a copy of this paper send e-mail to [email protected]