33 research outputs found

    2023 SPARC Book Of Abstracts

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    Chemical composition and fatty acid profile of edible larva of cirina forda (Westwood)

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    The nutrient composition of the larva of Cirina forda   (Westwood) was determined. It contained 33.12 ( 0.87 g/100g crude protein, 9.40 ( 0.16 g/100g crude fibre, 12.24 ( 18 g/ 100g fat, 7.12 ( 0.32 gl 100g ash, 38.12 ( 0.65 g/ 100g carbohydrate and gross energy value of 359 ( 2.83 Kcal/ 100g. The larva is an excellent source of minerals and a 100-g dry sample contained phosphorus (1090mg), zinc (8.6mg) iron (64.0mg) potassium (2130mg) and sodium (210mg). The fatty acid profile of Cirina forda larva is characterized by a very high proportion of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and ( - linolenic acid (53.8%) which is higher than the percentages found in poultry (23.7%) and fish (30.8%) Mono unsaturated fatty acids content was 14.6% while saturated fatty acid constituted 31.6%. The dietetic significance of the polyunsaturated saturated fatty acid ratio of 1.7:1 and the high potassium and low sodium content of Cirina forda larva is discussed

    An Assessment of the Dietary Fiber Intake of Selected Students in the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

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    It is recognized that adequate intake of dietary fiber tends to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, colon cancer and heart disease. This study was carried out to assess the adequacy of dietary fiber intake of 12 male and 12 female volunteer undergraduates of Ibadan University. Food consumption survey was by the direct weighing method for three days. Representative samples of the diets were analysed for moisture and fiber content using the standard methods of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). The study showed that the dietary fiber intake of the students was adequate. Dietary fiber intake of female students (40.5 = 8.5g/day) was significantly lower than the intake (54.2±13.7g/day) of the male students (P<0.05). Cereal based foods contributed the highest (58.2%) while fruits and vegetables contributed the least (9.7%) amount of fiber in the students&apos; diets. Intake of fiber from vegetables and fruits by students should be encouraged

    Prevalence of obesity and high level of cholesterol in hypertension: analysis of data from the University College Hospital, Ibadan

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    This study was undertaken to determine what proportion of patients with hypertension are obese and or have elevated serum cholesterol. The data of two hundred and fifty patients who attended the outpatient clinics of the University College Hospital, Ibadan from January 1998 to December 2001 were analysed. Almost half of the subjects (48.8%) had mild, 40.8% moderate, and 8.8% severe hypertension. While mild hypertension was more in the females (55.4%), moderate and severe hypertension was more among males. Among the subjects that were overweight (BMI>2530) among the females (63.6%) than the males (36.4%). Only 166 of the subjects had serum cholesterol analysis, and only 9.6% had a hyper-cholesterol (>240mg/dl) level. Obesity and hyper-cholesterol and hypertension are known risk factors in cardiovascular diseases. Since weight reduction has been noted to reduce severity of hypertension, this should be a cost effective intervention in both the control of hypertension and lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases

    Prevalence of obesity and high level of cholesterol in hypertension: analysis of data from the University College Hospital, Ibadan

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    This study was undertaken to determine what proportion of patients with hypertension are obese and or have elevated serum cholesterol. The data of two hundred and fifty patients who attended the outpatient clinics of the University College Hospital, Ibadan from January 1998 to December 2001 were analysed. Almost half of the subjects (48.8%) had mild, 40.8% moderate, and 8.8% severe hypertension. While mild hypertension was more in the females (55.4%), moderate and severe hypertension was more among males. Among the subjects that were overweight (BMI>2530) among the females (63.6%) than the males (36.4%). Only 166 of the subjects had serum cholesterol analysis, and only 9.6% had a hyper-cholesterol (>240mg/dl) level. Obesity and hyper-cholesterol and hypertension are known risk factors in cardiovascular diseases. Since weight reduction has been noted to reduce severity of hypertension, this should be a cost effective intervention in both the control of hypertension and lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases

    Nitrate, nitrite and ascorbic acid content of commercial and home-prepared complimentary, infant foods

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    The contents of nitrate, nitrite and ascorbic acid were determined in four samples of commercial and fifteen samples of home - prepared complementary infant foods common in Nigeria . The nitrate and nitrite values of the commercial food samples ranged from 3.1 – 3.9mgNO3 - N/100g and 5.0 - 16.0ug N0 2 - N/100g respectively while the ascorbic acid content ranged from 6.0 – 13/lmg 1100g. The nitrate and nitrite content of the home prepared complementary infant foods varied considerably according to recipes with maximum values found in foods containing vegetables and legumes. The highest levels of nitrate were found in yam and vegetable pottage (25.1mg N03 - N/100g), followed by soybean moin-moin (16.3mgNO3 -N/100g) and that of nitrite in pureed spinach vegetable (72.0mgNO2 -N/100g). The ascorbic acid content of the home - prepared complementary foods were very low. Therefore these foods should be-supplemented with vitamin C. However, the nitrate and nitrite levels of these complementary infant food as well as the estimated possible intake from meal per day were well below tolerance levels and these foods do not pose any health problem for infants

    Toxicological study on the edible larva of Cirina forda (Westwood)

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    Toxicity of the aqueous extracts of raw and processed larva of Cirina forda (Westwood) administered orally were studied in white albino mice and albino rats. Preliminary investigation showed that the raw extract was toxic to mice, showing sign of irritability and muscular tremor. An LD50 value of 7,000mg/kg body weight was obtained for the raw extract using mice. The effects of sub lethal dose of the extract on hematological and serum biochemical parameters were also studied in rats for 14 days. No significant effect was observed on most of the hematological and biochemical indices estimated (P> 0.05). Activities of some serum enzymes were normal in all the rats. However, the serum total protein and globulin levels were significantly higher in the control and the group that received processed larva than in the group administered with the raw larva (P<0.05). The albumin level was not affected by the extracts. Boiling of the larva in water followed by sun drying treatment (processed larva) was associated with an increase in the serum total protein and globulin levels in rats. However, the neurotoxic nature of the raw extract needs further investigation

    Weight changes and organ pathology in rats given edible larvae of Cirina forda (Westwood)

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    The effects of oral administration of extracts of raw and processed larvae of Cirina forda   (Westwood) on morphometry and histopathology were studied in albino rats. Weights of rats in the control group and in the group that were fed the processed larvae were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of the group that received raw extract of the larvae. The relative weights of liver, heart, thyroid, pancreas and spleen were similar (p>0.05) in all the groups. The relative weight of lungs was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the control group of rats and the group that received the processed larvae than in the group given the raw larvae. Also, the relative weights of the kidneys in the rats that received the processed extract and the raw extract were similar but significantly higher (p<0.05) than the relative weight of kidney in the control group. Histopathological changes observed in the tissues of rats given the raw extract of the larvae include hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis, bile duct hyperplasia, congestion and tubular degeneration in the kidney and hyaline degeneration of myocardial fibres. The lung showed pulmonary congestion, thickened interalveolar septa, thick perivascular lymphocytic cuffs, and thickened and hyalinized tunica media of arterioles. The histopathological changes observed in the organs of the rats suggest that the raw larva of Cirina forda (Westwood) was toxic and produced a vascular circulatory disturbance resulting in organ damage in the animals. Processing the larvae by boiling and sun-drying reduced the toxicity on the liver and heart but not in the kidney. More research is needed on the toxicological aspects of the consumption of Cirina forda larva