2 research outputs found

    Watershed Management Performance Assessment Based on Land Condition Indicators (Laeya Watershed Case, Southeast Sulawesi Province

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    Laeya Watershed is one of the three Priority Watersheds in Southeast Sulawesi. Therefore, monitoring and evaluating watershed performance is very important to ensure that watershed management is sustainable. This study aims to assess the performance of watershed management based on indicators of land conditions in the Laeya Watershed, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The method used is a survey with a scoring technique using the parameters index of the percentage of critical land, vegetation cover, and erosion index to determine the carrying capacity of the watershed. The results showed that the carrying capacity of the Laeya Watershed was classified as very good with a score of 35 (<70), with each sub-criterion of critical land classified as very low with a score of 0.5, sub-criteria for vegetation cover classified as good with a score of 0.75 and sub-criteria the erosion index criteria are classified as very high with a score of 0.75. It can be concluded that the management performance of the Laeya watershed is very good

    Keanekaragaman Makrozoobentos sebagai Bioindikator Lingkungan di Sungai Lantahiwo Desa Kotawo Kecamatan Kulisusu Barat Kabupaten Buton Utara

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    Macrozoobentos are animals that live permanently in sediments at the bottom of the water, both on soft and hard substrate conditions. Macrozoobenthos contribute greatly to the function of aquatic ecosystems and play important roles such as mineralization processes in sediments and organic material cycles and play a role in transferring energy through the food chain. Based on the results of research conducted on the Lantahiwo River, Kotawo Village, West Kulisusu District, the species richness of macrozoobenthos found in the Lantahiwo River was varied where the number of individuals obtained from station 1 (upstream) was 20 individuals. At station 2 (middle of the river) there were 60 individuals, while at station 3 (downstream) there were 14 individuals. The river is a form of aquatic ecosystem that has an important role in the hydrological cycle and functions as a catchment area for the surrounding area. So that the condition of a river is strongly influenced by the characteristics of the surrounding environment. The sampling point includes looking at the considerations made in the field and sampling at stations 1, 2 and 3 is carried out in stages, first in the upstream, middle and downstream parts of the river then observations are made with several parameters that are considered important by researchers as key parameters that represent and describes the waters of the Lantahiwo River. This research was conducted from March to April 2020 in Kotawo Village, Kulisusu Barat District, North Buton Regency. Based on the results of identification, where the types of macrozoobenthos found in the Lantahiwo River at stations 1 to 3 consist of 2 families and 2 classes, namely; types of family Gerridae from class Bivalvia, species from family Thiaridae from class Gastropods, species from family Thiaridae from class Macrozoobentos were found at each station