2 research outputs found

    Contamination atmosphérique en éléments traces au sein de tourbières ombrotrophes situées à proximité d’une fonderie de cuivre

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    La région de Rouyn-Noranda est fortement touchée par la contamination en éléments traces (ET), tels que l’arsenic (As), le cadmium (Cd), le cuivre (Cu) et le plomb (Pb), provenant des dépositions atmosphériques générées par les émissions de la fonderie Horne. Bien que des études aient démontré l’influence biogéochimique de la fonderie sur l’environnement, aucune recherche ne s’est penchée spécifiquement sur la distribution spatiale des ET dans les écosystèmes terrestres situés en périphérie de la fonderie. Ce mémoire vise donc à cartographier l’étendue spatiale des ET dans la région de Rouyn-Noranda et d’évaluer leurs distributions, spatialement au sein du territoire, mais également entre les composantes écosystémiques de tourbières exposées à des niveaux contrastants de déposition. À partir des concentrations analysées au sein du bryophyte Sphagnum fuscum, échantillonné dans 54 bogs jusqu’à 50 km à l’est de la fonderie, la modélisation de la distribution spatiale des ET a été réalisée par l’entremise d’interpolation spatiale par krigeage. La contamination en ET est plus importante près de la fonderie et diminue significativement dès que la distance augmente de cette dernière. De même, les niveaux d’ET dans la tourbe, l’eau interstitielle et les composantes (racine, tige et feuille) de quatre espèces végétales caractéristiques des tourbières, sont systématiquement plus importants dans les sites situés à 10 km de la fonderie que dans ceux à 25 km. Au sein des végétaux, la remobilisation verticale des ET est limitée et ces éléments s’accumulent en majorité dans les racines, qui sont exposées aux concentrations élevées d’ET dans la tourbe et l’eau interstitielle. Mes travaux ont démontré que l’étendue de la contamination environnementale en ET à Rouyn-Noranda est fonction de la distance à la fonderie Horne et que la mobilité des ET dans les tourbières se concentre à l’interface sol-eau-racine.The Rouyn-Noranda region is strongly affected by trace element (TE) contamination, such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb), from atmospheric deposition of the Horne copper smelter emissions. Although studies have demonstrated the biogeochemical influence of the Horne smelter on the environment, no research has particularly investigated the spatial distribution of TEs in the vicinity of the smelter. This thesis aims to map the spatial extent of TEs in the Rouyn-Noranda region and to evaluate their distribution between the ecosystem components of peat bogs exposed to contrasting levels of TE depositions. Based on the TE concentrations analyzed in the bryophyte Sphagnum fuscum, sampled in 54 bogs up to 50 km east from the smelter, we modelled the spatial extent of TE through spatial kriging interpolation. Trace element contamination is higher near the smelter and decreases with increasing distance from the latter. Consequently, TE levels in the peat, pore water, and components (roots, shoots, and leaves) of four plant species within bogs are consistently higher at sites 10 km from the smelter than at sites 25 km away. Within plants, the vertical translocation of TE is limited, and these elements accumulate specifically in the roots, which are exposed to considerable concentrations of TE in the peat and in the pore water. My work has shown that the extent of the environmental contamination of TEs in Rouyn-Noranda is a function of the distance from the Horne smelter and their mobility in peatlands is localized at the root-soil-water interface

    Geographic versus institutional drivers of nitrogen footprints: a comparison of two urban universities

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    Excess reactive nitrogen (N) is linked to a myriad of environmental problems that carry large social costs. Nitrogen footprint tools can help institutions understand how their direct and indirect activities are associated with N release to the environment through energy use, food, and transportation. However, little is known about how geographic context shapes the environmental footprints of institutions. Defining the system boundaries over which institutions are responsible and able to control individual drivers of N footprints is also a challenge. Here, we compare and contrast the circa 2017 N footprints for two research intensive universities located in Montréal, Canada, with a combined full-time equivalent campus population of ∼83 000. Our estimate of McGill University’s N footprint (121.2 t N yr ^−1 ) is 48% greater than Université de Montréal’s (74.1 t N yr ^−1 ), which is also reflected on a per capita basis (3.3 and 1.6 kg N capita ^−1 yr ^−1 , respectively). Key institutional factors that explain the differences include McGill’s larger residential and international student populations, research farm, and characteristics of its on-campus fuel use. We use a series of counterfactual scenarios to test how shared urban geographic context factors lead to an effective reduction of the N footprints at both universities: the relatively small direct role of both institutions in food intake on campus (29%–68% reduction compared to a counterfactual scenario), energy from hydroelectricity (17%–21% reduction), and minimal car commuting by students (2%–3% reduction). In contrast, the near-zero N removal from the municipal wastewater system effectively increases the N footprints (11%–13% increase compared to a modest N removal and offset scenario). Our findings suggest that a shared geographic context of a dense city with plentiful off-campus housing, food options, and access to hydroelectricity shapes the absolute N footprints of Montréal’s two main universities more than the divergent institutional characteristics that influence their relative N footprints