17 research outputs found

    Creative Personality and the Creative Act in the Anonymous Art of China

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    Les bronzes Shang sont des Ɠuvres d'art magnifiques, mais leurs crĂ©ateurs restent anonymes. NĂ©anmoins, Ă  partir de ce que l'on peut infĂ©rer des vases eux-mĂȘmes, il est parfois possible de reconstruire une chaĂźne de dĂ©cisions menant Ă  la solution d'un problĂšme spĂ©cifiquement esthĂ©tique, permettant ainsi de commencer Ă  dĂ©finir le rĂŽle de chacun des diffĂ©rents participants (patrons, administrateurs des chantiers, dessinateurs/fondeurs...) Ă  la manufacture de ces objets. En suivant ce parcours, on arrive Ă  prendre le pouls de la crĂ©ativitĂ© des artistes Ă  l'Ă©poque Shang et Ă  comprendre les intentions et l'imagination artistiques qui se manifestent dans les Ɠuvres subsistantes de cette Ă©poque. Cet article illustre cette mĂ©thodologie par plusieurs exemples.Kesner Ladislav. Creative Personality and the Creative Act in the Anonymous Art of China. In: Cahiers d'ExtrĂȘme-Asie, vol. 17, 2008. Studies in Chinese Art History — Études sur l'histoire de l'art chinois. En hommage Ă  Lothar Ledderose. pp. 17-49

    Mental Ill-Health and the Epidemiology of Representations

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    One of major challenges facing contemporary psychiatry is the insufficient grasp of relationship between individual and collective mental pathologies. A long tradition of diagnosing “mental illness” of society—exemplified by Erich Fromm—stands apart from approach of contemporary social psychiatry and is not perceived as relevant for psychiatric discourse. In this Perspective article, I argue that it is possible to uphold the idea of a supra-individual dimension to mental health, while avoiding the obvious pitfalls involved in categorical diagnosing of society as suffering from mental illness. I argue for an extended notion of public mental ill-health, which goes beyond the quantitative understanding of mental health as an aggregate of individual diseased minds captured in statistics, and which can be conceived as a dynamic, emergent property resulting from interactions of individual brains/minds in social space. Such a notion, in turn, presents a challenge of how to account for the interfacing between individual minds/brains and the collective mental phenomena. A suitable theoretical framework is provided by the notion of epidemiology of representations, originally formulated by cognitive anthropologist Dan Sperber. Within this framework, it is possible to highlight the role of public (material) representations in inter-individual transfer of mental representations and mental states. It is a suitable conceptual platform to explain how the troubling experiences with causal or mediating role on mental health, to a significant degree arise through a person's direct interaction with material representations and participation in collective mental states, again generated by material representations

    Exorcising the demons of collectivism in art history’: Branko Mitrović, Rage and Denials. Collectivist Philosophy, Politics, and Art Historiography, 1890-1947, University Park, Pennsylvania University Press 2015

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    Branko Mitrović®s Rage and Denials. Collectivist Philosophy, Politics, and Art Historiography, 1890-1947 traces the history of collectivist approaches in (art) historiography and debates between the individualist and collectivist positions, with the dominant focus on German-speaking scholarship. Author further suggests that denials and false appropriations and other forms of bizzare and irrational claims inherent in many of these collectivist historiographies originated in the failures of self-esteem regulation of their authors. The review then critically examines some problematic claims and assumptions which constitute the theoretical and conceptual backbone of the historical survey


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    Infrared spectroscopy - alternative instrumental tool for control of bioethanol production.

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    We investigated the possibility of application of FT-IR (Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy) and FT-NIR (Fourier transformed near infrared spectroscopy) for analysis of mash parameters. Main parameters of mash were ethyl-alcohol, calcium lactate, glucose, fructose and dry matter amount (Brix degrees). Infrared spectropy was determined like a quick and relatively accurate method for control of ethyl-alcohol manufacturing process.We investigated the possibility of application of FT-IR (Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy) and FT-NIR (Fourier transformed near infrared spectroscopy) for analysis of mash parameters. Main parameters of mash were ethyl-alcohol, calcium lactate, glucose, fructose and dry matter amount (Brix degrees). Infrared spectropy was determined like a quick and relatively accurate method for control of ethyl-alcohol manufacturing process


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    AnnotĂĄlt Ă©letĂșt-interjĂș a vilĂĄghĂ­rƱ tudĂłssal, Hans Belting mƱvĂ©szettörtĂ©nĂ©sszel, 1. rĂ©sz


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    AnnotĂĄlt Ă©letĂșt-interjĂș a vilĂĄghĂ­rƱ tudĂłssal, Hans Belting mƱvĂ©szettörtĂ©nĂ©sszel, 2., befejezƑ rĂ©sz