4 research outputs found

    Association Between Allergic Diseases and Food Allergens Based on Skin Prick Test in Bushehr Province

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    Background: The Frequency of allergic diseases is growing in recent years. Identification of frequency of food allergens in different areas play an important role in diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. The aim of this study was to determine frequency and association of common food allergens in patients with allergic diseases based on Skin Prick Test in Bushehr province. Material and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 1100 patients were enrolled with allergic diseases which had a sensitivity to at least one allergen. This test was carried out with 21 common food allergens extract. Results: In all patients, association between the severity of the reaction prick allergy test and severity of allergic diseases with shrimp, cow's Milk and peanuts were (P= 0.01), (P= 0.02) and (P=0.04) respectively. In this study, the frequency of allergic rhinitis, asthma, chronic and acute urticaris and atopic eczema were 54.2%, 23%, 12.4%, 4.1% and 12%, respectively. While the the most common food allergens were peanuts (46.6%), egg yolk (43.1%) and shrimp (42%) respectively. Conclusion: This study indicated that food allergens such as shrimp, cow's Milk and peanuts have a greater role in severity of allergic diseases and this food allergens showed the highest frequency in patients

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Asthma and Allergic Diseases in Primary Schoolchildren Living in Bushehr, Iran: Phase I, III ISAAC Protocol

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    Asthma and allergic diseases present a major health burden. Information on the prevalence of these diseases indicates that these diseases are increasing in various parts of the world. It was hoped that this study would be helpful to health system policy-makers in planning allergy prevention programs in the region. The prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases and relation between the various risk factors involved were assessed among schoolchildren in the city of Bushehr, Iran. The ISAAC Phase I and III questionnaires were completed by parents of 1280 children aged 6-7 years and self-completed by 1115 students aged 13-14 years. The prevalence of atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis and asthma among 6-7 year-old students were 12.1%, 11.8% and 6.7%, respectively. While, the prevalence of these diseases among 13-14 year-old students were found to be 19%, 30% and 7.6%, respectively. There was an association between asthma and allergic rhinitis as well as eczema (p<0.05). Consumption of fast food as a risk factor was significantly associated with asthma (p=0.03). The prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases was high among schoolchildren in the city of Bushehr, Iran. Also an association was observed between the fast food consumption and asthma. Keywords: Allergic rhinitis; Asthma, Atopic eczema; Children; ISAAC; Prevalenc

    Data Tarn: A New Approach for Management and Real-Time Analyses of Big Data

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    By increasing the speed of data generation, need to process, store and analyze of Big Data becomes increasing. Related work has been done to create real-time data warehouse, but according to current unstructured data in Big Data, data warehouse with the old structure, it doesn't answer new management requirements of this type of Data. Recently, Data Lake has been proposed for unstructured data (with BASE properties). However, existence of important structured data (with ACID properties) and less sensitive unstructured big data on the other hand, causing new problems in the management of Big Data by using of this methods. In this paper we will offer a solution which is able to store structured data and unstructured data simultaneously and it can response to user’s queries in real-time. As one of the important results of this research, after comparing the data warehouse and Data Lake concluded that the lake is not a replacement for a data warehouse, and data warehouse has particular use, especially in financial data; because the data warehouse compliance ACID theory, and Data Lake cater requirements of BASE theory.  The raised idea in this paper has three main advantage: 1- Simultaneous use of data warehouse and Data Lake to meet the needs of the organization data with the benefits of them. 2- Separating new data from old data to achieve real-time. 3- Development parallelism, thus synchronization loading data and query processing to reduce the cost of time

    Prevalence of Seafood Allergy in Student Living in Bushehr and Borazjan

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    Background: Seafood allergy is potentially severe, but the prevalence of this group of food allergies in Iran, has not been determined. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of seafood allergy in student living in Bushehr and Borazjan. Materials and Methods: We performed a cross-sectional, random school survey by using a questionnaire in 2012-13. A total of 608 (36% male, and 64%) female) were asked questions about personal and family history of allergies, food and seafood allergy. Results: The overall prevalence of food allergy was 12% (Total 73 subjects, 69.8% male and 30.2% female), and seafood allergy was 4.4% (Total 27 subjects, 36.6% male, 43.4% female). Fish allergy (1.4%) and shrimp and shellfish allergy (3.5%) were reported. The most frequently reported symptoms were skin (49.3%), gastrointestinal (28.7%), and respiratory reactions (2.7%). Seafood allergy was not associated with subjects reporting atopic diseases, significantly (P> 0.05), while the other food allergy was positively associated (P=0.00). Conclusion: Our study is the first report on prevalence estimates for seafood allergy in Bushehr province. Findings indicated high prevalence of seafood allergy in student, therefore further studies and significant health concern is needed