6 research outputs found

    Morphological and Topographical Anatomy of Nutrient Foramen in The Lower Limb Long Bones

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    Objective: The present study aims to determine the number and position of the nutrient foramina (NF) of the human femur, tibia, and fibula and to observe the size, direction, and obliquity of the nutrient foramina. Methods: We observed 265 adult human, lower limb long bones in the Department of Anatomy of the Gaziantep University. The nutrient foramina were identified with naked eyes, and the obliquity was determined with a hypodermic needle. Gauge 20 and 24 needles were used for size determination. Shape was observed with the naked eye and classified into oval and round types. The nutrient foramina location was determined by dividing total bone length into three segments, and the locations were validated by calculating foraminal index (FI). Results: Results showed that 79% of the long bones had a single nutrient foramen. More than 96% of the nutrient foramina were directed away from the knees. A total of 87% of the femoral foramina were located in the middle third, 72% of the tibial foramina were located in the proximal third, and 98% of the fibular nutrient foramina were located in the middle third of the specimens. Overall, no foramina were found on the distal third of the studied bones. Conclusion: Our study findings are in accordance to the findings from several research studies. The assessment of pathological conditions associated with the findings of foramen nutricium in our study may help clinicians and surgeons in planning treatments for applications to be performed in this region. However, it is thought that literature will be a source for basic and clinical sciences by providing reference values

    Bibliometric Analysis of Turkey’s Research Activity in the Anatomy and Morphology Category from the Web of Science Database

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    Objective: The measurement of international publication activities is one of the essential indicators used to evaluate the scientific development level of countries. Although many studies are using the bibliometric method in the literature, it is seen that there are very few bibliometric studies in the field of anatomy. This study aimed to analyze the articles bibliometrically which conducted by researchers at institutions from Turkey and indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) of the Web of Science database in the category of Anatomy and Morphology. Materials and Methods: According to 2019 data, journals in the Anatomy and Morphology category and indexed in the SCI-E were determined. Publications from Turkey that were published in these journals was determined. The full-texts of these articles were examined, and study types were defined. Also, VOSviewer software was used to create a collaboration and word co-occurrence network. Results: It was determined that there were 48,002 publications in 21 journals. It was found that 1,461 publications (3.04%) have at least one author from Turkey. The total number of citations was 11,728 for these publications. The average number of citations was 8.02±11.95. The radiological studies have increased statistically more than both experimental animal and cadaveric studies by years. In addition, it has been determined that the total number of articles, especially the radiological studies, has increased significantly over the years. Conclusion: The increase in the number of scientific studies in the field of anatomy is important in terms of the contribution of Turkey to literature in this area

    Evaluation of attention-motivation level, studying environment and methods of medical faculty students

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    Objective: Evaluating study environments, attention–motivation levels while studying, and studying methods of students is ex-tremely important for obtaining purposed results. This study aimed to determine study environments, attention–motivation levels while studying, and studying methods of medicine faculty students. Methods: Gaziantep University School of Medicine students completed the questionnaire that included questions regarding study environments, attention–motivation levels, and studying methods. The students were asked 11 open-ended questions and 29 Likert-type questions. Statistical analyses of these questions were performed, and some of the questions correlated among them. Results: The statistically significant differences were determined between the average grade and questions: “I have difficulty in focusing on the subject before starting to study,” “I easily lose concentration while studying,” “I use some pharmaceuticals (except vitamins) for increasing my motivation while studying,” “I use some pharmaceuticals (except vitamins) for increasing my attention while study,” and “I only study during exams.” A significant association was also observed between the average grade and the accommodation of students. Conclusion: Improving the physical conditions of the study environment of medicine faculty students will contribute to increas-ing their academic success. Making students aware of the components that negatively affect attention and motivation will also positively affect the academic success of students. In addition, determining studying methods of medicine faculty students will contribute to improving personal education strategies

    Tıp fakültesi derslerinin verimliliği, işleniş şekli ve öğrencilerin devam kontrolünün değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Öğrenci ve eğiticinin tercih ettiği ders ve ders aralarının ideal sürelerinin belirlenmesi, gün içindeki en uygun ders saatlerinin tespiti ve derse katılım hakkındaki düşüncelerinin incelenmesi verilen eğitim kalitesini arttırmada faydalı olacaktır.Ayrıca ders sırasında eğiticinin dikkat düzeyine etki eden unsurların incelenmesi de derslerin daha verimli işlenmesini sağlayacaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, tıp fakültesi öğrenci ve eğiticilerin ders ve ders arası süresi, derslerin en verimli geçtiği zaman aralığı, derse devam zorunluluğu, eğiticinin ders anlatım yöntemi hakkındaki fikirlerinin belirlenmesi ve eğiticinin öğrencilerin dersteki tutumları ile ilgili görüşlerinin tespiti amaçlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu araştırma 44 öğretim üyesi ve 480 öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, katılımcıların tanımlayıcı özelliklerini sorgulayan açık uçlu sorular ile teorik derslerin verimliliği, işlenişi ve teorik derslere katılım konusu hakkında öğrencilerin düşüncelerini irdeleyen Likert ölçeği ile hazırlanmış 29 soruluk anket formu ile elde edilmiştir.Bulgular: Öğrenciler ve eğiticilerin teorik-pratik ders sürelerinin yeterli olduğunu ve sabah saatlerinde teorik derslerin daha verimli geçtiğini düşünmektedirler. Kahvaltı yapılan günlerde öğrencilerin derslere daha iyi odaklandıkları görülmektedir. Eğitici ve öğrenciler, parmak izi yöntemiyle yapılan devam kontrol uygulamasının derslere olan ilgi ve ders başarısı üzerinde olumlu bir etkisinin olmadığını düşünmektedirler. Öğrenciler, slayt sayısının fazla olduğu derslerde konuya odaklanmakta zorluk çekerken eğiticilerin bu durumun öğrencilerin konuya olan ilgilerini etkilemediğini düşünmektedirler. Sonuç: Bu verilerin ders programlarının etkin şekilde hazırlanmasında, öğrencilerin kahvaltı alışkanlıklarının iyileştirilmesinde ve öğretim metodolojilerinin geliştirilmesinde katkı sağlayacağını düşünmekteyi

    The importance of volume and area fractions of cerebellar volume and vermian subregion areas: a stereological study on MR images

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    Purpose: Age, gender, and body size are important factors which are affecting the cerebellar volume (CV). Many neurological diseases lead changes in CV. The aim of this study is to measure CV and the total intracranial volume (TIV) for both genders on magnetic resonance images (MRI), to calculate the CV/TIV volume fraction, and also to determine the normal values that can be regarded clinically significant by determining the total vermis area and vermian subregion areas (V1, V2, and V3). Methods: In this retrospective study, MR images (without any pathological findings) of 200 individuals (100 female, 100 male) between the ages of 20–40 were used. CV and CV/TIV volume fractions, vermian subregion areas, and area fractions were calculated by using the Stereoinvestigator 8.0 (Microbrightfield, USA) software. The volumetric calculations were performed by the point counting method according to the Cavalieri principle, which is one of the volume calculation methods in stereology. Total CV, TIV, cerebellar vermis areas (V1, V2, and V3), and total cerebellum area were measured separately for both groups. Results: The volume of cerebellum was 120.53 ± 11.1 cm3 in males, 105.99 ± 11.2 cm3 in females, TIV was 1304.99 ± 91.7 cm3 in males and 1155.15 ± 85.7 cm3 in females. CV and TIV were statistically higher in males (p = 0.001, p = 0.001 respectively). It was observed that the differences between the genders in terms of CV/TIV disappeared (p = 0.679). The total vermis area was 11.59 ± 1.3 cm2 in males and 10.85 ± 1.3 cm2 in females. V1 area, V3 area, and the total vermis area were found statistically higher in males (p = 0.05, p = 0.006, p = 0.007 respectively). It was determined that the area fraction of V2 was higher in females when the fractions of V1, V2, and V3 to the total vermis area were examined (p = 0.03). Conclusion: We believe that the normal values of CV, TIV, and vermian subregion areas, determined by stereological method, will contribute to the diagnosis and the treatment plan of the clinical pathological evaluations in adults and children. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature