297 research outputs found
Szemcsés anyagok sztatikus és dinamikai szerkezete = Static and dynamical structure of granular materials
Számítógépes szimulációkkal vizsgáltuk a mágneses szemcsék lavináinak tulajdonságait. A rendszert a mágneses és a gravitációs kölcsönhatás erősségének f hányadosa jellemzi. A rézsűszög és a felületi durvaság lineárisan változik f-fel. Hasonlóan a kohézív rendszerekhez, a lavinadinamika szempontjából két tartomány figyelhető meg. Tanulmányoztuk a nyírási sávok kialakulását három dimenzióban, triaxiális elrendezésben. Kidolgoztuk a nyírási sávok numerikus azonosításának technikáját. Szimmetriasértő sávokat találtunk, amennyiben a külső kényszer ezeket nem akadályozta meg. A kísérletekkel egyezésben elmozdulási keményedést azonosítottunk. A sávon belül kritikus sűrűség áll be, amelynek végtelen súrlódáshoz tartozó határértéke csak a szemcsék alakjától függ. Általánosítottuk korábbi, nyírási sávokra vonatkozó elméletünket. Az új modell a kísérletekkel kiváló egyezésben írja le a módosított Couette?cellás kísérleteket. Megjósoltuk és szimulációval igazoltuk, hogy különböző súrlódású közegek határán a fénytöréshez hasonló nyírási sáv refrakció következik be. Vizsgáltuk, hogy torlódott állapotú rendszer perturbációjának hatását. Hatványfüggvény-szerű lecsengést találtunk az elmozdulási térben, ahol az exponens a súrlódás nem triviális függvénye, hasonlóan az elmozdulást kiváltó kritikus erő nagyságához és a behatolási mélységhez. Ezt a nem-monoton kapcsolatot összefüggésbe hoztuk a korábban, a sztatikus erőhálózatokban talált fluktuációk súrlódás-függésével. | Using computer simulations we studied the properties of avalanches of magnetic grains. The system is characterized by the ratio f of the magnetic and gravitational interaction. The angle of repose and the surface roughness vary linearly with f. Similarly to cohesive systems, we could distinguish two regimes from the point of view of the avalanche dynamics. We investigated the formation of shear bands in three dimensional axisymmetric arrangement. We constructed the techniques of identifying the sear bands. We found symmetry breaking bands whenever the external constraints did not hinder them. In agreement with experiments we found strain hardening. Within the band a critical density developed, which, in the infinite friction limit, had a value depending only on the shape of the grains. We generalized our earlier theory of the shear bands. The new model describes the experiments in the modified Couette-cell excellently. We predicted and proved by simulations that on the boundary of two media with different frictions refraction of shear bands takes place, similarly to the refraction of light. We investigated the effects of perturbations of the jammed state. We found power law decay in the displacement field where the exponent is a non-trivial function of the friction, similarly to the critical force and the penetration depth. These non-monotonic dependences were related to the friction-dependence of fluctuations in the force network found earlier static packings
Scaling of random spreading in small world networks
In this study we have carried out computer simulations of random walks on
Watts-Strogatz-type small world networks and measured the mean number of
visited sites and the return probabilities. These quantities were found to obey
scaling behavior with intuitively reasoned exponents as long as the probability
of having a long range bond was sufficiently low.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure
Multilayer weighted social network model
Recent empirical studies using large-scale data sets have validated the
Granovetter hypothesis on the structure of the society in that there are
strongly wired communities connected by weak ties. However, as interaction
between individuals takes place in diverse contexts, these communities turn out
to be overlapping. This implies that the society has a multilayered structure,
where the layers represent the different contexts. To model this structure we
begin with a single-layer weighted social network (WSN) model showing the
Granovetterian structure. We find that when merging such WSN models, a
sufficient amount of interlayer correlation is needed to maintain the
relationship between topology and link weights, while these correlations
destroy the enhancement in the community overlap due to multiple layers. To
resolve this, we devise a geographic multilayer WSN model, where the indirect
interlayer correlations due to the geographic constraints of individuals
enhance the overlaps between the communities and, at the same time, the
Granovetterian structure is preserved.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
Sampling networks by nodal attributes
In a social network individuals or nodes connect to other nodes by choosing
one of the channels of communication at a time to re-establish the existing
social links. Since available data sets are usually restricted to a limited
number of channels or layers, these autonomous decision making processes by the
nodes constitute the sampling of a multiplex network leading to just one
(though very important) example of sampling bias caused by the behavior of the
nodes. We develop a general setting to get insight and understand the class of
network sampling models, where the probability of sampling a link in the
original network depends on the attributes of its adjacent nodes. Assuming
that the nodal attributes are independently drawn from an arbitrary
distribution and that the sampling probability for a
link of nodal attributes and is also arbitrary, we derive
exact analytic expressions of the sampled network for such network
characteristics as the degree distribution, degree correlation, and clustering
spectrum. The properties of the sampled network turn out to be sums of
quantities for the original network topology weighted by the factors stemming
from the sampling. Based on our analysis, we find that the sampled network may
have sampling-induced network properties that are absent in the original
network, which implies the potential risk of a naive generalization of the
results of the sample to the entire original network. We also consider the
case, when neighboring nodes have correlated attributes to show how to
generalize our formalism for such sampling bias and we get good agreement
between the analytic results and the numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
The most controversial topics in Wikipedia: A multilingual and geographical analysis
We present, visualize and analyse the similarities and differences between
the controversial topics related to "edit wars" identified in 10 different
language versions of Wikipedia. After a brief review of the related work we
describe the methods developed to locate, measure, and categorize the
controversial topics in the different languages. Visualizations of the degree
of overlap between the top 100 lists of most controversial articles in
different languages and the content related to geographical locations will be
presented. We discuss what the presented analysis and visualizations can tell
us about the multicultural aspects of Wikipedia and practices of
peer-production. Our results indicate that Wikipedia is more than just an
encyclopaedia; it is also a window into convergent and divergent social-spatial
priorities, interests and preferences.Comment: This is a draft of a book chapter to be published in 2014 by
Scarecrow Press. Please cite as: Yasseri T., Spoerri A., Graham M., and
Kert\'esz J., The most controversial topics in Wikipedia: A multilingual and
geographical analysis. In: Fichman P., Hara N., editors, Global
Wikipedia:International and cross-cultural issues in online collaboration.
Scarecrow Press (2014
Failure and avalanches in complex networks
We study the size distribution of power blackouts for the Norwegian and North
American power grids. We find that for both systems the size distribution
follows power laws with exponents and
respectively. We then present a model with global redistribution of the load
when a link in the system fails which reproduces the power law from the
Norwegian power grid if the simulation are carried out on the Norwegian
high-voltage power grid. The model is also applied to regular and irregular
networks and give power laws with exponents for the regular
networks and for the irregular networks. A presented mean field
theory is in good agreement with these numerical results.Comment: Added new references and some minor extentions on request from
referee. Changed figure order. Added journal re
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