27 research outputs found

    The Biased Artist: Exploiting Cultural Biases via Homoglyphs in Text-Guided Image Generation Models

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    Text-guided image generation models, such as DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion, have recently received much attention from academia and the general public. Provided with textual descriptions, these models are capable of generating high-quality images depicting various concepts and styles. However, such models are trained on large amounts of public data and implicitly learn relationships from their training data that are not immediately apparent. We demonstrate that common multimodal models implicitly learned cultural biases that can be triggered and injected into the generated images by simply replacing single characters in the textual description with visually similar non-Latin characters. These so-called homoglyph replacements enable malicious users or service providers to induce biases into the generated images and even render the whole generation process useless. We practically illustrate such attacks on DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion as text-guided image generation models and further show that CLIP also behaves similarly. Our results further indicate that text encoders trained on multilingual data provide a way to mitigate the effects of homoglyph replacements.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures, 4 table

    Rickrolling the Artist: Injecting Invisible Backdoors into Text-Guided Image Generation Models

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    While text-to-image synthesis currently enjoys great popularity among researchers and the general public, the security of these models has been neglected so far. Many text-guided image generation models rely on pre-trained text encoders from external sources, and their users trust that the retrieved models will behave as promised. Unfortunately, this might not be the case. We introduce backdoor attacks against text-guided generative models and demonstrate that their text encoders pose a major tampering risk. Our attacks only slightly alter an encoder so that no suspicious model behavior is apparent for image generations with clean prompts. By then inserting a single non-Latin character into the prompt, the adversary can trigger the model to either generate images with pre-defined attributes or images following a hidden, potentially malicious description. We empirically demonstrate the high effectiveness of our attacks on Stable Diffusion and highlight that the injection process of a single backdoor takes less than two minutes. Besides phrasing our approach solely as an attack, it can also force an encoder to forget phrases related to certain concepts, such as nudity or violence, and help to make image generation safer.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, 5 table

    To Trust or Not To Trust Prediction Scores for Membership Inference Attacks

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    Membership inference attacks (MIAs) aim to determine whether a specific sample was used to train a predictive model. Knowing this may indeed lead to a privacy breach. Most MIAs, however, make use of the model's prediction scores - the probability of each output given some input - following the intuition that the trained model tends to behave differently on its training data. We argue that this is a fallacy for many modern deep network architectures. Consequently, MIAs will miserably fail since overconfidence leads to high false-positive rates not only on known domains but also on out-of-distribution data and implicitly acts as a defense against MIAs. Specifically, using generative adversarial networks, we are able to produce a potentially infinite number of samples falsely classified as part of the training data. In other words, the threat of MIAs is overestimated, and less information is leaked than previously assumed. Moreover, there is actually a trade-off between the overconfidence of models and their susceptibility to MIAs: the more classifiers know when they do not know, making low confidence predictions, the more they reveal the training data.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 10 table

    Be Careful What You Smooth For: Label Smoothing Can Be a Privacy Shield but Also a Catalyst for Model Inversion Attacks

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    Label smoothing -- using softened labels instead of hard ones -- is a widely adopted regularization method for deep learning, showing diverse benefits such as enhanced generalization and calibration. Its implications for preserving model privacy, however, have remained unexplored. To fill this gap, we investigate the impact of label smoothing on model inversion attacks (MIAs), which aim to generate class-representative samples by exploiting the knowledge encoded in a classifier, thereby inferring sensitive information about its training data. Through extensive analyses, we uncover that traditional label smoothing fosters MIAs, thereby increasing a model's privacy leakage. Even more, we reveal that smoothing with negative factors counters this trend, impeding the extraction of class-related information and leading to privacy preservation, beating state-of-the-art defenses. This establishes a practical and powerful novel way for enhancing model resilience against MIAs.Comment: 23 pages, 8 tables, 8 figure

    Leveraging Diffusion-Based Image Variations for Robust Training on Poisoned Data

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    Backdoor attacks pose a serious security threat for training neural networks as they surreptitiously introduce hidden functionalities into a model. Such backdoors remain silent during inference on clean inputs, evading detection due to inconspicuous behavior. However, once a specific trigger pattern appears in the input data, the backdoor activates, causing the model to execute its concealed function. Detecting such poisoned samples within vast datasets is virtually impossible through manual inspection. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach that enables model training on potentially poisoned datasets by utilizing the power of recent diffusion models. Specifically, we create synthetic variations of all training samples, leveraging the inherent resilience of diffusion models to potential trigger patterns in the data. By combining this generative approach with knowledge distillation, we produce student models that maintain their general performance on the task while exhibiting robust resistance to backdoor triggers.Comment: 11 pages, 3 tables, 2 figure

    V-LoL: A Diagnostic Dataset for Visual Logical Learning

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    Despite the successes of recent developments in visual AI, different shortcomings still exist; from missing exact logical reasoning, to abstract generalization abilities, to understanding complex and noisy scenes. Unfortunately, existing benchmarks, were not designed to capture more than a few of these aspects. Whereas deep learning datasets focus on visually complex data but simple visual reasoning tasks, inductive logic datasets involve complex logical learning tasks, however, lack the visual component. To address this, we propose the visual logical learning dataset, V-LoL, that seamlessly combines visual and logical challenges. Notably, we introduce the first instantiation of V-LoL, V-LoL-Trains, -- a visual rendition of a classic benchmark in symbolic AI, the Michalski train problem. By incorporating intricate visual scenes and flexible logical reasoning tasks within a versatile framework, V-LoL-Trains provides a platform for investigating a wide range of visual logical learning challenges. We evaluate a variety of AI systems including traditional symbolic AI, neural AI, as well as neuro-symbolic AI. Our evaluations demonstrate that even state-of-the-art AI faces difficulties in dealing with visual logical learning challenges, highlighting unique advantages and limitations specific to each methodology. Overall, V-LoL opens up new avenues for understanding and enhancing current abilities in visual logical learning for AI systems

    Combining AI and AM - Improving Approximate Matching through Transformer Networks

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    Approximate matching (AM) is a concept in digital forensics to determine the similarity between digital artifacts. An important use case of AM is the reliable and efficient detection of case-relevant data structures on a blacklist, if only fragments of the original are available. For instance, if only a cluster of indexed malware is still present during the digital forensic investigation, the AM algorithm shall be able to assign the fragment to the blacklisted malware. However, traditional AM functions like TLSH and ssdeep fail to detect files based on their fragments if the presented piece is relatively small compared to the overall file size. A second well-known issue with traditional AM algorithms is the lack of scaling due to the ever-increasing lookup databases. We propose an improved matching algorithm based on transformer models from the field of natural language processing. We call our approach Deep Learning Approximate Matching (DLAM). As a concept from artificial intelligence (AI), DLAM gets knowledge of characteristic blacklisted patterns during its training phase. Then DLAM is able to detect the patterns in a typically much larger file, that is DLAM focuses on the use case of fragment detection. We reveal that DLAM has three key advantages compared to the prominent conventional approaches TLSH and ssdeep. First, it makes the tedious extraction of known to be bad parts obsolete, which is necessary until now before any search for them with AM algorithms. This allows efficient classification of files on a much larger scale, which is important due to exponentially increasing data to be investigated. Second, depending on the use case, DLAM achieves a similar or even significantly higher accuracy in recovering fragments of blacklisted files. Third, we show that DLAM enables the detection of file correlations in the output of TLSH and ssdeep even for small fragment sizes.Comment: Published at DFRWS USA 2023 as a conference pape

    Does CLIP Know My Face?

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    With the rise of deep learning in various applications, privacy concerns around the protection of training data has become a critical area of research. Whereas prior studies have focused on privacy risks in single-modal models, we introduce a novel method to assess privacy for multi-modal models, specifically vision-language models like CLIP. The proposed Identity Inference Attack (IDIA) reveals whether an individual was included in the training data by querying the model with images of the same person. Letting the model choose from a wide variety of possible text labels, the model reveals whether it recognizes the person and, therefore, was used for training. Our large-scale experiments on CLIP demonstrate that individuals used for training can be identified with very high accuracy. We confirm that the model has learned to associate names with depicted individuals, implying the existence of sensitive information that can be extracted by adversaries. Our results highlight the need for stronger privacy protection in large-scale models and suggest that IDIAs can be used to prove the unauthorized use of data for training and to enforce privacy laws.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Fair Diffusion: Instructing Text-to-Image Generation Models on Fairness

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    Generative AI models have recently achieved astonishing results in quality and are consequently employed in a fast-growing number of applications. However, since they are highly data-driven, relying on billion-sized datasets randomly scraped from the internet, they also suffer from degenerated and biased human behavior, as we demonstrate. In fact, they may even reinforce such biases. To not only uncover but also combat these undesired effects, we present a novel strategy, called Fair Diffusion, to attenuate biases after the deployment of generative text-to-image models. Specifically, we demonstrate shifting a bias, based on human instructions, in any direction yielding arbitrarily new proportions for, e.g., identity groups. As our empirical evaluation demonstrates, this introduced control enables instructing generative image models on fairness, with no data filtering and additional training required

    Industrial Data Science: Developing a Qualification Concept for Machine Learning in Industrial Production

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    The advent of Industry 4.0 and the availability of large data storage systems lead to an increasing demand for specially educated data-oriented professionals in industrial production. The education of these specialists should combine elements from three fields: Industrial engineering, data analysis and data administration. However, a comprehensive education program incorporating all three elements has not yet been established in Germany. The aim of the acquired research project, titled “Industrial Data Science” is to develop and implement a qualification concept for Machine Learning based on demands coming up in industrial environments. The concept is targeted at two groups: Advanced students from any of the three mentioned fields (Mechanical Engineering, Statistics, Computer Science) and industrial professionals. In the qualification concept the needs of industrial companies are considered. Therefore, a survey was created to inquire the use and potentials of Machine Learning and the requirements for future Data Scientists in industrial production. The evaluation of the survey and the resulting conclusions affecting the qualification concept are presented in this paper