3 research outputs found

    Effects of Traumeel (Tr14) on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Response in Healthy Subjects: A Double-Blind RCT

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    The present double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial intended to test whether ingestion of a natural combination medicine (Tr14 tablets) affects serum muscle damage and inflammatory immune response after downhill running. 96 male subjects received Tr14 tablets, which consist of 14 diluted biological and mineral components, or a placebo for 72 h after the exercise test, respectively. Changes in postexercise levels of various serum muscle damage and immunological markers were investigated. The area under the curve with respect to the increase (AUCi) of perceived pain score and creatine kinase (CK) were defined as primary outcome measures. While for CK the p value of the difference between the two groups is borderline, the pain score and muscle strength were not statistically significant. However, a trend towards lower levels of muscle damage (CK, p=0.05; LDH, p=0.06) in the Tr14 group was shown. Less pronounced lymphopenia (p=0.02), a trend towards a lower expression of CD69 count (p=0.07), and antigen-stimulated ICAM-1 (p=0.01) were found in the verum group. The Tr14 group showed a tendentially lower increase of neutrophils (p=0.10), BDNF (p=0.03), stem cell factor (p=0.09), and GM-CSF (p=0.09) to higher levels. The results of the current study indicate that Tr14 seems to limit exercise-induced muscle damage most likely via attenuation of both innate and adaptive immune responses. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01912469)

    Neuropilin-2 and Its Transcript Variants Correlate with Clinical Outcome in Bladder Cancer

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    Urothelial bladder cancer ranks among the 10 most frequently diagnosed cancers worldwide. In our previous study, the transmembrane protein neuropilin-2 (NRP2) emerged as a predictive marker in patients with bladder cancer. NRP2 consists of several splice variants; the most abundant of these, NRP2a and NRP2b, are reported to have different biological functions in lung cancer progression. For other cancer types, there are no published data on the role of these transcript variants in cancer progression and the clinical outcome. Here, we correlate NRP2 and its two most abundant transcript variants, NRP2A and NRP2B, with the clinical outcome using available genomic data with subsequent validation in our own cohort of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer. In addition to NRP2, NRP1 and the NRP ligands PDGFC and PDGFD were studied. Only NRP2A emerged as an independent prognostic marker for shorter cancer-specific survival in muscle-invasive bladder cancer in our cohort of 102 patients who underwent radical cystectomy between 2008 and 2014 with a median follow-up time of 82 months. Additionally, we demonstrate that high messenger expression of NRP2, NRP1, PDGFC and PDGFD associates with a more aggressive disease (i.e., a high T stage, positive lymph node status and reduced survival)