840 research outputs found
Identification of Nonlinear Normal Modes of Engineering Structures under Broadband Forcing
The objective of the present paper is to develop a two-step methodology
integrating system identification and numerical continuation for the
experimental extraction of nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) under broadband
forcing. The first step processes acquired input and output data to derive an
experimental state-space model of the structure. The second step converts this
state-space model into a model in modal space from which NNMs are computed
using shooting and pseudo-arclength continuation. The method is demonstrated
using noisy synthetic data simulated on a cantilever beam with a
hardening-softening nonlinearity at its free end.Comment: Journal pape
Development of numerical algorithms for practical computation of nonlinear normal modes
When resorting to numerical algorithms, we show that nonlinear normal mode (NNM) computation is possible
with limited implementation effort, which paves the way to a practical method for determining the NNMs
of nonlinear mechanical systems. The proposed method relies on two main techniques, namely a shooting
procedure and a method for the continuation of NNM motions. In addition, sensitivity analysis is used to
reduce the computational burden of the algorithm. A simplified discrete model of a nonlinear bladed disk is
considered to demonstrate the developments
Control-based continuation of nonlinear structures using adaptive filtering
Control-Based Continuation uses feedback control to follow stable and unstable branches of periodic orbits of a nonlinear system without the need for advanced post-processing of experimental data. CBC relies on an iterative scheme to modify the harmonic content of the control reference and obtain a non-invasive control signal. This scheme currently requires to wait for the experiment to settle down to steady-state and hence runs offline (i.e. at a much lower frequency than the feedback controller). This paper proposes to replace this conventional iterative scheme by adaptive filters. Adaptive filters can directly synthesize either the excitation or the control reference adequately and can operate online (i.e. at the same frequency as the feedback controller). This novel approach is found to significantly accelerate convergence to non-invasive steady-state responses to the extend that the structure response can be characterized in a nearly-continuous amplitude sweep. Furthermore, the stability of the controller does not appear to be affected
Numerical computation of nonlinear normal modes in mechanical engineering
This paper reviews the recent advances in computational methods for nonlinear normal modes (NNMs). Different algorithms for the computation of undamped and damped NNMs are presented, and their respective advantages and limitations are discussed. The methods are illustrated using various applications ranging from low-dimensional weakly nonlinear systems to strongly nonlinear industrial structures. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
Practical design of a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber
The aim of the paper is to develop a new nonlinear tuned vibration absorber (NLTVA) capable of mitigating the vibrations of nonlinear systems which are known to exhibit frequency-energy-dependent oscillations. A nonlinear generalization of Den Hartog’s equal-peak method is proposed to ensure equal peaks in the nonlinear frequency response for a large range of forcing amplitudes. An analytical tuning procedure is developed and provides the load-deflection characteristic of the NLTVA. Based on this prescribed relation, the NLTVA design is performed by two different approaches, namely thanks to (i) analytical formulas of uniform cantilever and doubly-clamped beams and (ii) numerical shape optimization of beams with varying width and thickness. A primary system composed of a cantilever beam with a geometrically nonlinear component at its free end serves to illustrate the proposed methodology.ERC Starting Grant NoVib 307265; ERC Starting Grant INNODY
A spectral characterization of nonlinear normal modes
This paper explores the relationship that exists between nonlinear normal
modes (NNMs) defined as invariant manifolds in phase space and the spectral
expansion of the Koopman operator. Specifically, we demonstrate that NNMs
correspond to zero level sets of specific eigenfunctions of the Koopman
operator. Thanks to this direct connection, a new, global parametrization of
the invariant manifolds is established. Unlike the classical parametrization
using a pair of state-space variables, this parametrization remains valid
whenever the invariant manifold undergoes folding, which extends the
computation of NNMs to regimes of greater energy. The proposed ideas are
illustrated using a two-degree-of-freedom system with cubic nonlinearity.Belgian Network DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization) funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy OfficeThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2016.05.01
Validation of Two Nonlinear System Identification Techniques Using an Experimental Testbed
The identification of a nonlinear system is performed using experimental data and two different techniques, i.e. a method based on the Wavelet transform and the Restoring Force Surface method. Both techniques exploit the system free response and result in the estimation of linear and nonlinear physical parameters
Suppression Aeroelastic Instability Using Broadband Passive Targeted Energy Transfers, Part 1: Theory
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76103/1/AIAA-24062-636.pd
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