45 research outputs found

    The Influence of Winter Social Behavior on the Habitat Selection and Reproductive Success of the Black-billed Magpie

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    This study examined the influence of winter social behavior, particularly dominance relationships, on the subsequent nesting habitat selection and reproductive success of Black-billed Magpies (Pica ~ hudsonia) on 2 areas in northern Utah. Hierarchical cluster analysis ordinated the habitats available to breeding birds and Chi-square and Bonferoni-z statistics were used to determine those habitat types the magpies seemed to prefer. Social status was determined by observing color-banded birds engaged in agonistic encounters at winter bait stations. Social dominance was evaluated by% dyads won, not by total % victories. Relationships between winter social status of magpies and their subsequent breeding habitat use and reproductive performance was tested by Kenda 11 \u27s Tau. Winter foraging flocks were comprised primarily of juvenile (1st year) birds while adults tended to remain as isolates or in pairs. Social status within flocks was correlated with age and sex; males dominated females and juvenile males dominated adult males. This was caused by differences in the social organization of adults and juveniles which created asymmetric views of winter food resources between male age classes. Breeding territories were densely packed in all habitats with a mean size of 0.5 ha. Date of clutch initiation was significantly correlated with clutch size and number of fledglings, with earlier nests more successful. Juveniles occupied marginal habitats and produced fewer offspring than adults. Within a dominance hierarchy of juvenile males, no significant differences in reproductive variables were detected except date of clutch initiation and weight of nestlings. Nestlings of dominant parents fledged earlier and were heavier than those of subordinates, which should increase post-fledging survival. This study has documented, for the first time in a free-living population, relationships between characteristics of nestlings and their future dominance status. Two characteristics, fledging date and rank (by weight) in the brood, were correlated with future winter dominance of juvenile males. The dominance status of male magpies is associated with many factors related to relative fitness, with hereditary components moderated by environmental and social factors

    The Retention of Colored Plastic Leg Bands by Black-billed Magpies

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    Response of a Sage Grouse Breeding Population to Fire in Southeastern Idaho

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    Prescribed burning is a common method to eliminate sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) and has been suggested as a tool to enhance the habitat of sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Effects of this practice on sage grouse have not been evaluated rigorously. We studied effects of prescribed fire on lek (traditional breeding display areas) attendance by male sage grouse occupying low-precipitation (\u3c26 cm) sagebrush habitats in south- eastern Idaho from 1986 through 1994. During the preburn period (1986-89), average declines for male attendance were 48% and 46% for treatment and control leks, respectively. Lek counts were similar for treatment and control leks during the preburn years (G-test, 0.25\u3eP\u3e0.10). During the postburn period (1990-94), male attendance at treatment leks declined 90% and control leks declined 63%. Although declines were similar between treatment and control leks during the preburn period, postburn declines were greater for treatment than control leks (0.0

    Effects of Prescribed Fire on Movements of Female Sage Grouse from Breeding to Summer Ranges

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    Volume: 109Start Page: 82End Page: 9