7 research outputs found

    ASEAN-U.S. initiative : assessment and recommendations for improved economic relations : joint final report : executive summary

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/"Prepared under the overall guidance of the Resource Systems Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore..." "Submitted to the Joint Steering Committe of the ASEAN and U.S. Governments April 12, 1989.

    Strategic studies in a changing world: global, regional and Australian perspectives

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    To mark its 25th anniversary, in 1991 the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre held a major conference to consider how strategic studies has changed over that period, and where it should be heading. An outstanding group of specialists - both academic and practitioners - brought global, regional and Australian perspectives to a range of issues that will be important in the next decade. This volume consists of the revised and edited versions of the papers prepared for the conference. It was an appropriate time for this examination as the world was and is still undergoing the most fundamental transformations since the end of the Second World War. But while at first glance the strategic environment is more benign there are new world tensions. What will happen to the Soviet nuclear arsenal? What new challenges are ahead? What are the prospects for stability and security in our region? Security studies is becoming more complex. In our region there are more actors, both within the ASEAN countries and among the extra-regional countries such as China, Japan and India. A more profound complexity is the broadening concept of security, with the traditional concerns of insurgencies, separatism, expansion of maritime capabilities and power projection, being supplemented by issues of economic and environmental security. In a challenging way this volume examines the issues that will be crucial for security in the years to come

    Il sud-est asiatico nell'anno della tigre. Rapporto 1987 sulla situazione sociale, politica ed economica dell'area

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    Approfondito rapporto sulla situazione politica ed economica del sud-est asiatico e dei paesi componenti, dopo un periodo di profondi mutamenti geopolitici ed economici dell'area.- Indice #7- Prefazione, Marcello Pacini #11- Introduzione, Kernial S. Sandhu #15- La regione #17- L’anno della Tigre: le grandi tendenze nel Sud-est asiatico, Mohammed Ayoob #19- L’Asia del Sud-est tra cambiamento, continuità e sfide, Muthiah Alagappa #23- Le economie di mercato dell’Asia del Sud-est, Lee Soo Ann #61- Cooperazione economica nell’ASEAN. Circoli viziosi o nuovi orizzonti?, Hans Christoph Rieger #77- Problemi demografici dell’Asia del Sud-est, S. Gunasekaran #95- Tendenze recenti dell’urbanizzazione nella regione dell’ASEAN, Trinidad S. Osteria #123- Birmania #155- La Birmania nell’anno del Serpente, Mya Than #157- Brunei #193- Il Brunei Darussalam. Alla ricerca del “Regno Politico”, K. U. Menon #195- Cambogia #223- La Cambogia. L’ottavo anno della Repubblica Popolare, Tim Huxley #225- Filippine #245- La rivoluzione incompiuta delle Filippine, David G. Timberman #247- La ripresa economica delle Filippine. Alcuni problemi, Aurora Sanchez #287- Indonesia #301- L’Indonesia di Suharto dopo due decenni, Leo Suryadinata #303- L’economia indonesiana e la crisi del mercato del petrolio, Djisman S. Simandjuntak #327- Laos #347- Il Laosnel secondo decennio della ricostruzione nazionale, Ng Shui Meng #349- Malaysia #377- La Malaysia in un contesto recessivo. Rassegna generale, Mohamed Ariff #379- Le elezioni parlamentari nella Malaysia Peninsulare, S. Sothi Rachagan #415- Singapore #447- Singapore. Panorama politico e sociale, Wan Hussin Zoohri #449- L’economia di Singapore. Problemi e prospettive, Ng Chee Yuen #473- Tailandia #495- La Tailandia. Ancora cambiamento e continuità, Ananda Rajah #497- Il cambiamento della leadership militare ed il suo impatto sulla politica tailandese, Suchit Bunbongkarn #529- Vietnam #553- Il Partito Comunista Vietnamita. Iniziative per la riforma del Partito, la lotta per la ripresa economica e la via per il Sesto Congresso Nazionale, Lewis M. Stern #55