213 research outputs found

    Computer laboratory in medical education for medical students

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    Five generations of the second year students at the Zagreb University School of Medicine were interviewed through an anonymous questionnaire on their use of personal computers, Internet, computer laboratories and computer-assisted education in general. Results show advance in using the information and communication technology by medical students during the period from 1998/99 to 2002/03. However, their positive opinion about computer laboratory depends on installed capacities: the better technology in the computer laboratory – the more positive opinion of it

    Co-occurrence of risky lifestyle behavior with overweight, excess abdominal fat and high blood pressure - case oriented approach [Zajednička pojavnost rizičnog ponašanja i prekomjerne tjelesne težine, abdominalne debljine i visokog tlaka - studija slučajeva]

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    The objective was to estimate the proportion of cases developed interim risk factors (INTF: overweight, excess abdominal fat, high blood pressure) in relation with behavioral risk factors (BEHF: smoking, heavy alcohol intake, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity). NOBIR group was defined as cases with no BEHF and BIR as those with them. Both groups show higher proportions of INTF in older age. The increase by age varies of twofold (overweight: 13.2-29.2 for men, 18.1-42.6 for women) to six fold (high blood pressure: 4.6-26.5 for men, 6.6-40.8 for women) in proportions. Women show higher proportions of INTF than men in both groups, but BIR group shows higher proportions than NOBIR in all the age groups taking the both gender together. As a BEHF the physical inactivity has a markedly increase with age (from 4% to more than 25%). Smoking is the only BEHF decreasing in oldest for all the INTF

    The prevalence of overweight, obesity and central obesity in six regions of Croatia: results from the Croatian Adult Health Survey [Prevalencija prekomjerne tjelesne težine, debljine i avdominalne debljine u šest regija Hrvatske]

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    Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of overweight, obesity and increased waist circumference in the adult population of Croatia and investigate regional differences in six regions of Croatia. Using the data from the 2003 Croatian Adult Health Survey we estimated the overall prevalence of overweight, obesity and increased waist circumference for the entire population of Croatia at 38.11%, 20.34% and 43.52%, respectively. For men, this was 43.2%, 20.1% and 34.98% and for women 33.6%, 20.6% and 51.13%, respectively for the three indicators of increased body weight. We found conflicting evidence as to whether the Mediterranean part of the country, compared with the continental part, bears a lesser degree of cardiovascular risk. Planners should pay particular attention to the Northern region, where the burden of increased body weight was the highest

    Magnetic resonance imaging study on temporomandibular joint morphology [Studija o morfologiji čeljusnog zgloba pomoću magnetske rezonancije]

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enabled the accomplishment of a more effective diagnostics of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The sample included 40 patients with clinical symptoms of disc displacement (DD) of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and 25 subjects included in our study were asymptomatic. DD were diagnosed by clinical examinations which were subsequently confirmed by MRI. DD was found in 18% of the TMJs of the asymptomatic patients. The highest prevalence of total DD without reduction was found in 44.1% of the patients' joints subsequently followed by total DD with reduction comprising 34.9% of the TMJs and by partial DD with reduction comprising 21% of the TMJs. This study may help us clarify the complicated relationship which exists between the radiographic and clinical findings of TMJ disorders


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    Elektronički zdravstveni zapis kao predmet interesa korisnika zdravstvene zaštite

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    Zahtjev za jedinstvenom i cjelovitom zdravstvenom zaštitom kaže da „jedan korisnik zdravstvene zaštite treba imati jedan elektronički zdravstveni zapis“ i „svi relevantni zdravstveni podaci korisnika zdravstvene zaštite moraju biti sastavnim dijelom elektroničkog zdravstvenog zapisa“. Ovlašteni korisnici elektroničkog zdravstvenog zapisa su osobe koje ga stvaraju - zdravstveni profesionalci za vrijeme dok provode zdravstvenu zaštitu korisnika zdravstvene zaštite i korisnici zdravstvene zaštite. Prema podacima Ureda nacionalnog koordinatora za zdravstveno-informacijsku tehnologiju u SAD pokazuje da broj pojedinaca koji mogu pristupiti svom elektroničkom zdravstvenom zapisu sve više raste - od 42% u 2014 do 52% u 2017. Među razlozima pristupa navodi se uvid u laboratorijske podatke, popis lijekova, kratki opis vezano uz posjet, popis problema, alergije, vakcinacije i kliničke zabilješke. Hrvatski građani mogu pristupiti svom elektroničkom zdravstvenom zapisu (eKartonu) putem zdravstvenog portala sustava e-Građani, odnosno Nacionalnog identifikacijskog i autentifikacijskog sustava (NIAS). Čine li to ili ne, o tome nema podataka. Spoznaja o tome bila bi korisna podloga za doradu postojećeg eKartona, a primjerena edukacija i uvid građana u vlastitu medicinsku dokumentaciju mogli bi ih potaknuti na aktivniju ulogu u unapređivanju svoga zdravlja