6 research outputs found

    An Inter-observer consistent deep adversarial training for visual scanpath prediction

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    The visual scanpath is a sequence of points through which the human gaze moves while exploring a scene. It represents the fundamental concepts upon which visual attention research is based. As a result, the ability to predict them has emerged as an important task in recent years. In this paper, we propose an inter-observer consistent adversarial training approach for scanpath prediction through a lightweight deep neural network. The adversarial method employs a discriminative neural network as a dynamic loss that is better suited to model the natural stochastic phenomenon while maintaining consistency between the distributions related to the subjective nature of scanpaths traversed by different observers. Through extensive testing, we show the competitiveness of our approach in regard to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: ICIP202

    A domain adaptive deep learning solution for scanpath prediction of paintings

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    Cultural heritage understanding and preservation is an important issue for society as it represents a fundamental aspect of its identity. Paintings represent a significant part of cultural heritage, and are the subject of study continuously. However, the way viewers perceive paintings is strictly related to the so-called HVS (Human Vision System) behaviour. This paper focuses on the eye-movement analysis of viewers during the visual experience of a certain number of paintings. In further details, we introduce a new approach to predicting human visual attention, which impacts several cognitive functions for humans, including the fundamental understanding of a scene, and then extend it to painting images. The proposed new architecture ingests images and returns scanpaths, a sequence of points featuring a high likelihood of catching viewers' attention. We use an FCNN (Fully Convolutional Neural Network), in which we exploit a differentiable channel-wise selection and Soft-Argmax modules. We also incorporate learnable Gaussian distributions onto the network bottleneck to simulate visual attention process bias in natural scene images. Furthermore, to reduce the effect of shifts between different domains (i.e. natural images, painting), we urge the model to learn unsupervised general features from other domains using a gradient reversal classifier. The results obtained by our model outperform existing state-of-the-art ones in terms of accuracy and efficiency.Comment: Accepted at CBMI2022 graz, austri

    Insights into Classifying and Mitigating LLMs' Hallucinations

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    The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) across diverse AI applications is proof of the outstanding achievements obtained in several tasks, such as text mining, text generation, and question answering. However, LLMs are not exempt from drawbacks. One of the most concerning aspects regards the emerging problematic phenomena known as "Hallucinations". They manifest in text generation systems, particularly in question-answering systems reliant on LLMs, potentially resulting in false or misleading information propagation. This paper delves into the underlying causes of AI hallucination and elucidates its significance in artificial intelligence. In particular, Hallucination classification is tackled over several tasks (Machine Translation, Question and Answer, Dialog Systems, Summarisation Systems, Knowledge Graph with LLMs, and Visual Question Answer). Additionally, we explore potential strategies to mitigate hallucinations, aiming to enhance the overall reliability of LLMs. Our research addresses this critical issue within the HeReFaNMi (Health-Related Fake News Mitigation) project, generously supported by NGI Search, dedicated to combating Health-Related Fake News dissemination on the Internet. This endeavour represents a concerted effort to safeguard the integrity of information dissemination in an age of evolving AI technologies.Comment: Accepted at AIxIA 202

    Automatic diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis severity using Swin transformer

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    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a widespread condition that can cause chronic pain and stiffness in the knee joint. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial for successful clinical intervention and management to prevent severe complications, such as loss of mobility. In this paper, we propose an automated approach that employs the Swin Transformer to predict the severity of KOA. Our model uses publicly available radiographic datasets with Kellgren and Lawrence scores to enable early detection and severity assessment. To improve the accuracy of our model, we employ a multi-prediction head architecture that utilizes multi-layer perceptron classifiers. Additionally, we introduce a novel training approach that reduces the data drift between multiple datasets to ensure the generalization ability of the model. The results of our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of our approach in predicting KOA severity accurately.Comment: CBMI 202

    Detecting colour vision deficiencies via Webcam-based Eye-tracking: A case study

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    Webcam-based eye-tracking platforms have recently reemerged due to improvements in machine learning-supported calibration processes and offer a scalable option for conducting eye movement studies. Although not yet comparable to the infrared-based ones regarding accuracy and frequency, some compelling performances have been observed, especially in those scenarios with medium-sized AOI (Areas of Interest) in images. In this study, we test the reliability of webcam-based eye-tracking on a specific task: Eye movement distribution analysis for CVD (Colour Vision Deficiency) detection. We introduce a new publicly available eye movement dataset based on a pilot study (n=12) on images with dominant red colour (previously shown to be difficult with dichromatic AOI to investigate CVD by comparing attention patterns obtained in webcam eye-tracking sessions). We hypothesized that webcam eye tracking without infrared support could detect differing attention patterns between CVD and non-CVD participants and observed statistically significant differences, allowing the retention of our hypothesis