17 research outputs found

    Suppression of environmental health scientists: real-world examples as a basis for action

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    Pressures on epidemiologists, toxicologists, and on public health scientists to suppress their work are known to occur worldwide. In this article, we share six stories from environmental health scientists about the pressures they faced in their jobs after bringing public health problems to light. The method used to document each of the stories was to invite scientists who attended meetings of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology to tell their own stories of having experienced research suppression. We then extracted the salient features of each experience into a coherent story, providing references as corroboration where possible. The specific purpose in going public with the six stories presented in this article is to open a conversation to better equip colleagues to stand up to pressures to suppress their work. By publicly sharing the pressures experienced by these scientists in attempts to suppress their scientific work, including intimidation, harassment, threats and/or bullying, other scientists may be better able to withstand such pressures. In the absence of a larger collection of stories, we are unable to identify common approaches taken against suppression. It appears that a focus on scientific excellence and tenacity are two major factors likely to have contributed to the ability to withstand pressure. We encourage others to tell their stories. Bringing examples of these instances to attention will make them familiar enough to be less intimidating should others experience anything similar. Additional documented experiences will expand the base of stories and thus help colleagues to withstand the pressures wielded by special interests. Shining a light on these pressures will remove barriers, not only to advancing the science, but also to protecting the public interest

    Ethnic Differences in Home-Related Maternal Stress: Muslim and Jewish Mothers

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    Parental stresses are normal responses to raising children. They are affected by stresses parents and children accumulate and bring to their interrelations. Background factors like economic difficulties or the relations between the parents may affect parental stresses as well as demographic and environmental factors like noise and access to urban parks. Most studies on parental stress are based on a verified psychological questionnaire. We suggest using frequency domain heart rate variability index (HRV) to measure parental stress enabling, by thus, the measurement of physiological aspects of stress and risk to health. Parental stress is measured as the difference between HRV accumulated at home while staying with the children and without the husband and HRV measured in the neighborhood while staying without the children and the husband. We use the index to compare differences among Muslim and Jewish mothers in exposure to maternal stress at their homes and to expose the factors that predict differences in maternal stress. We found that Muslim mothers suffer from home-related maternal stress while Jewish mother do not. Number of children and ethnically related environmental aspects predict differences in maternal stress between Muslim and Jewish mothers. Muslims’ lower access to parks stems from lack of home garden and parks in their neighborhoods in the Arab towns but mainly by restrictions on Muslim mothers’ freedom of movement to parks. Despite differences in levels of noise at home and in the status of the mother in the household, these factors did not predict differences in maternal stress. Instead, the study highlights the crucial role of greenery and freedom of movement to parks in moderating home-related maternal stress

    Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Congenital Malformations (CM) in Israel, 2000–2006

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    Congenital Malformations (CM) impose a heavy burden on families and society. Identification of spatial patterns of CM is useful for understanding the epidemiology of this public health issue. In Israel, about 1,000,000 births and 25,000 CM cases at 37 groups were geocoded during 2000–2006. These were geo-analyzed using global-Moran’s-I statistics. Eight groups demonstrated geospatial heterogeneity and were further analyzed at both the census tract (Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) and hot spot analyses) and street levels (spatial scan statistics with two population threshold sizes). The positional definition of results is further discussed in relevance to possible exposure to teratogenic sources in the region. Limitations of data and methods used are presented as well

    Reduced Susceptibility to Chlorhexidine among Staphylococcus aureus Isolates in Israel: Phenotypic and Genotypic Tolerance

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    Antiseptic use for body decolonization is the main activity applied to prevent healthcare-associated infections, including those caused by S. aureus. Consequentially, tolerance to several antiseptics such as chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) has developed. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of CHG tolerance among S. aureus strains in Israel and to evaluate factors that may affect this tolerance. Furthermore, it tested the associations between phenotypic and genotypic CHG tolerance. S. aureus strains (n = 190) were isolated from clinical samples of patients admitted to various medical institutions in Israel. Phenotypic susceptibility to CHG was assessed by determining minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). Genotypic tolerance was detected using real-time PCR for detection of qac A/B genes. MIC for the antibiotic mupirocin was determined using the Etest method. Presence of the Panton–Valentine Leucocidin (pvl) toxin, mecA and mecC genes was detected using an eazyplex® MRSAplus kit (AmplexDiagnostics GmbH, Gars, Germany). CHG tolerance was observed in 13.15% of the isolates. An association between phenotypic and genotypic tolerance to CHG was observed. Phenotypic tolerance to CHG was associated with methicillin resistance but not with mupirocin resistance. Additionally, most of the CHG-tolerant strains were isolated from blood cultures. In conclusion, this work shed light on the prevalence of reduced susceptibility to CHG among S. aureus strains in Israel and on the characteristics of tolerant strains. CHG-tolerant strains were more common than methicillin-resistant ones in samples from invasive infections. Further research should be performed to evaluate risk factors for the development of CHG tolerance

    Biofilm Formation by Hospital-Acquired Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Respiratory Samples

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    Abstract Background Hospital-acquired resistant infections (HARI) are infections, which develop 48 h or more after admission to a healthcare facility. HARI pose a considerably acute challenge, due to limited treatment options. These infections are associated bacterial biofilms, which act as a physical barrier to diverse external stresses, such as desiccation, antimicrobials and biocides. We assessed the influence of multiple factors on biofilm production by HARI -associated bacteria. Methods Bacteria were isolated from samples of patients with respiratory HARI who were hospitalized during 2020–2022 in north Israel. Following antibiotic susceptibility testing by disc diffusion or broth microdilution, biofilm formation capacities of resistant bacteria (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiela pneumonia, and multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii) was assessed using the crystalline violet staining method. Data regarding season, time to infection, bacterial species, patient age and gender, year, and medical department were collected from the patient medical records. Results Among the 226 study isolates, K. pneumonia was the most prevalent (35.4%) bacteria, followed by P. aeruginosa (23.5%), and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (21.7%). A significantly higher rate of HARI was documented in 2022 compared to 2020–2021. The majority of isolates (63.3%) were strong biofilm producers, with K. pneumonia (50.3%) being most dominant, followed by P. aeruginosa (29.4%). Biofilm production strength was significantly affected by seasonality and hospitalization length, with strong biofilm production in autumn and in cases where hospitalization length exceeded 30 days. Conclusion Biofilm production by HARI bacteria is influenced by bacterial species, season and hospitalization length

    Green spaces and adverse pregnancy outcomes

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the associations between proximity to green spaces and surrounding greenness and pregnancy outcomes, such as birth weight, low birth weight (LBW), very LBW (VLBW), gestational age, preterm deliveries (PTD) and very PTD (VPTD). Methods: This study was based on 39 132 singleton live births from a registry birth cohort in Tel Aviv, Israel, during 2000–2006. Surrounding greenness was defined as the average of satellite-based Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in 250 m buffers and proximity to major green spaces was defined as residence within a buffer of 300 m from boundaries of a major green space (5000 m2), based on data constructed from OpenStreetMap. Linear regression (for birth weight and gestational age) and logistic regressions models (for LBW, VLBW, PTD and VPTD) were used with adjustment for relevant covariates. Results: An increase in 1 interquartile range greenness was associated with a statistically significant increase in birth weight (19.2 g 95% CI 13.3 to 25.1) and decreased risk of LBW (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.90). Results for VLBW were in the same direction but were not statistically significant. In general, no associations were found for gestational age, PTD and VPTD. The findings were consistent with different buffer and green space sizes and stronger associations were observed among those of lower socioeconomic status. Conclusions: This study confirms the results of a few previous studies demonstrating an association between maternal proximity to green spaces and birth weight. Further investigation is needed into the associations with VLBW and VPTD, which has never been studied before

    Green spaces and adverse pregnancy outcomes

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the associations between proximity to green spaces and surrounding greenness and pregnancy outcomes, such as birth weight, low birth weight (LBW), very LBW (VLBW), gestational age, preterm deliveries (PTD) and very PTD (VPTD). Methods: This study was based on 39 132 singleton live births from a registry birth cohort in Tel Aviv, Israel, during 2000–2006. Surrounding greenness was defined as the average of satellite-based Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in 250 m buffers and proximity to major green spaces was defined as residence within a buffer of 300 m from boundaries of a major green space (5000 m2), based on data constructed from OpenStreetMap. Linear regression (for birth weight and gestational age) and logistic regressions models (for LBW, VLBW, PTD and VPTD) were used with adjustment for relevant covariates. Results: An increase in 1 interquartile range greenness was associated with a statistically significant increase in birth weight (19.2 g 95% CI 13.3 to 25.1) and decreased risk of LBW (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.90). Results for VLBW were in the same direction but were not statistically significant. In general, no associations were found for gestational age, PTD and VPTD. The findings were consistent with different buffer and green space sizes and stronger associations were observed among those of lower socioeconomic status. Conclusions: This study confirms the results of a few previous studies demonstrating an association between maternal proximity to green spaces and birth weight. Further investigation is needed into the associations with VLBW and VPTD, which has never been studied before

    Low and high ambient temperatures during pregnancy and birth weight among 624,940 singleton term births in Israel (2010-2014): an investigation of potential windows of susceptibility

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    Background: Exposure to heat during pregnancy has been associated with reduced fetal growth. Less is known about associations with cold and the potential for critical time windows of exposure. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate, in a national retrospective cohort, critical windows of susceptibility during pregnancy to extreme temperatures (low and high) and fetal growth, among 624,940 singleton term births in Israel during the period 2010-2014. Methods: Temperature exposures were estimated using a spatially refined gridded climate data set with a 1-h and 1-km2 resolution. Percentiles of temperature were categorized by climatic zone for the entire pregnancy and by trimesters and weeks. Generalized additive models with the distributed lag nonlinear model framework were used to estimate unadjusted and adjusted associations between percentiles and categories of temperature and fetal growth markers: term [births after 36 weeks of gestational age (GA)] mean birth weight and term low birth weight (tLBW, term infants with birth weight below 2,500g). Results: After adjustment, extreme temperatures (percentiles) during the entire pregnancy were associated with a lower mean birth weight {≤10th vs. 41st-50th percentile: −56g [95% confidence interval (CI): −63g, −50g)]; >90th vs. 41st-50th percentile: −65g; 95% CI: −72g, −58g}. Similar inverse U-shaped patterns were observed for all trimesters, with stronger associations for heat than for cold and for exposures during the third trimester. For heat, results suggest critical windows between 3-9 and 19-34 GA-weeks, with the strongest association estimated at 3 GA-weeks (temperature > 90th vs. 41st-50th percentiles: −3.8g; 95% CI: −7.1g, −0.4g). For cold, there was a consistent trend of null associations early in pregnancy and stronger inverse associations over time, with the strongest association at 36 GA-week (≤10th vs. 41st-50th percentiles: −2.9g; 95% CI: −6.5g, 0.7g). For tLBW, U-shape patterns were estimated for the entire pregnancy and third trimester exposures, as well as nonsignificant associations with heat for 29-36 GA-weeks. Generally, the patterns of associations with temperatures during the entire pregnancy were consistent when stratified by urbanicity and geocoding hierarchy, when estimated for daily minimum and maximum temperatures, when exposures were classified based on temperature distributions in 49 natural regions, and when estimated for all live births. Discussion: Findings from our study of term live births in Israel (2010-2014) suggest that exposure to extreme temperatures, especially heat, during specific time windows may result in reduced fetal growth. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP8117