4 research outputs found

    Situaciones violentas durante la pandemia COVID-19

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    Introduction: The pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has changed the lifestyle of the general population, mainly due to the distancing and isolation measures adopted to contain the spread of the disease. These measures generated a series of stressors, including an increase in domestic violence. Objective: To identify the occurrence of domestic violence during isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil, its association with issues related to mental health and poorly adaptive personality traits. Method: Nonprobabilistic study, composed of a sample of 3625 participants who were assessed using the PCL-5, DASS-21, PID-5-BF and AUDIT-C. Instruments were administered on-line from April 22, 2020 to May 8, 2020. Results: 379 (13%) of respondents experienced some type of adverse situation during social distancing. Participants who experienced violence had higher alcohol consumption (p=0.004), greater severity of symptoms related to a diagnosis of PTSD (p <0.001), and greater prevalence of anxiety (p<0.001) and depression (p<0.001) symptoms in relation to those who had no such experiences. They also demonstrated higher PID-5 scores of maladaptive personality traits, such as negative affectivity (p<0.001), distance (p<0.001), antagonism (p<0.001), disinhibition (p<0.001) and psychoticism (p<0.001). Conclusion: Isolation due to the pandemic is having a great impact on people’s mental health, specifically on those who have experienced violence. Together with public agencies and the private sector, strategies should be created aimed at scaling up interventions to mitigate this impact of the pandemic, especially by providing expanded listening spaces in the health and social care sectors.Introdução: A pandemia causada pelo novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) alterou o estilo de vida da população em geral, principalmente através das medidas de distanciamento e isolamento adotadas para contenção do avanço da doença. Estas medidas geraram uma série de estressores, dentre eles o aumento da violência doméstica. Objetivo: Identificar a ocorrência de violência doméstica durante o isolamento decorrente da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil, a sua associação com questões relacionadas à saúde mental e traços mal adaptativos de personalidade. Método: Estudo não probabilístico, composto por uma amostra de 3625 participantes que foram avaliados através do PCL-5, DASS-21, PID-5-BF e AUDIT-C. Instrumentos aplicados on-line no período entre 22 de abril de 2020 a 08 de maio de 2020. Resultados: 379 (13%) dos respondedores sofreu algum tipo de situação adversa durante o distanciamento social. Os participantes que vivenciaram violência possuem maior consumo de álcool (p=0,004), maior gravidade dos sintomas relacionada ao diagnóstico de TEPT (p<0,01), maior presença de sintomas de ansiedade (p<0,001), depressão (p<0,001), em relação àquelas que não sofreram. Demonstraram ainda possuir, de acordo com o PID-5, escores mais elevados de traços mal adaptativos de personalidade, como afetividade negativa (p<0.001), distanciamento (p<0.001), antagonismo (p<0.001), desinibição (p < 0.001) e psicoticismo (p<0.001). Conclusão: O isolamento devido a pandemia está causando grande impacto na saúde mental das pessoas, especificamente naquelas que sofreram violência. É necessário, junto ao órgão públicos e privados, criar estratégias visando uma escalada de intervenções relacionadas ao impacto da pandemia, sobretudo ampliando espaços de escuta no setor de saúde e na assistência social.Introducción: La pandemia provocada por el nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) ha cambiado el estilo de vida de la población en general, principalmente a través de las medidas de distancia y aislamiento adoptadas para contener el avance de la enfermedad. Estas medidas generaron una serie de factores estresantes, entre ellos el aumento de la violencia intrafamiliar. Objetivo: Identificar la ocurrencia de violencia doméstica durante el aislamiento resultante de la pandemia COVID-19 en Brasil, su asociación con problemas relacionados con la salud mental y rasgos de personalidad poco adaptables. Método: Estudio no probabilístico, compuesto por una muestra de 3625 participantes que fueron evaluados mediante la PCL-5, DASS-21, PID-5-BF y AUDIT-C. Instrumentos aplicados on-line en el período comprendido entre el 22 de abril de 2020 y el 8 de mayo de 2020. Resultados: 379 (13%) de los encuestados sufrieron algún tipo de situación adversa durante la distancia social. Los participantes que experimentaron violencia tienen mayor consumo de alcohol (p=0,004), mayor gravedad de los síntomas relacionados con el diagnóstico de TEPT (p<0,01), mayor presencia de síntomas de ansiedad (p<0,001), depresión (p<0,001), en relación con los que no sufrieron. También demostraron tener, según PID-5, puntuaciones más altas de rasgos de personalidad poco adaptativos, como afectividad negativa (p<0.001), distancia (p<0.001), antagonismo (p<0.001), desinhibición (p<0.001) y psicoticismo (p<0.001). Conclusión: El aislamiento debido a la pandemia está teniendo un gran impacto en la salud mental de las personas, específicamente en quienes han sufrido violencia. Es necesario, junto con los organismos públicos y privados, crear estrategias orientadas a ampliar las intervenciones relacionadas con el impacto de la pandemia, especialmente ampliando los espacios de escucha en el sector salud y la asistencia social

    Closed doors: predictors of stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

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    BACKGROUND: The rise in mental health problems in the population directly or indirectly because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a major concern. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare independent predictors of symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Brazilians one month after the implementation of measures of social distancing. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed using a web-based survey. The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) were the outcomes. Data were gathered regarding demographics, social distancing, economic problems, exposure to the news of the pandemic, psychiatric history, sleep disturbances, traumatic situations, and substance use. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption (AUDIT-C) was also administered. The predictors of the symptoms were investigated using hierarchical multiple linear regression. RESULTS: Of a sample of 3587 participants, approximately two-thirds considered that their mental health worsened after the beginning of the social restriction measures. The most important predictors of the symptoms investigated were the intensity of the distress related to the news of the pandemic, younger age, current psychiatric diagnosis, trouble sleeping, emotional abuse or violence, and economic problems. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirmed the hypothesis that the pandemic impacted the mental health of the population and indicated that the level of distress related to the news was the most important predictor of psychological suffering

    Organic walled microfossils in wet peperites from the early Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka volcanism of Brazil

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    Abstract Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are major magmatic events that have a significant impact on the global environment and the biosphere, for example as triggers of mass extinctions. LIPs provide an excellent sedimentological and geochemical record of short but intense periods of geological activity in the past, but their contribution towards understanding ancient life is much more restricted due to the destructive nature of their igneous origin. Here, we provide the first paleontological evidence for organic walled microfossils extracted from wet peperites from the Early Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka intertrappean deposits of the Paraná basin in Brazil. Wet peperites are a volcaniclastic rock formed by the interaction of lava and subaqueous sediments.The Paraná-Etendeka was formed during the Valanginian (ca. 132 Ma) as a continental flood basalt in present day South America and Namibia, and released enormous amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane and hydrogen fluoride into the atmosphere. The organic walled microfossils recovered from the Paraná-Etendeka peperites include pollen grains, spores, acritarchs, and other remains of unidentifiable organic matter. In addition to the peperites, organic walled microfossils were also found in heterolithic sandstones and interpillow sandstones. Our findings represent the first insight into the biodiversity of the Paraná Basin during the Early Cretaceous during a period of intense magmatism, and the microfossil assemblages corroborate a regional paleoclimatic transition from arid to more humid conditions that were likely induced by the volcanic activity. We corroborate the potential of wet peperite rocks as a valuable source of paleobiological data and emphasize the importance of sampling volcaniclastic units that have been traditionally considered with lower fossiliferous potential due to their igneous origin