46 research outputs found

    Tools for calculations in color space

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    Both the higher energy and the initial state colored partons contribute to making exact calculations in QCD color space more important at the LHC than at its predecessors. This is applicable whether the method of assessing QCD is fixed order calculation, resummation, or parton showers. In this talk we discuss tools for tackling the problem of performing exact color summed calculations. We start with theoretical tools in the form of the (standard) trace bases and the orthogonal multiplet bases (for which a general method of construction was recently presented). Following this, we focus on two new packages for performing color structure calculations: one easy to use Mathematica package, ColorMath, and one C++ package, ColorFull, which is suitable for more demanding calculations, and for interfacing with event generators.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS2013), 22-26 April 2013, Marseilles, Franc

    Orthogonal multiplet bases in SU(Nc) color space

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    We develop a general recipe for constructing orthogonal bases for the calculation of color structures appearing in QCD for any number of partons and arbitrary Nc. The bases are constructed using hermitian gluon projectors onto irreducible subspaces invariant under SU(Nc). Thus, each basis vector is associated with an irreducible representation of SU(Nc). The resulting multiplet bases are not only orthogonal, but also minimal for finite Nc. As a consequence, for calculations involving many colored particles, the number of basis vectors is reduced significantly compared to standard approaches employing overcomplete bases. We exemplify the method by constructing multiplet bases for all processes involving a total of 6 external colored partons.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure

    Semiclassical quantisation rules for the Dirac and Pauli equations

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    We derive explicit semiclassical quantisation conditions for the Dirac and Pauli equations. We show that the spin degree of freedom yields a contribution which is of the same order of magnitude as the Maslov correction in Einstein-Brillouin-Keller quantisation. In order to obtain this result a generalisation of the notion of integrability for a certain skew product flow of classical translational dynamics and classical spin precession has to be derived. Among the examples discussed is the relativistic Kepler problem with Thomas precession, whose treatment sheds some light on the amazing success of Sommerfeld's theory of fine structure [Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 51 (1916) 1--91].Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Polyakov loops and SU(2) staggered Dirac spectra

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    We consider the spectrum of the staggered Dirac operator with SU(2) gauge fields. Our study is motivated by the fact that the antiunitary symmetries of this operator are different from those of the SU(2) continuum Dirac operator. In this contribution, we investigate in some detail staggered eigenvalue spectra close to the free limit. Numerical experiments in the quenched approximation and at very large β\beta-values show that the eigenvalues occur in clusters consisting of eight eigenvalues each. We can predict the locations of these clusters for a given configuration very accurately by an analytical formula involving Polyakov loops and boundary conditions. The spacing distribution of the eigenvalues within the clusters agrees with the chiral symplectic ensemble of random matrix theory, in agreement with theoretical expectations, whereas the spacing distribution between the clusters tends towards Poisson behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, talk given by M. Panero at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Regensburg, Germany, 30 July - 4 August 200

    Particle creation and annihilation at interior boundaries:One-dimensional models

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    We describe creation and annihilation of particles at external sources in one spatial dimension in terms of interior-boundary conditions (IBCs). We derive explicit solutions for spectra, (generalised) eigenfunctions, as well as Green functions, spectral determinants, and integrated spectral densities. Moreover, we introduce a quantum graph version of IBC-Hamiltonians.Comment: 32 page

    The Berry-Keating operator on a lattice

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    We construct and study a version of the Berry-Keating operator with a built-in truncation of the phase space, which we choose to be a two-dimensional torus. The operator is a Weyl quantisation of the classical Hamiltonian for an inverted harmonic oscillator, producing a difference operator on a finite, periodic lattice. We investigate the continuum and the infinite-volume limit of our model in conjunction with the semiclassical limit. Using semiclassical methods, we show that a specific combination of the limits leads to a logarithmic mean spectral density as it was anticipated by Berry and Keating