7 research outputs found

    Modulation of CP2 Family Transcriptional Activity by CRTR-1 and Sumoylation

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    CRTR-1 is a member of the CP2 family of transcription factors. Unlike other members of the family which are widely expressed, CRTR-1 expression shows specific spatio-temporal regulation. Gene targeting demonstrates that CRTR-1 plays a central role in the maturation and function of the salivary glands and the kidney. CRTR-1 has also recently been identified as a component of the complex transcriptional network that maintains pluripotency in embryonic stem (ES) cells. CRTR-1 was previously shown to be a repressor of transcription. We examine the activity of CRTR-1 in ES and other cells and show that CRTR-1 is generally an activator of transcription and that it modulates the activity of other family members, CP2, NF2d9 and altNF2d9, in a cell specific manner. We also demonstrate that CRTR-1 activity is regulated by sumoylation at a single major site, residue K30. These findings imply that functional redundancy with other family members may mask important roles for CRTR-1 in other tissues, including the blastocyst stage embryo and embryonic stem cells

    Isolation and Characterization of Adenoviruses Persistently Shed from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Non-Human Primates

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    Adenoviruses are important human pathogens that have been developed as vectors for gene therapies and genetic vaccines. Previous studies indicated that human infections with adenoviruses are self-limiting in immunocompetent hosts with evidence of some persistence in adenoid tissue. We sought to better understand the natural history of adenovirus infections in various non-human primates and discovered that healthy populations of great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans) and macaques shed substantial quantities of infectious adenoviruses in stool. Shedding in stools from asymptomatic humans was found to be much less frequent, comparable to frequencies reported before. We purified and fully sequenced 30 novel adenoviruses from apes and 3 novel adenoviruses from macaques. Analyses of the new ape adenovirus sequences (as well as the 4 chimpanzee adenovirus sequences we have previously reported) together with 22 complete adenovirus genomes available from GenBank revealed that (a) the ape adenoviruses could clearly be classified into species corresponding to human adenovirus species B, C, and E, (b) there was evidence for intraspecies recombination between adenoviruses, and (c) the high degree of phylogenetic relatedness of adenoviruses across their various primate hosts provided evidence for cross species transmission events to have occurred in the natural history of B and E viruses. The high degree of asymptomatic shedding of live adenovirus in non-human primates and evidence for zoonotic transmissions warrants caution for primate handling and housing. Furthermore, the presence of persistent and/or latent adenovirus infections in the gut should be considered in the design and interpretation of human and non-human primate studies with adenovirus vectors

    The SMN Interactome Includes Myb-Binding Protein 1a

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    Understanding networks of interacting proteins is a major goal in cell biology. The survival of motor neurons protein (SMN) interacts, directly or indirectly, with a large number of other proteins and reduced levels of SMN cause the inherited disorder spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Some SMN interactions are stable and stoichiometric, such as those with gemins, while others are expected to be transient and substoichiometric, such as the functional interaction of SMN with coilin in Cajal bodies. This study set out to determine whether novel components of the extensive SMN interactome can be identified by a proteomic approach. SMN complexes were immuno-precipitated from HeLa nuclear extracts, using anti-SMN monoclonal antibody attached to magnetic beads, digested with trypsin, separated by capillary-liquid chromatography and analyzed by MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. One-hundred and one proteins were detected with a p value of <0.05, SMN, gemins and U snRNPs being the dominant β€œhits”. Sixty-nine of these were rejected after MALDI analysis of two control pull-downs using antibodies against unrelated nuclear proteins. The proteins found only in anti-SMN pulldowns were either known SMN partners, and/or contained dimethylated RG domains involved in direct interaction with the SMN tudor domain, or they were known binding partners of such direct SMN interactors. Myb-binding protein 1a, identified as a novel candidate, is a mainly nucleolar protein of unknown function but it partially colocalized with SMN in Cajal bodies in HeLa cell nucleoplasm and, like SMN, was reduced in cells from an SMA patient

    L-proline induces differentiation of ES cells: A novel role for an amino acid in the regulation of pluripotent cells in culture

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    The development of cell therapeutics from embryonic stem (ES) cells will require technologies that direct cell differentiation to specific somatic cell lineages in response to defined factors. The initial step in formation of the somatic lineages from ES cells, differentiation to an intermediate, pluripotent primitive ectoderm-like cell, can be achieved in vitro by formation of early primitive ectoderm-like (EPL) cells in response to a biological activity contained within the conditioned medium MEDII. Fractionation of MEDII has identified two activities required for EPL cell formation, an activity with a molecular mass of 100 M L-proline and some L-proline-containing peptides resulted in changes in colony morphology, cell proliferation, gene expression, and differentiation kinetics consistent with differentiation toward a primitive ectoderm-like cell. This activity appeared to be associated with L-proline since other amino acids and analogs of proline did not exhibit an equivalent activity. Activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway was found to be necessary but not sufficient for L-proline activity; addition of other activators of the mTOR signaling pathway failed to alter the ES cell phenotype. This is the first report describing a role for amino acids in the regulation of pluripotency and cell differentiation and identifies a novel role for the imino acid L-proline.Jennifer M. Washington, Joy Rathjen, Fernando Felquer, Ana Lonic, Michael D. Bettess, Nancy Hamra, Ljiljana Semendric, Boon Siang Nicholas Tan, Julie-Anne Lake, Rebecca A. Keough, Michael B. Morris and Peter D. Rathje