180 research outputs found


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    Psychosocial education is offered in secondary schools in Kenya. This is because the education plays an important role in development of useful social skills. In 2003 curriculum was revised and life skills lesson were integrated in to various subjects. Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) infused life skills lessons in secondary schools with an aim of overcoming psychological challenges among students as well as strengthening a positive behavior. The study focused on analyzing critically the influence of psychosocial education has on student's social adjustment in secondary schools. The researcher therefore sought to critically analyze the influence of sexuality education on students' social adjustment in schools, the influence of self-esteem on students' social adjustment, the impact of assertiveness and self-awareness education on students' social adjustment in secondary schools. The findings of this study will have great significance to educational stakeholders who may apprehend the importance of psychosocial education among secondary school students hence support it in different aspects. The research methodology used was critical analysis to critique the impact of psychosocial education on student's social adjustment in schools. The researcher critiqued the related literature that was available to support the methodology. The study concluded that psychosocial education assists learners to develop essential social skills. These skills enable them to attain desirable attitudes, make right choices and form healthy relationships. The study had the following recommendations: the government of Kenya should provide resources needed to offer this education. Curriculum developers and Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) should ensure that psychosocial education provided is of high quality. Teacher Service Commission (TSC) officers should assess the programmes to improve their effectualness and teachers should seek professional training to have intensive knowledge on how to provide this education.  Article visualizations


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    Psychosocial education is offered in secondary schools in Kenya. This is because the education plays an important role in development of useful social skills. In 2003 curriculum was revised and life skills lesson were integrated in to various subjects. Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) infused life skills lessons in secondary schools with an aim of overcoming psychological challenges among students as well as strengthening a positive behavior. The study focused on analyzing critically the influence of psychosocial education has on student's social adjustment in secondary schools. The researcher therefore sought to critically analyze the influence of sexuality education on students' social adjustment in schools, the influence of self-esteem on students' social adjustment, the impact of assertiveness and self-awareness education on students' social adjustment in secondary schools. The findings of this study will have great significance to educational stakeholders who may apprehend the importance of psychosocial education among secondary school students hence support it in different aspects. The research methodology used was critical analysis to critique the impact of psychosocial education on student's social adjustment in schools. The researcher critiqued the related literature that was available to support the methodology. The study concluded that psychosocial education assists learners to develop essential social skills. These skills enable them to attain desirable attitudes, make right choices and form healthy relationships. The study had the following recommendations: the government of Kenya should provide resources needed to offer this education. Curriculum developers and Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) should ensure that psychosocial education provided is of high quality. Teacher Service Commission (TSC) officers should assess the programmes to improve their effectualness and teachers should seek professional training to have intensive knowledge on how to provide this education.  Article visualizations


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    This study focused on the justification for initiation and introduction of integrated English curriculum in secondary schools in Kenya. The study used a qualitative approach to get the views from selected teachers, head teachers and heads of English at Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), Ministry of Education (MoE) and Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC). Basic quantitative techniques such as frequencies and percentages were used to analyse some of the data that were obtained. The study employed questionnaire and interview instruments to collect data from the respondents. The researcher organized raw data collected from questionnaires and interviews. It was realized from the study that integrated English curriculum was introduced to enable teachers use integration as a teaching approach across the two disciplines and between and/or among their constituent parts. Despite this good intention, it was found that majority of the teachers of integrated English 57.4 % did not undergo any type of in-service training before they started the actual teaching of integrated English curriculum. The study recommends that the teachers and their head teachers should be helped to acquire and develop necessary skills on how to integrate English language and Literature. Equally, the study recommends that pre-service training in colleges, universities should be reformed, and an integrated approach adopted.   Article visualizations

    Effectiveness of e–Learning Investigation Model on Students’ Understanding of Classification of Organisms in School Biology

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    A recent report revealed that students’ understanding in secondary school biology has been generally poor due to inappropriate teaching and learning approaches employed in the instructional process. It indicates that several science teachers in Rift Valley Province ranked the topic of classification of organisms as the second most difficult area that the regular methods are weak in making students understand it. In response, the study reported here investigated the effectiveness of E-Learning Group Investigation Model (ELGIM) intervention on form three students’ biology learning outcomes. ELGIM is a combination of e-Learning (EL) and Collaborative Learning (CL) instructional strategies employed to curb this problem. The study was based on the topic classification of organisms undertaken over a period of 8 weeks with 165 form three pupils from four secondary schools in Nakuru district, Kenya. A Solomon-four quasi-experimental design was carried out to investigate the effects of ELGIM on students’ understanding and attitudes on their pre- and, post-, Achievement Test, Attitudes questionnaire Dependent measures. Two control groups C1 (N=100) that received the pre-test and C2 which did not received conventional instruction whereas two experimental groups E1 (N=111) that was pre-tested and E2 (N=) which did not received their instruction via the mode. All groups were exposed to the same classifications of organisms syllabus except for the instructional methods used. Data was collected using two instruments namely; the Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and Students’ Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ) used to assess the Biology learning outcomes. This study successfully demonstrates that the experimental group students outperformed the conventional group students in the domains of concept construction, conceptual change and scientific reasoning. Moreover, students with a higher level of scientific reasoning were more able to successfully change their alternative conceptions. It concludes that collaborative learning approach has major implications for teaching difficult topics in science and enhancing students’ learning outcomes. Hence, this intervention should be integrated into the existing school science curriculum. Keywords: Biology instruction, Collaborative learning, e-Learning, School science curriculum, Secondary educatio


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    Hearing impaired learners are exposed to the same curriculum as those without the impairment. This paper is a report of a study on the challenges faced by the Hearing Impaired learners in composition writing and in answering comprehension questions in English language lessons. The study was carried out in selected special schools for the Hearing Impaired in Homa Bay County in Kenya in the year 2012. The study adopted Knowles (1973) theory of learning. The study utilized a descriptive survey design with a mixed methods approach. Head teachers were purposively selected to take part in the study while simple random sampling method and census technique were used to select the teachers and students who took part in the study. A total of 3 head teachers, 8 teachers and 39 learners with Hearing Impaired participated in the study. The study used structured interview guides for the head teachers, questionnaires for the teachers and tests for the pupils for data collection. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of quantitative data while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The research established that the Hearing Impaired faced challenges in composition writing and in answering comprehension questions in English language lessons. The study recommended that teachers should train the learners to develop good handwriting, master correct spellings and acquire adequate vocabulary for effective composition writing. Teachers should assist the Hearing Impaired to develop a reading culture for effective comprehension skills. This study sheds light on some of the challenges encountered by the Hearing Impaired learners during English language lessons which if addressed can facilitate them to achieve to their full educational potential for self-reliance.  Article visualizations

    Problem Based Learning Technique and its effect on Acquisition of Linear Programming Skills by Secondary School Students in Kenya

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    The topic Linear Programming is included in the compulsory Kenyan secondary school mathematics curriculum at form four. The topic provides skills for determining best outcomes in a given mathematical model involving some linear relationship. This technique has found application in business, economics as well as various engineering fields. Yet many Kenyan secondary schools hardly teach the topic. The methods used are found to be difficult to execute leading to lack of understanding by the learners. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Problem Based Learning intervention can encourage and improve students’ learning of linear programming. Students’ performance on an achievement test, and acquisition of linear programming skills were monitored. The study adopted the pre-test, post-test non-equivalent groups experimental design. The experimental group was taught the topic using the origin test and extreme points technique, a version of Problem Based Learning. The control group was taught using conventional methods. A mathematics achievement pre-test and a post-test were given to both groups to ascertain their respective entry and final performance abilities. Analysis of the post-test results was done using the means, standard deviations and paired samples t-test. In addition, item 3 of the mathematics achievement post-test, was used to determine the level of students’ acquisition of linear programming skills. The face and content validity of the research instruments were determined with the help of mathematic educators and experienced secondary school mathematic teachers. The split half method was utilized in determining the instruments’ reliability acceptable at reliability indices of 0.6. Pearson's coefficient (r) obtained for MAT 1 School 1 was 0.9211 and 0.9131 for school 2. Pearson's coefficient (r) for MAT 2 for School 1 was 0.8786 and for school 2 it was 0.8896.  Stratified Random Sampling was used to select ten each of form four boys, girls, and co-educational schools for the study. In total 1,502 form four students participated in the study. Of this total, 745 students formed the experimental while 757 formed the control group. Keywords: Problem Based Learning Technique, Linear Programming Skills, Pre-requisite knowledge,  Secondary   School Students, Keny


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    Since time in memorial human beings have been in pursuit of moral values and right conduct. It has remained a challenge to lead an honest and earnest life despite going through formal training. Aristotle argues that virtue is a habit and can be learned and gained through practice. The study therefore attempts to examine Aristotle’s theory of virtue in the Nicomechean Ethics and trace the implications in the contemporary Kenyan society. Consequently, education and training are inadequate in several ways, there is need for education to embrace multidimensional orientation to ensure lifelong learning, moral and mental training for learners towards self-actualization in virtue and integrity.  Article visualizations

    The Availability, Adequacy and Improvisation and the Use of Instructional Resources for Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools in West Pokot District, Kenya

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    This study examined the factors that influence the use of instructional resources/materials in the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools. Among the instructional materials that were investigated in their use are: Textbooks and mathematical tables. The study focused on their use in terms of their availability, adequacy and improvisation. The research design that was used in the study is descriptive survey. The research instruments included questionnaire, interview schedules and document analysis. The sampling techniques that were used in this research are stratified, simple random and purposive sampling. The respondents comprised 24 mathematics teachers and 372 form two students. Four teachers were interviewed. Data analysis was done by use of descriptive statistics. The study revealed that the selected instructional materials are not adequate. The main recommendations are that school administrators, teachers, students and parents should be sensitized on the importance of provision of instructional materials adequately. Keywords: Availability, Adequacy, Improvisation, Use and Instructional Resources (textbooks and mathematical tables)

    Effects of E-Learning Program in Accounting on Students’ Achievement and Motivation to Learn Double Entry Bookkeeping

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    The present study examined the effects of an E-learning program in accounting (ELPA) used to teach and motivate secondary school to learn accounting concepts of double entry bookkeeping.  Accounting concepts are taught as part of the business education subject in Kenyan secondary schools in order to prepare students to take the accounting subject in Form Three. But it has become difficult to motivate students to take the subject, hence a very low number of students enrolling for accounting at the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).  A quasi-experimental non-equivalent pretest-posttest research design was employed. A sample of 400 subjects from ten intact classes of boys-only and girls-only secondary school categories in Rift Valley and Western provinces were participated in present study.  The intact classes were randomly selected and assigned to the treatment classes.  The treatment schools were selected on the basis of being in possession of IBM-compatible computers and teaching business education as a subject in their school curriculum. Both the pre-test and the post-test were administered to all groups using two instruments; the Accounting Achievement Test (AAT) and the Student Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ).  Quantitative data analysis was done using t-test, and ANCOVA with statistical significance level set at p=0.05. The results indicate that the ELPA improved the students’ achievement and motivated them to overcome the notion of accounting being a difficult subject in secondary education.  The study concluded although the ELPA program was modestly effective in improving students’ performance and bolstering their motivation to learn accounting; more studies are still needed. Keywords:  E-learning, School Accounting, Secondary Education, Business Studies, Double Entry Bookkeepin

    The National Goals of Education in Kenya: Interrogating the Achievement of National Unity

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    Education is critical in promoting political, social and economic development of any country.  It is expected to provide an all-round development of its recipients to enable them overcome prevailing challenges and therefore play effective roles in their immediate society.  The provision of a meaningful and adequate education is fundamental to Kenya’s overall development strategy (MOEST, 2004).  The functions the Kenyan education system seeks to attain are embedded in the three aims of education and further translated in the eight national goals of education. These goals explain the ideals this system seeks to attain in terms of the knowledge, skills, and values the country wishes its learners to acquire. The formulation of the eight goals of education is meant to specify more precisely, what qualities are thought most desirable to develop among the Kenyan citizens. Kenya as a country has made efforts to direct its educational endeavours towards its national goals; however, an examination of products of this system and a critical analysis of the state of the society points to the need for more effort.  For instance, since independence, the national goal of national unity has continued to feature prominently among Kenya’s national goals of education due to its significance in a state with divergent characteristics. The happenings witnessed in the country especially during the post-election violence of 2007-2008 and the elusive attainment of nationalism and patriotism seem to suggest that this goal is far from being achieved. This paper interrogates the national goals of education in Kenya with a focus on the goal of fostering national unity. It examines the achievements with regards to this goal and highlights critical issues that prevent its successful attainment. It also attempts to identify gaps which require attention, research and implementation to enable sustainable solutions to one of the society’s key needs. Key words: education, goals of education, national unit
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