110 research outputs found

    Methods for assessing guideline adherence for invasive procedures in the care of chronic coronary artery disease: a scoping review

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    Objectives In the care of coronary artery disease (CAD), evidence questions the adequate application of guidelines for cardiovascular procedures, particularly coronary angiographies (CA) and myocardial revascularisation. This review aims to examine how care providers’ guideline adherence for CA and myocardial revascularisation in the care of chronic CAD was assessed in the literature.Design Scoping review.Data sources PubMed and EMBASE were searched through in June 2021 (rerun in September 2022).Eligibility criteria We included studies assessing care providers’ adherence to evidence-based guidelines for CA or myocardial revascularisation in the care of chronic CAD. Studies had to list the evaluation of guideline adherence as study objective, describe the evaluation methods used and report the underlying guidelines and recommendations.Data extraction and synthesis Two independent reviewers used standardised forms to extract study characteristics, methodological aspects such as data sources and variables, definitions of guideline adherence and quantification methods and the extent of guideline adherence. To elucidate the measurement of guideline adherence, the main steps were described.Results Twelve studies (311 869 participants) were included, which evaluated guideline adherence by (1) defining guideline adherence, (2) specifying the study population, (3) assigning (classes of) recommendations and (4) quantifying adherence. Thereby, primarily secondary data were used. Studies differed in their definitions of guideline adherence, where six studies each considered only recommendation class I/grade A/strong recommendations as adherent or additionally recommendation classes IIa/IIb. Furthermore, some of the studies reported a priori definitions and allocation rules for the assignment of recommendation classes. Guideline adherence results ranged from 10% for percutaneous coronary intervention with prior heart team discussion to 98% for coronary artery bypass grafting.Conclusion Due to remarkable inconsistencies in the assessment, a cautious interpretation of the guideline adherence results is required. Future efforts should endeavour to establish a consistent understanding of the concept of guideline adherence

    High efficacy and low toxicity of weekly docetaxel given as first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer

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    Background: Docetaxel is one of the most effective antitumor agents currently available for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC). This phase II multicenter study prospectively analyzed the efficacy and toxicity of docetaxel given on a weekly schedule as first-line treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Patients and Methods: All patients received docetaxel, 35 mg/m(2) weekly for 6 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of rest. Subsequent cycles ( 3 weeks of treatment, 2 weeks of rest) were given until a maximum of 5 cycles or disease progression. Premedication consisted of 8 mg dexamethasone intravenously 30 min prior to the infusion of docetaxel. Results: Fifty-four patients at a median age of 58 years with previously untreated MBC were included in the study. A median of 10 doses ( median cumulative dose 339 mg/m(2)) was administered ( range: 2 - 18). The overall response rate was 48.1% ( 95% CI: 34 - 61%, intent-to-treat). Median survival was 15.8 months and median time to progression was 5.9 months ( intent-to-treat). Hematological toxicity was mild with absence of neutropenia-related complications. Grade 3 neutropenia was observed in 3.7% of patients and grade 3 and 4 anemia was observed in 5.6 and 1.9% of patients, respectively. Conclusion: The weekly administration of docetaxel is highly efficient and safe as first-line treatment for MBC and may serve as an important treatment option specifically in elderly patients and patients with a reduced performance status. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    correlation with ”CT and biomechanical testing

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    Hintergrund: Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Quantifizierung der trabekulĂ€ren Knochenstruktur die Evaluierung der biomechanischen Festigkeit und damit die Diagnostik der Osteoporose ĂŒber den derzeitigen leitliniengebundenen Standard der Messung der Knochenmineraldichte (BMD) verbessern kann. Die in vivo Bildgebung dieser Knochenmikroarchitektur stellt hierbei die grĂ¶ĂŸte Herausforderung. Ziel der vorliegenden experimentellen Studie war es, anhand von in situ Bildgebungen an intakten humanen GanzkörperprĂ€paraten die Genauigkeit der Knochenstrukturanalyse mittels MDCT neuester Generation zur Diagnostik der KnochenqualitĂ€t zu evaluieren. Methodik: Struktur- und Texturparameter (BV/TV: total bone volume; Tb.N: trabecular number, Tb.Th: trabecular thickness; Tb.Sp: trabecular spacing), sowie die BMD, wurden anhand von hochauflösenden Computertomographien (64 -Schicht-MDCT, Schichtdicke: 500 ”m) an 45 Wirbelkörpern (Auflösung: 268 x 268 ”m2) und 30 Calcanei (Auflösung: 208 x 208 ”m2) ermittelt. Die Strukturparameter wurden daraufhin zum Referenzstandard, der Mikro - Computertomographie (”CT; VoxelgrĂ¶ĂŸe: 16 x 16 x 16 ”m3), korreliert. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden genannte CT-Messparameter zur biomechanischen Festigkeit der Knochenproben (app. EM: apparent elastic modulus) aus uniaxialen Kompressionstests und Mikro Finite Elemente Methode (”FEM) korreliert. Ergebnisse: Bei Wirbelkörpern und Calcanei konnten Strukturparameter und BMD der MDCT-Bildgebung signifikant mit dem Referenzstandard ”CT korreliert werden (app. BV/TV: R2 = 0,64 und 0,65; app. Tb.Th: R2 = 0,36 und 0,51; vBMD: R2 = 0,86 und 0,71; p < 0,0001 – 0,01). Die Erfassbarkeit der Knochenstruktur mittels MDCT konnte somit in einem simuliertem in vivo Versuchsaufbau bestĂ€tigt werden. Gleiche Parameter bieten auch die höchsten singulĂ€ren Korrelationen zur biomechanischen Festigkeit (app. BV/TV: R2 = 0,58 und 0,56; app. Tb.Th: R2 = 0,46 und 0,38; vBMD: R2 = 0,58 und 0,53; p < 0,001). Durch eine multivariate Kombination von Knochenstruktur- mit Knochentexturparametern konnten die Korrelationen zur biomechanischen Festigkeit weiterhin verbessert werden. Zusammenfassung: Es geht hervor, dass in einem Versuchsaufbau, welcher die klinische Voraussetzungen simuliert, die Knochentrabekelstruktur mittels MDCT mit guter Korrelation zum Referenzstandard ”CT und zur biomechanischen Festigkeit messbar ist. Multivariate Modelle durch Kombinationen von Knochendichte bzw. Strukturparametern mit Parametern der Textur können die Vorhersage der Knochenfestigkeit signifikant verbessern.Purpose: Assessment of trabecular bone structure may enhance estimation of biomechanical strength and therefore improve diagnostic standards for osteoporosis. Still visualization of the trabecular microstructure in vivo is challenging. We tested the feasibility of assessing trabecular bone structure for evaluation of bone quality on intact human cadavers using multidetector CT (MDCT) in an experimental in situ and therefore simulated in vivo setup. Methods: Bone structure (BV/TV: total bone volume; Tb.N: trabecular number; Tb.Th: trabecular thickness; Tb.Sp: trabecular spacing), bone texture and bone mineral density (BMD) were evaluated using high resolution computed tomography (64 slice MDCT, slice thickness: 500 ”m) on 45 lumbar vertebral bodies (pixel size: : 268 x 268 ”m2) and 30 calcanei (pixel size: 208 x 208 ”m2). Micro CT with an isotropic spatial resolution of 16 ”m served as a standard of reference. Measures were then correlated to the biomechanical strength of bone specimens (app. EM: apparent elastic modulus) derived from uniaxial compression tests and ”FEM (micro finite element method). Results: MDCT derived parameters for structure and BMD showed significant correlations to those obtained by the gold standard micro CT for both, spine and calcanei (app. BV/TV: R2 = 0,64 and 0,65; app. Tb.Th: R2 = 0,36 and 0,51; vBMD: R2 = 0,86 and 0,71; p < 0,0001 – 0,01). Same parameters showed the strongest correlations to app. EM (app. BV/TV: R2 = 0,58 and 0,56; app. Tb.Th: R2 = 0,46 and 0,38; vBMD: R2 = 0,58 and 0,53; p < 0,001). Furthermore prediction of mechanical bone strength was significantly improved combining density and structure measures with one additional texture parameter. Conclusion: In conclusion this study showed the feasibility of trabecular microarchitecture assessment using MDCT in an experimental setup simulating the clinical situation with good correlations to ”CT and biomechanical strength. Multivariate models of BMD or structural parameters combined with texture indices improved prediction of bone strength significantly

    Trier, seine Geschichte und KunstschĂ€tze : kurzer illustrierter FĂŒhrer

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    von Stadtbibliothekar Prof. Dr. Kentenic

    Nurse-to-patient ratio as risk factor for nosocomial infections - prospective cohort study in the endemic situation and review

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    Titelblatt und Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung und Aufgabenstellung Material und Methoden Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung LiteraturIn dieser Studie konnte anhand der Beobachtungen, die innerhalb eines Krankenhauses gemacht wurden, nachgewiesen werden, dass die Stationsbesetzung einen Einfluss auf die endemische Rate primĂ€rer Sepsis besitzt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie untermauern, wie wichtig die ausreichende Besetzung mit Pflegepersonal fĂŒr die Infektionshygiene in KrankenhĂ€usern ist. Das Pflege-Patienten-VerhĂ€ltnis auf den von uns untersuchten Intensivstationen war, verglichen mit denen anderer Intensivstationen in Deutschland, noch gut. Die gefundenen Risiken werden also auf anderen, schlechter besetzten Stationen, mutmaßlich in noch stĂ€rkerem Ausmaße zu finden sein. Es ist allgemein erforderlich, dass in Zukunft die Besetzungsrate der Stationen mit Pflegepersonal nicht von krankenhauspolitischen Entscheidungen abhĂ€ngig gemacht wird, sondern dass sich an solchen empirischen Untersuchungen orientiert wird, die zeigen, welches VerhĂ€ltnis von Stationsbesetzung zu Patientendichte notwendig ist, um die optimale Betreuung der Patienten zu gewĂ€hrleisten.In the present prospective cohort study the effect of nurse-to-patient-ratio in the adult intensive care unit on nosocomial bloodstream infections could be demonstrated. In a systemic review the results were evaluated and discussed with a total of 30 studies regarding patient outcomes in relation to the nurse-to-patient-ratio. The observations support the concept of the importance of adequate staffing levels on hospital hygiene and patient outcome. In times of cuts on nursing staff levels, due to cost concerns, hospital administrators should be aware that these savings are likely to pale in comparison to the costs related to worsened patient outcomes

    Die Genovefalegende : ihre Entstehung und ihr Àltester datierter Text

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    von G. Kentenic

    Moselfahrer : Berichte aus siebzehn Jahrhunderten

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    Gottfried Kentenic
