5 research outputs found
MOESM4 of Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements?
Additional file 4. The search strings used for internet search engines
MOESM3 of Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements?
Additional file 3. List of journals covered by the PCLG digest
MOESM5 of Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements?
Additional file 5. Unsourced studies and studies excluded at full text
MOESM7 of Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements?
Additional file 7. List of 106 projects included within the systematic map