409 research outputs found

    Building Connections Through Design

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    The typology of this thesis will be a modern art / design museum with a civic and education emphasis. The design will feature galleries, classrooms and workshops, hospitality spaces, and include flexible design strategies that will allow the space to accommodate a wide array of events. The museum will also feature and improve the current park located at the site using design strategies to increase usability. I will be using a combination of tactics during my research. A combination of case studies, a site visit, as well as visiting as many museums as I can. Can we create a new method of engaging our communities by communicating artistic importance and human scale within a design focused on civic and recreational typologies

    New Evidence for Early Silk in the Indus Civilization

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    Silk is an important economic fiber, and is generally considered to have been the exclusive cultural heritage of China. Silk weaving is evident from the Shang period, though the earliest evidence for silk textiles in ancient China dates to more than a millennium earlier. New study of fibers from Harappan bronze artifacts reveals surprising early evidence for knowledge of silkworking in South Asia, the earliest evidence in the world for any silk outside China, and roughly contemporaneous with the earliest Chinese evidence for silk. This important new finding brings into question the traditional historical notion of sericulture as being an exclusively Chinese invention

    Glacial and Post-Glacial Charophytes from New York and Indiana

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    Fossil charophytes from glacial and post-glacial deposits of North America have been studied very little, probably because they were expected to be similar to extant species for the most part and of little interest. The present study, however, disclosed charophytic remains of considerable variety, and extends chronologically the occurrence of several genera usually associated with older deposits

    Species of Tolypella in Nebraska

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    In 1944 when The Characeae of Nebraska was published by the author (1), the genus Tolypella was not represented in the collections or reports. Subsequently, however, three species were found by Dr. Walter Kiener who has collected widely in that state, and it is with the description and illustration of these that the present paper is concerned

    The Characeae of Indiana - A Preliminary Report

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    It has been demonstrated by others that the study of algae of Indiana in general has been neglected. In 1929 in an introduction to a classified check list of the algae of Indiana, Dr. C. M. Palmer (5) remarked, Few papers have been published giving the names of the algae of Indiana. Also in 1932 after giving a phycological history of Indiana, Dr. B. H. Smith (7) observed, This review of literature shows very clearly the meager amount of work which has been done on the algae in the state since the beginning fifty-five years ago. These statements are especially true of the Characeae, during the study of which group Dr. B. W. Everman and H. W. Clark (3) noted, Indeed there have been so few workers in the field and relatively little material collected over the country generally that classification is exceedingly difficult. This statement was made almost twenty-five years ago, but the same condition still exists

    Modification of Vascular Tissue in Midvein of Quercus Alba Leaves Induced by Gall Development of Cynips Pezomachoides Erinacei

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    1n the autumn of 1933 Miss Agatba Griffin (3) studied the influence of interrupted translocation on loss of chlorophyll in leaves before autumn coloration. During the course of the observation, it was noted that a gall on the vein of leaves of Quercus alba produced strikingly similar results as cutting of a vein, i. e., in both cases the area above the cut or gall growth lost its chlorophyl1 first and turned strikingly red several weeks before the portion below the cut or gall discolored. It was at that time assumed and substantiated by superficial examination that the gall induced some sort of modification in the conducting tissue of the leaf, thus affecting translocation. To investigate the nature of this modification in the vascular tissues is the specific aim of the present study

    Environmental influences on nectar secretion

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    "Literature cited": p. 232.Mode of access: Internet

    Clapophora Balls Collected in Steuben County, Indiana

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    On June 17, 1951, W. A. Daily and the author found some Cladophora balls washed out on shore and in the shallow water of Long Lake in the northwestern part of Steuben County, Indiana. These are hemispherical growths about one and one-half to two centimeters in diameter and are formed from intertwined algal filaments of a felt-like nature