1,877 research outputs found

    Measures to Assess the Competence of Supervisors of Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Counselors

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    Supervision is a foundational component of education and training for new counselors. Ensuring provisionally licensed supervisees receive adequate supervision is vital, given the variation in training and experience requirements from state to state. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate three measures of supervisor competence and experience, the Supervision Experience and Supervisory Competence Assessment (version 2; SE-SC), the Generic Supervision Assessment Test (GSAT), and the Brief Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory (BSWAI) for use in the counseling profession within the United States. The instruments were evaluated for reliability and face validity using a sample of 104 provisionally licensed counselors across the United States. Participants completed a demographics questionnaire on personal, professional, and supervision experience characteristics. Next, they were randomly assigned to complete one of the three instruments. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were calculated, and the means for the three instruments were compared using an analysis of variance. The results showed that both supervisor competency instruments were reliable and valid for the counseling profession, with Cronbach’s alphas ranging from .84 to .98. The Brief Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory was also reliable and valid (α = .91) as a measure of a component of what makes supervision effective based on the research. It is vital that the counseling profession continue to develop multiple-perspective supervisor competency benchmarking instruments that integrate all five identified supervisor competencies. Moreover, including reverse-coded subscales to identify inadequate and harmful supervision behaviors would increase the efficacy of tools for supervisor competency assessment

    The effects of recreational footpaths on terrestrial invertebrate communities in a UK ancient woodland: a case study from Blean Woods, Kent, UK

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    Globally, terrestrial invertebrates are in decline, in part due to habitat fragmentation. Footpaths provide nature-based recreation to the public but can present small-scale spatially continuous changes in forest dynamics. However, their effects on terrestrial invertebrate communities are unknown. Pitfall trapping was undertaken to identify whether terrestrial invertebrate communities were disrupted by a popular recreational footpath in Blean Woods, an ancient UK woodland. The study identified 720 invertebrates across 36 taxa from 20 footpath edge and forest interior traps. It was found that footpaths did not significantly affect terrestrial invertebrate communities. There was no difference in the taxonomic abundance, richness, and diversity; invertebrate trait abundance and richness; or invertebrate community composition between the footpath edge and woodland interior traps. Thus, footpaths in Blean Woods do not disturb the terrestrial invertebrate community, and therefore present a sustainable mechanism for facilitating public engagement with conservation in a nationally important protected ancient woodland

    Schwinger-Keldysh approach to out of equilibrium dynamics of the Bose Hubbard model with time varying hopping

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    We study the real time dynamics of the Bose Hubbard model in the presence of time-dependent hopping allowing for a finite temperature initial state. We use the Schwinger-Keldysh technique to find the real-time strong coupling action for the problem at both zero and finite temperature. This action allows for the description of both the superfluid and Mott insulating phases. We use this action to obtain dynamical equations for the superfluid order parameter as hopping is tuned in real time so that the system crosses the superfluid phase boundary. We find that under a quench in the hopping, the system generically enters a metastable state in which the superfluid order parameter has an oscillatory time dependence with a finite magnitude, but disappears when averaged over a period. We relate our results to recent cold atom experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Precision Search for Magnetic Order in the Pseudogap Regime of La2-xSrxCuO4 by Muon Spin Relaxation

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    We report a high precision search for orbital-like magnetic order in the pseudogap region of La2-xSrxCuO4 single crystals using zero-field muon spin relaxation (ZF-muSR). In contrast to previous studies of this kind, the effects of the dipolar and quadrupolar interactions of the muon with nearby nuclei are calculated. ZF-muSR spectra with a high number of counts were also recorded to determine whether a magnetically ordered phase exists in dilute regions of the sample. Despite these efforts, we find no evidence for static magnetic order of any kind in the pseudogap region above the hole-doping concentration p = 0.13.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    History of oceanic front development in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic--a synthesis

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    The New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean (NZSSO) has opened about the Indian-Pacific spreading ridge throughout the Cenozoic. Today the NZSSO is characterised by broad zonal belts of antarctic (cold), subantarctic (cool), and subtropical (warm) surface-water masses separated by prominent oceanic fronts: the Subtropical Front (STF) c. 43deg.S, Subantarctic Front (SAF) c. 50deg.S, and Antarctic Polar Front (AAPF) c. 60deg.S. Despite a meagre database, the broad pattern of Cenozoic evolution of these fronts is reviewed from the results of Deep Sea Drilling Project-based studies of sediment facies, microfossil assemblages and diversity, and stable isotope records, as well as from evidence in onland New Zealand Cenozoic sequences. Results are depicted schematically on seven paleogeographic maps covering the NZSSO at 10 m.y. intervals through the Cenozoic. During the Paleocene and most of the Eocene (65-35 Ma), the entire NZSSO was under the influence of warm to cool subtropical waters, with no detectable oceanic fronts. In the latest Eocene (c. 35 Ma), a proto-STF is shown separating subantarctic and subtropical waters offshore from Antarctica, near 65deg.S paleolatitude. During the earliest Oligocene, this front was displaced northwards by development of an AAPF following major global cooling and biotic turnover associated with ice sheet expansion to sea level on East Antarctica. Early Oligocene full opening (c. 31 Ma) of the Tasmanian gateway initiated vigorous proto-circum-Antarctic flow of cold/cool waters, possibly through a West Antarctic seaway linking the southern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, including detached northwards "jetting" onto the New Zealand plateau where condensation and unconformity development was widespread in cool-water carbonate facies. Since this time, a broad tripartite division of antarctic, subantarctic, and subtropical waters has existed in the NZSSO, including possible development of a proto-SAF within the subantarctic belt. In the Early-early Middle Miocene (25-15 Ma), warm subtropical waters expanded southwards into the northern NZSSO, possibly associated with reduced ice volume on East Antarctica but particularly with restriction of the Indonesian gateway and redirection of intensified warm surface flows southwards into the Tasman Sea, as well as complete opening of the Drake gateway by 23 Ma allowing more complete decoupling of cool circum-Antarctic flow from the subtropical waters. During the late Middle-Late Miocene (15-5 Ma), both the STF and SAF proper were established in their present relative positions across and about the Campbell Plateau, respectively, accompanying renewed ice buildup on East Antarctica and formation of a permanent ice sheet on West Antarctica, as well as generally more expansive and intensified circum-Antarctic flow. The ultimate control on the history of oceanic front development in the NZSSO has been plate tectonics through its influence on the paleogeographic changes of the Australian-New Zealand-Antarctic continents and their intervening oceanic basins, the timing of opening and closing of critical seaways, the potential for submarine ridges and plateaus to exert some bathymetric control on the location of fronts, and the evolving ice budget on the Antarctic continent. The broad trends of the Cenozoic climate curve for New Zealand deduced from fossil evidence in the uplifted marine sedimentary record correspond well to the principal paleoceanographic events controlling the evolution and migration of the oceanic fronts in the NZSSO

    Generation of circular polarization of the CMB

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    According to the standard cosmology, near the last scattering surface, the photons scattered via Compton scattering are just linearly polarized and then the primordial circular polarization of the CMB photons is zero. In this work we show that CMB polarization acquires a small degree of circular polarization when a background magnetic field is considered or the quantum electrodynamic sector of standard model is extended by Lorentz-noninvariant operators as well as noncommutativity. The existence of circular polarization for the CMB radiation may be verified during future observation programs and it represents a possible new channel for investigating new physics effects.Comment: 28 pages, v3, Phys. Rev. D 81, 084035 (2010

    Bose Hubbard model in the presence of Ohmic dissipation

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    We study the zero temperature mean-field phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of local coupling between the bosons and an external bath. We consider a coupling that conserves the on-site occupation number, preserving the robustness of the Mott and superfluid phases. We show that the coupling to the bath renormalizes the chemical potential and the interaction between the bosons and reduces the size of the superfluid regions between the insulating lobes. For strong enough coupling, a finite value of hopping is required to obtain superfluidity around the degeneracy points where Mott phases with different occupation numbers coexist. We discuss the role that such a bath coupling may play in experiments that probe the formation of the insulator-superfluid shell structure in systems of trapped atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Error found in v1, now corrected, leads to qualitative changes in result

    Following microscopic motion in a two dimensional glass-forming binary fluid

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    The dynamics of a binary mixture of large and small discs are studied at temperatures approaching the glass transition using an analysis based on the topology of the Voronoi polygon surrounding each atom. At higher temperatures we find that dynamics is dominated by fluid-like motion that involves particles entering and exiting the nearest-neighbour shells of nearby particles. As the temperature is lowered, the rate of topological moves decreases and motion becomes localised to regions of mixed pentagons and heptagons. In addition we find that in the low temperature state particles may translate significant distances without undergoing changes in their nearest neig hbour shell. These results have implications for dynamical heterogeneities in glass forming liquids.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum interference and weak localisation effects in the interlayer magnetoresistance of layered metals

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    Studies of angle-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations (AMRO) in the interlayer conductivity of layered metals have generally considered semi-classical electron transport. We consider a quantum correction to the semi-classical conductivity that arises from what can be described as an interlayer Cooperon. This depends on both the disorder potential within a layer and the correlations of the disorder potential between layers. We compare our results with existing experimental data on organic charge transfer salts that are not explained within the standard semi-classical transport picture. In particular, our results may be applicable to effects that have been seen when the applied magnetic field is almost parallel to the conducting layers. We predict the presence of a peak in the resistivity as the field direction approaches the plane of the layers. The peak can occur even when there is weakly incoherent transport between layers.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure