7 research outputs found

    Chemokines increased Ca2+i levels in acutely isolated rat DRG cells following focal demyelination injury

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> The figure shows examples of responses of cells acutely isolated from rat DRGs ipsilateral to the nerve injury at various days after a focal demyelination injury. Under normal conditions, cells rarely respond to any chemokine but did respond to other stimuli such as high K or ATP (). However, there was an increased responsiveness of the cells, the majority of which could be characterized as neurons, between post-operative days 14–28 (). The frequency of the responses to chemokines returned to approximately the same level as control animals by post-operative day 35 (). For all experiments, MCP-1 (), IP-10 (), RANTES (), SDF1 () were applied at a concentration of 100 nM. Capsaicin (), high K () and ATP () were applied at concentrations of 100 nM, 50 mM and 100 uM, respectively

    Expression of CCR2 mRNA and protein immunoreactivity in rat lumbar DRG ipsilateral to focal nerve demyelination

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> ) Lumbar DRG removed from vehicle-treated animals at POD7 did not exhibit CCR2 mRNA expression (n = 5). ) Many lumbar DRG neurons in vehicle-treated rats sensory neurons were positive for isolectin IB, a neuronal phenotype that distinguishes some C-fiber nociceptors (green cells). There was no evidence of CCR2 protein expression in sham animals (n = 5). ) Lumbar DRG neurons from nerve-injured rats on POD7 exhibited CCR2 mRNA transcripts in some small and medium diameter neurons (black arrows). Open black arrowhead indicates a neuron without CCR2 mRNA transcripts (n = 4). ) Lumbar DRG neurons from a rat subjected to focal nerve demyelination exhibited few CCR2 immunopositive (white arrows) sensory neurons (n = 4). ) Many lumbar DRG neurons on POD14 exhibited CCR2 mRNA transcripts (black arrows). Open arrowhead indicates non-labeled neuron. ) CCR2 immunoreactivity was present in an increased number of neurons at POD14 (white arrows; n = 5). Scale bar is; 30 μm (, ), 50 μm (, , ), and 100 μm ()

    Mean threshold force required for paw withdrawal to Von Frey stimulation at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days following LPC-induced focal nerve demyelination

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> Each data point is the mean threshold (± SE) force on the hindpaw ipsilateral (black circle) or contralateral (white circle) to the focal nerve injury site eliciting a withdrawal response (n = 10). Reduced behavioral thresholds for the hindpaw ipsilateral to the nerve lesion were significantly different from pre-operative baseline on postoperative days 1–28. The threshold force for the hindpaw contralateral to the nerve lesion did not reach significance until postoperative day 3, and significant differences were observed until postoperative day 28. The time course of sham injury (n = 6) is also represented but did not differ from the uninjured animals. Analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc pair-wise comparisons (*p < 0.01).LPC-induced focal nerve demyelination did not produce changes in thermal responses as assessed by the Hargreaves test. Each bar is the mean withdrawal latency (± SE) of the hindpaw ipsilateral (white bar) or contralateral (black bar) to the focal nerve demyelination injury at postoperative day 7 and 14 (n = 10)

    CCR2 receptor antagonist (CCR2 RA-) administration reversed existing nociceptive behavior

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> Animals were subjected to a nerve demyelination injury on day 0 and nociceptive behavior was assessed for 28 days. On days 14 and 28 post-surgery, animals received 5 mg/kg CCR2 RA-[] or 5 mg/kg of its inactive enantiomer, (CCR2 RA-[], or saline by intraperitoneal injection, and behavioral responses were tested 1 h later. Administration of the CCR2 RA-[] to focal nerve demyelination injured rats resulted in a significant bilateral increase of mN force required to elicit a paw withdrawal compared with vehicle-treated controls and animals subjected to CCR2 RA-[]. Nociceptive behavior in vehicle-treated controls and animals subjected to CCR2 RA-[] differed significantly from day 0 pre-injury baseline responses (*p < 0.01). Data represent means ± SE

    Colocalization of IP-10 immunoreactivity (-ir) and isolectin B4 (IB)-binding neurons in the lumbar DRG of naïve rat and rats subjected to LPC-induced nerve injury

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> IB-binding in rat DRG neurons distinguishes a population of C-fiber nociceptors. ) The majority of IP-10-ir cells were limited to medium diameter neurons in the lumbar DRG from vehicle-treated rats (red arrows). ) IB-binding small diameter presumptive nociceptors (green arrows) did not colocalize with IP-10-ir lumbar DRG neurons from vehicle-treated rodents at POD7 (, merged images). ) Lumbar DRG ipsilateral to focal nerve demyelination exhibited numerous medium and small diameter IP-10-ir neurons at POD7. Limited numbers of neurons were positive for both IP-10-ir (, red arrows) and IB4-binding (, green arrows) on POD7 (, merged images). ) Many IP-10-ir neurons (red arrows) colocalized with IB-binding neurons (, green arrows) at POD14 (, merged images). Yellow arrows indicate colocalized cells. Scale bar is 100 μm

    Colocalization of MCP-1 immunoreactivity (ir) and isolectin B(IB)-binding in the lumbar DRG ipsilateral to LPC-induced demyelination injury at POD7

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> IB-binding in rat DRG neurons distinguishes C-fiber nociceptors. () Naïve rat lumbar DRG were completely negative for MCP-1ir. () Lumbar DRG ipsilateral to LPC-induced sciatic nerve injury exhibited numerous small diameter neurons that are MCP-1 positive at POD7 (red arrows). () Numerous small IB-binding presumptive nociceptors are present in the same DRG tissue section (green arrows). () Merging panels B and C demonstrates the extent of colocalization present in lumbar DRG tissue section (yellow arrows). Note not all MCP-1ir neurons were positive for IBat POD7 (red arrow). Scale bar is 100 μm (, , and )

    Percentage of MCP-1, CCR2 and IP-10 immunoreactive neurons with IB-positive neuronal profiles on POD 14

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors"</p><p>http://www.molecularpain.com/content/3/1/38</p><p>Molecular Pain 2007;3():38-38.</p><p>Published online 12 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228278.</p><p></p> MCP-1 expression was increased by LPC-induced nerve injury within the IB-labeled neuronal group in both the DRG ipsilateral and contralateral to the nerve injury. Sham-injury treatment did not produce significant changes in the extent of MCP-1/IBcolocalization. CCR2 expression was increased by LPC-induced nerve injury within IB-labeled neuronal group in both the DRG ipsilateral and contralateral to the nerve injury. Like, MCP-1, sham-injury treatment did not produce significant changes in CCR2/IB4 colocalization in either DRG ipsi- or contralateral to the sham injury. IP-10 expression was increased by LPC-induced nerve injury within IB-labelled neuronal group in both the DRG ipsilateral and contralateral to the nerve injury, while sham-injury treatment did not produce significant changes in IP-10/IBcolocalization. Comparisons of immunoreactive cell percentages were made between LPC-treatment and sham-treated animals. Data represent means ± SE. Analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc pair-wise comparisons (*p < 0.01)