9 research outputs found

    Relative risk posterior estimates and 90% credible intervals for temporal effect and covariates in the spatiotemporal model of FTR across LGAs of NSW over the study period (2002–2009).

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    <p>Note: Effects of year (linear and quadratic) were obtained where time was centred on the middle of study period (2005.5). Effect of SEIFA score was obtained for 10 unit increments in the raw scores varying from 816 to 1155 in NSW. Effect of distance travelled was obtained for square root of the raw values. Effect of gender was obtained for 10 unit increments in the percentage of females among all patients.</p><p>Relative risk posterior estimates and 90% credible intervals for temporal effect and covariates in the spatiotemporal model of FTR across LGAs of NSW over the study period (2002–2009).</p

    Distribution and proportion of patients who developed at least one post-surgery complication (population at risk) and died (failure-to-rescue) across patients' and incidences' characteristics.

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    <p>* Significant at 0.01 using χ2 test.</p><p>Note: 1502 FTR cases were excluded due to non-NSW postcodes. Summary statistics were calculated over (†) LGAs, (§) years 2002–2009, and (‡) LHDs.</p><p>Distribution and proportion of patients who developed at least one post-surgery complication (population at risk) and died (failure-to-rescue) across patients' and incidences' characteristics.</p

    Crude FTR rate for each LGA (separated by red borders) in NSW over the study period (2002–2009).

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    <p>LGAs with significant LISA index (p-value<0.1), indication of clusters, are highlighted with black borders and labelled (H: hot spot, C: cold spot). LHDs are separated by blue borders. LGAs within Sydney metropolitan LHDs are enlarged in the right panel.</p

    Temporal pattern of FTR in NSW over the study period (2002–2009).

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    <p>Relative risk posterior estimates were obtained from the spatiotemporal model, , in which time was centred on mid-2005 and adjusted for age, gender, distance, SEIFA and ARIA+ scores.</p